Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


The light of the sun shining brightly through the window wakes us the next morning, much too early in my opinion. It’s Sunday, for crying out loud. I always sleep in on Sundays. Nick starts to shift next to me, but I tighten my hold around his waist. “Stay, you douche,” I grumble, not sure how much of that was understandable.

“You’re drooling on my chest,” he groans, but I still don’t let go.

“Don’t care.”

“Gross, Rem,” he mutters, but doesn’t make any more attempts to pull away until there’s a knock at my door some time later. We both get up then, and I go to answer it to find Joe standing there, smirking suggestively.

“I knew Nicky would come to his girlfriend,” he sniggers as he steps inside, plopping down onto the end of the bed.

“Please, do come in,” I mutter sarcastically, closing the door behind him. “Do you know how early it is, Joseph?”

“Not too early for room service,” he replies, stretching his arms above himself. “Which we’re having here, by the way. I’ve already ordered all the breakfast dishes.”

I sigh and wrap my arms around his shoulders. “You always know how to reclaim my heart.”

Joe laughs, but pushes me off. “Yeah I do, but careful. Don’t wanna make your boyfriend jealous.”

Nick just snorts and grabs a bottle of water from the mini fridge, then comes to sit by us. “Oh hey guys, guess what?” I say, suddenly remembering what Danielle showed me the day before. “Your fans like me.”

“I already told you that,” Nick sighs, but I shake my head.

“You would have said that regardless of how they felt. But seriously, remember that Ash girl? She tweeted about how awesome I am, and now half the fandom’s drooling over me,” I tell them happily.

“Mm, just like how you drooled all over my shirt this morning?”

“Shut up.”

Joe’s expression morphs back to suggestive. “You two were getting cuddly last night, I see.”

I roll my eyes. “Duh. We’re total lovebirds, remember?” I say, tilting my head and leaning it on Nick’ shoulder. Joe lifts his hands and mimes taking a picture just as there’s another knock on the door. “Ooh, breakfast!” I get up and excitedly answer it, where there’s a bellboy waiting with a trolley of food.

“Good morning, miss,” he says charmingly, and I hop aside so that he can push the trolley over the threshold. This is amazing - just like in the movies. Joe gets up and gives the guy a tip and he gives a curt bow before disappearing, leaving us to our breakfast.

“My God, you really did order everything,” I say in awe as I begin to lift the lids off all the dishes, uncovering pancakes, toast, eggs, bacon, sausages, fresh fruit, and even some yummy looking muesli topped with mango flavoured yoghurt. We pull the trolley over to the dining table and Nick pours us all a glass of fresh orange juice before we dig in.

“Remind me to never take her out for dinner,” Nick mutters to Joe a few minutes later, and I grin through the toast, bacon and orange juice sloshing around in my mouth.

“Whadyoutalkinbout?” I mumble, then swallow my food. “I’m a real lady. And hey, what do you expect? I grew up around boys.” I send them a pointed look, but they just roll their eyes at me. “Sorry we can’t all be perfect,” I mutter just as Denise walks through the door. Obviously she has an extra key card to each room or something.

“Oh good, you’re all awake,” she says, stealing a slice of watermelon from Joe’s plate. “Today’s the big day, guys. You’re up for quite a few awards, but don’t worry if you don’t win anything. We’ll still love you.” Ah Denise, always taking the sympathetic option.

Nick raises his eyebrows at her. “All due respect mum, but that’s not much of a pep talk,” he tells her, yet she just shrugs.

“I know, but your father will be giving the more inspiring speech later. I just figured you could do with some purely maternal assurance.” She lands a soft pat on Joe’s shoulder and he smiles up at her. Then she shifts her attention to me. “Remy love, you ready to get all dolled up?”

I beam, nodding excitedly. “When do we start?”

“We’re meeting the stylist for brunch at eleven thirty.”

Nick looks questioningly between us. “But we’re not even supposed to be there ‘til six o’ clock. Why so early?”

Denise and I exchange a knowing look. “Oh Nicky,” I sigh, laying my hand over his. “Female beauty takes long hours and very hard work. You’ll realise this one day, when you get married or at least find a real girlfriend.”

He shoots me a suspicious glare. “You say that like it’s impossible for me,” he mumbles, and I merely wink at him as I finish my breakfast and stand up, already heading for the shower. Step one on the road to ultimate beauty: wash!

By eleven Denise, Danielle and I are ready to go on our styling adventure. I say goodbye to my boyfriend (man, that’s weird) and we head off to meet our beautician. Harley is a complete diva, and gushes over us from the moment we meet; whether that’s because we’re the Jonas ladies or not, I’d rather not know. But also probably because she’ll be able to buy a new home cinema with what we’re paying her.

“Remy darling, thanks for emailing me that picture of your dress. Now I was thinking… perhaps we could put some navy streaks in your hair? Nothing trashy - just really very subtle. It’ll look absolutely stunning, especially with your skin tone. What do you say?” I nod and she beams. “Spectacular! So that means for makeup we can go natural, perhaps with a little bit of smoky eyes happening. Won’t she look gorgeous?” she asks Denise and Danielle, who both agree enthusiastically.

The whole of brunch is spent this way, discussing each woman’s style for tonight in great depth. It seems to be this lady’s favourite thing to do. Denise is going to have her curls jazzed up and I heard mention of red lipstick, which I’ll admit would look fantastic on her. Danielle is beautiful enough already but by the way Harley’s going on, she’s going to look like a downright sexy minx. Kevin won’t be able to tear his eyes away from her, I just know it.

And then it’s to the studio, where Harley bleaches and dyes my blue streaks, then adds some soft curls to my generally straight and boring hair. “Ooh, pretty!” I squeak with pleasure when she shows me my finished hair style, and Denise takes like a million photos to show my mum (as if there won’t be enough taken tonight). It takes a good few hours to do everyone’s hair and makeup but by the time we’re done, it’s totally worth it.

“I feel thirty again,” Denise sighs happily, shaking her head and watching her curls bounce in the mirror. Danielle and I pull on our dresses, then both smile widely when we see each other.

“Hot-ass!” I exclaim, and Danielle blushes, giving me a twirl. “Kevin’s going to go insane when he sees you.”

“And Nick with you,” Danielle laughs. “Even if you are just friends.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Only because Nick’s a complete doucher and besides, he’s going to look way better than me. I mean, hate to be a teenage girl, but have you seen that boy lately?”

She giggles. “Hence why you two would make the cutest couple if that relationship was actually real.”

I pull a face. “Don’t even speak to me of such things. Like ew, it’s Nick!”

“Just sayin’,” she says defensively, holding up her hands then changing her mind and pointing a challenging finger at me. “But you’re such a hypocrite! You just told me you found him attractive.”

“There’s a difference between finding someone attractive and being attracted to them, Danielle,” I reply, frowning at her. Why must she keep pushing this?

“Yeah, sometimes,” she just mutters, then walks away to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ at Denise. Stupid Danielle, thinking Nick and I would actually make a good couple, when I know as a fact that we’d suck together. I’m argumentative and he’s competitive. I’m sloppy, cynical, and boring while he’s a control freak, trustworthy, and a freaking rock star. Yeah, like hell we could ever start dating for real.

Stupid Danielle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my God, epic. But I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thank you all!
Now go read this, because mypurplepen is a wonderful writer and even if you're not into original fic, it's still so worthwhile.