Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


The following morning marks the start of a typical day for me. Sure, I’m in New York, but that’s not going to interrupt my regular jogging routine. I wake up around six, then pull my hair into a sloppy ponytail and throw my sweatpants and a light hoodie on. The air is sharp and cold as I exit the lobby, and if that doesn’t wake me up then the paparazzi sure does. I’m all too aware of my appearance as the cameras start flashing, so I pull my hood up in an attempt to hide the fact that my eyes are still squinty from sleep, and I don’t even have on a tiny bit of make up to compromise it. And don’t even start me on my hair…

“D’you people ever sleep?” I mumble as I push past them, trying to find some space to start running.

“We were hoping for a picture of one of the boys, but this is just as good!” I hear one say, and I duck my head as they all start snapping away once more. Luckily there aren’t that many hanging around and within the next moment I’m headed for Central Park, leaving the Jonas world behind… at least for a little while.

I relish the feeling as I run, never realising that I’d always taken my privacy for granted before now. Before the bet. I think of the Jonas boys, always having to put up with this and yet, always handling it so well. A week is barely anything compared to what they deal with. I know that if I had their lifestyle, it wouldn’t be long before I’d crack and rip some poor photographer to shreds.

I’m lucky that I don’t have to put up with it for long. We made the bet on what, Friday morning? So if today’s Monday, that means I only have four full days left. And seeing as I’ve already made it through the weekend, the rest should be easy. Sure, there’ll be rough moments like the paparazzi catching me when I look like crap (ie. now), but I’m Remy Holloway. I grew up being ridiculed for my appearance. Ha! How ironic; all the teasing and bitching from Elise and her gang has actually become a worthwhile life experience for me. Who knew? Suck on that, Summers.

I do a few laps of the place, feeling the morning frost crunch under my sneakers. The cold gradually seeps from my body to be replaced by a comfortable heat so that by the time I return to the hotel, I’m feeling calm and happy. I even shoot a smile at the photographers as I go back in to the heated lobby. They give me envious looks from where they’re huddled inside their thick coats, clutching lukewarm cups of coffee. Ah, the joys of being a creeper.

I get back up to my room and jump straight in the shower to wash the layer of sweat from my body, then get changed into a long-sleeved red dress, black tights and my black leather Docs. All my stuff is packed within the next ten minutes, so then I guess it’s time to say goodbye. I knock on Joe and Nick’s door first, only to have it answered by a disgruntled and tired Joe.

“Too early. Go back to bed,” he scowls, slamming the door in my face.

I heave a sigh and knock again. “Guys, I’m leaving now!” I call through the door, and a moment later Joe opens it again.

“Why?” he yawns, frowning with disappointment but actually letting me in this time.

“I have school, duh!” I say, walking over to the bed where Nick’s sprawled on his belly, breathing deeply. I sit next to him and place a hand on his back, ever so gently. He stirs slowly, eventually shifting around to face me. “Hey loser,” I say with a smile as he rubs at his eye with the heel of his palm.

“Hey loser,” he replies, yawning. “I missed the morning run, didn’t I?”

I nod and shrug at the same time. “Don’t worry about it. The photographers downstairs can fill you in,” I tell him with a roll of the eyes.

“Ouch,” says Joe, flopping back onto his own bed. “That’s gotta suck, having them take pictures of you when you’re all ugly and gross.” I extend my leg across to the other bed and jab him in the side with my boot. I know he’s just trying to wind me up and make me lose the bet, but I’m not buying it.

“Dude, I can already taste the fresh croissants melting in my mouth as I relax at the edge of the Seine,” I retort. “Nothing can get to me; I promise.”

Joe snorts. “Yeah, we’ll see.”

I sigh and turn back to Nick. “Anyway, I just came to say goodbye. Have fun with your signing this afternoon. Try not to get up to too much mischief without me.”

He frowns, and a fraction of the baby Nick I knew so many years ago shines through, turning his full lips into a pout. My heart gives a jolt, but I manage to hide the reaction on my face. Last night was illogical; I could never be more than friends with this boy. “Do you have to go to school?” he whines, completely oblivious to the topic on my mind.

“Success isn’t easy for regular folk like me. We need educations to earn a living, could you believe it?”

“No!” he gasps, faking a shocked expression.

“Weird, I know,” I reply, grinning. I check my watch to find that it’s seven thirty; the time I’m supposed to meet Danielle, who’s also heading back early to get to work. “I should go.”

Nick heaves a sigh, then sits up so that he can give me a hug goodbye. “Come to our place after school?” he asks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Can’t. I’m working,” I mutter. “But I finish at six. We’ll have a movie night, yeah?” I pull away to see Nick nod. “Okay then. See you later, losers.” I stand up and begin to head for the door, but Joe rolls out of bed to stand in my way.

“Where’s my hug, little lady?” he demands, and I grin as I wrap my arms around him. He squeezes me tight before letting go. “Okay, now you can leave.” I chuckle and look back over my shoulder to send one last wave to Nick, but find that he’s sending his brother a look of deep distaste. What did Joe do…? Unless the hug made Nick jealous, but no. That’s a stupid thought, Remy. Nick’s just tired.

I leave without another word, then go to find Danielle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jealous? Nick? No!
So... how about those Jemi rumours?
I'm royally freaking out with happiness.