Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


The airport’s packed today. People are rushing everywhere, collecting family, friends, luggage. Jostling through customs and cursing the inconvenience of having to pull out passports and visas every two seconds. I see men embracing, women crying, children whining; but where the hell is Nick?

His flight was supposed to arrive almost an hour ago, but here I am, still waiting. Still looking. Yeah, of course I’m impatient. The kid’s my best friend and I haven’t seen him in over a year. “What is going on?” I mutter, checking my cell for the millionth time in the past fifty minutes. It’s the same as every other time I’ve looked at it: a wallpaper photo of me and the curly-haired music freak, but no message. No missed calls, either.

But then… well, I hear the shriek before I see them. “The Jonas Brothers!” Movement towards the exit of terminal thirty-one catches my eye, and then there’s Joe, managing to muster a tired smile for his fans as he walks into sight. Kevin and Danielle follow, fingers interlaced and looking just as exhausted as Joe. They’re surrounded by their ‘people’; Big Rob and a few other bodyguards I’ve met briefly, while Frankie, Denise and Kevin Snr bring up the rear. Then of course there’s the paparazzi, but they know not to get in the way. They just snap a few hundred photos, doing their job.

My hazel eyes search for a few more moments, but I eventually give a huff of irritation when I still can’t find Nick. “Where is he?” I question out loud, just as I feel a presence behind me.

“Who’re you looking for?” I hear a familiar voice say in my ear and I whip around.

Found him.

Nick!” I exclaim, my voice half thrilled, half annoyed as I pounce, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. “You jerk! What took you so long?”

I hear him chuckle, and he pulls away from the hug to look me over. “It’s good to see you too,” he says, bemused. “Wow Rem, grown up much?” Yeah, it’s been that long. Of course I haven’t noticed my own changes, but I guess the last time I saw him, my hair was only two inches long and I was filling out in all the wrong places. Ah, the joys of puberty. So awkward.

“Speak for yourself,” I retaliate because wow, I’m not the only one who’s changed. The kid Nick Jonas that I knew is no longer standing in front of me; he’s been replaced by a young man with strong arms and intense eyes. It seems he’s mastered that serious look of his down to an art form, too. Seventeen going on seventy, right? “What’cha do, swap your insulin with steroids?”

He pulls a face, then wraps me in another hug. “God Remy, I’ve missed you.”

“Trust me, I know the feeling.”

It’s a nice little moment, but it ends far too quickly. We both know Nick’s not into public displays of affection, especially with the paparazzi so close. Speaking of which, the rest of the Jonas crew are about to catch up with us. Nick catches a look from his father and nods, turning towards the exit. “Come on, this place is turning into a zoo,” he tells me, and I follow him outside to where two big black SUVs are waiting. A man in a suit and sunglasses greets Nick, taking his bag from him to place it in the trunk while we climb into the back. We’re soon joined by Joe, Kevin and Danielle, who squeals and pulls me into a cuddle as soon as she sees me.

“Remy, sweetheart!” Danielle’s the one I’ve seen most over the past year or so, as we live about a half hour away from each other. We meet up for coffee every once in a while just to keep up to date, but I haven’t seen her for the past few months due to her engagement to Kevin. She’s been travelling around with him, celebrating. It’s really cute seeing that they just can’t get enough of each other.

Over Danielle’s shoulder, I can see Joe staring at me as if he’s finding something hard to believe. “Seriously?” he questions. “You’re not Remy.” He doesn’t say it in a bad way, just more out of surprise.

“I know, right?” Nick nods, ruffling his hand through my long dark hair and messing it up. I swat him away playfully.

“Quit it, punk,” I growl, and Kevin laughs openly.

“Yep, that’s definitely Remy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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