Status: New and active :) For Charlie

Escaping Our Fate

I Guess I Figured It Out


HATE THEM. I spent what seems like one hundred hours sitting in front of an 8 year old boy with a kicking problem and in between a man who likes to sneeze without covering his mouth and a woman who talks more than a five year old on a pound of sugar.
When I got off I ran by the luggage belt, grabbing my bags and went straight to the rest room where I took a wad of wet paper towels and washed my arms and face of spit from Sneezy.
“Disqusting,” I tossed the germ infested paper into the bin and made my way back out to meet up with the person who would bring me to Escape the Fate. I was expecting a roadie to come pick me up, but instead I saw a girl sitting on a bench with a piece of cardboard with my name on it. She was probably one of the band member’s girlfriend. She was really pretty, flat chested, which surprised me because most rock stars I saw had girls with huge boobs. She had jet black hair that brushed her shoulders and skin that was smooth and kinda on the pale side. She was tapping away on her cell phone so she didn’t see me when I came in her direction.
“Hi, I’m Charlotte.”
She looked up and gave me a smile before standing up.
“Hey, I’m Max.”

Holy Shit!
SHE’S A HE?!?!
No way in hell,she he was too damn pretty to be male.

”I’m male…I can prove it if you’d like.” He chuckled, giving me a suggestive look that made me want to hide my chest from his view.
“Did you read my mind?”
”No, you were talking out loud” He was amused.
“Oh…” my cheeks turned pink in embarrassment.
“Right. Well, I’m Maxwell Green, as you probably know, but call me Max.” He stuck out his hand.
“I didn’t, but hello Max. I’m Charlotte Levine. Call me Charlie or Charmander. I don’t mind.”
He laughed, “Pokemon fan?”
“Fo sure.”
He put an arm over my shoulder and grabbed a few bags with the other hand, “Charlie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
“Despite the fact that I called you a girl?”
He looked thoughtful for a moment before he bumped his hip with mine and smiled, “Yep.”

The entire cab ride to the bus Max and I talked. We talked about EVERYTHING. And when I say everything I mean everything, if I remember correctly we somehow got on the subject of Soap on a rope.

He made me forget how nervous I was to see Monte again, well until he brought up the subject that is.
“So, just a fair warning, Monte is like, obsessed with this one girl right now. I mean he constantly talks about her and he’s trying to hunt down her myspace but he says he can’t remember her last name, so if he randomly shouts out surnames, that’s why.”
It made me a little sad to know he had some other girl, but I tried to remember that it’s been a long time since we were together.
“Thanks for the warning.” I gave him a weak smile, but he hardly noticed. He was back to texting someone on his phone.
As we pulled up to the hotel the boys were staying at for tonight I felt the butterflies in my stomach again. No matter how much I didn’t want to hear about Monte’s new girl, I couldn’t wait to see him. The entire way up in the elevator the butterflies got worse and worse. I was tapping my foot against the floor and drumming my fingers on the wall.
“Nervous?” Max asked, looking up from my fingers.
“I bit,” I admitted.
He gave me a warm smile, “Don’t be. We’re just normal guys.”
That’s not why I’m nervous I wanted to say, but kept quiet.
We made our way to the room and Max unlocked it with his card. He held the door open for me so I could go in first. I set my stuff down on the floor and looked around the room. It was already messed up, cans of both soda and beer covered a table as well as a few boxes of pizza. Robert was sitting on the floor in front of the tv, playing a game with Craig.
”Welcome to the life of Escape The Fate,” Max laughed.
“Where’s Mon-“

My attention snapped to the left, where Monte was standing wide eyed and staring at me.
”Monte?!” I was so shocked that he called me by my middle name that his name was the only thing I could say.
Max gave me a look like ‘what the fuck?!’, “Wait, you’re Destiny?! I thought you were Charlotte?!”

Monte finally remembered me. That is what I wanted, right?
Only…now, a year later, I wasn’t so sure about that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, someone really pissed me off with this story.
Someone reported me for an 'unreadable layout'
Evidently blue on top of black can't be read.

There won't be anymore updates until I get a responce from the editors. Sorry guys. Hopefully it won't take too long.

I MIGHT update before than, but if I do it is entirely for Charlie.