Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


“Joseph, get it away from me!”

“Come on Remy. A little frosting never hurt anyone!”

Joe smirks maliciously as he waggles a pink frosting-topped finger in my face, and I duck as he lunges once again. Who knew that baking a cake could be so hazardous? I let out a shriek as he comes closer then crawl behind the kitchen’s island, hoping that it might work as a shield of some sort.

“You can run…” I hear him mutter, then he’s suddenly crouching in front of me, waving his pink-coated fingers threateningly.

I whimper as I try to scuffle away, but it’s no use. He has me cornered. “Please, spare me!” I cry out, but he shows no mercy and ends up smoothing the sugary mixture through my hair. “Joe!” He cackles and falls onto his ass while I simply pout and cross my arms across my chest.

“Sheesh Rem, where’s your sense of fun tonight?” he sighs, still grinning.

My pout only deepens to a frown. “You saying I’m no fun?” I accuse.

“Oh, you’re plenty of fun,” he says with a wink then stands up again. Wait; was that an insinuation of some kind? Nah, can’t be. He’s just Joe. He turns just about everything into an innuendo.

I huff and come out of hiding, running my fingers through my brown, blue and now pink hair. It’s sticky and gross, and I pull a face as Joe sends me another smirk. “Will you stop looking so smug?”

“Only when you stop being such a wet towel.”

I gasp. “How dare you? I am no wet towel! I am the driest of all dry towels,” I say angrily, then add as an afterthought: “I even come with glitter.”

“What kind of towel comes with glitter?” Joe scoffs.

“What kind of gentleman covers a defenceless girl with frosting?”

“I never claimed to be a gentleman.”

And with that, he lands another glob of the pink stuff on my cheek. Okay, that’s enough. He’s really pushed it this time. I bare my teeth and grab the bowl off him, dipping my fingertips into it and wiping them right across his forehead. His jaw drops and he lets out an astonished laugh. “That’s more like it!” he exclaims as a chunk of it drips onto his cheek.

“You look ridiculous,” I giggle.

“And you look… sweet.” Is it just me, or did his voice get softer? Suddenly I’m looking him straight in the eye, and I’m not sure what makes me do it; the fact that I trust him, that he’s been around practically my whole life, that he’s Nick’s brother… Maybe it’s a combination of everything in my life right now. I don’t know, but whatever’s going through my mind somehow makes it seem natural for me to kiss him. Right there. In the kitchen. On the lips.

Of course I realise it’s probably one of the most stupid things I’ve ever done when he freezes, and the whole shock of it sets into the both of us. “Um, no…” Joe says awkwardly, gently placing his hands on top of my shoulders and stepping away from me. “I mean, you’re great Rem. Put us in any other circumstances and I’d totally, well. Yeah.” He glances to the floor guiltily as I tug on a lock of my hair. “But you’re like a sister to me. And Nick - I couldn’t do that to Nick.”

And what good did Nick ever do for anyone else? (Okay, aside from being an inspiration to millions of people.)

Joe seems to sense what I’m thinking. “He cares so much about you,” he says quietly, so earnestly I almost believe him. My scepticism must have shown on my face, as Joe grimaces and lets out an irritable sigh. “I told myself I wouldn’t get involved, that I’d let Nick sort out his own problems. But look at me!” he berates himself, then turns his attention back to me. “Listen Remy, you’ve always meant the world to Nick. I have no doubt that he’d choose you over Elise Summers, even back when he thought she was the bee’s knees.”

“You really think so?” I mutter cynically. “Because I’m pretty sure he was in love--”

“He was a boy hitting puberty when he met her! What can you expect?” Joe sighs, exasperated. “But even still, he was a boy who treasured his best friend above all else. It would have killed him to lose you. That’s why he never said anything about Elise. Sure, he was a coward lying to you for so long but sheesh, the boy’s not perfect.” He falls silent, and although I can’t bring myself to look into his eyes, I know he’s watching me closely.

Can I really believe what Joe’s saying? I’d like to, but what if he’s wrong? “He chose Elise over me tonight,” I state, and although I’m trying to sound defiant, all that comes out is a timid little voice. What the hell has happened to me? This isn’t the Remy that we all know. I don’t even recognise myself. I glance up towards Joe’s face, but he seems to be lost for words. Answerless.

But this is stupid! Why should Joe be the one trying to make everything right? Poor guy, it’s not even his problem. “I sorry,” I huff. “This shouldn’t be on you.”

He shakes his head. “No, it shouldn’t. But I guess I care too much.” He gives a weak smile, then opens his arms. “C’mere.” I step closer and lay my head on his chest, heaving yet another sigh.

“You’re amazing, Joe.”

“I know.” I can feel him smiling into the top of my head. He squeezes me tightly for a moment, but I let out a gasp of pain as pressure is placed on my sliced up shoulder. He pulls away quickly, worry etched into his features. “Did I hurt you?”

“Nah I just… cut myself,” I hiss, wincing as I pull up the sleeve of my shirt. The wound was just beginning to heal, but now part of it has split open again and I almost gag at the sight of the blood.

“You cut yourself?” Joe questions half concerned, half angry. “Remy, that’s not--”

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” I quip, rolling my eyes. “I fell on some glass.”

Joe doesn’t look convinced, but he drops the argument in favour of finding a damp cloth. We manage to clean up the little droplets of blood, but then there’s an awkward silence as we’re both left standing there without anything else to say. I glance quickly at the clock on the microwave. It’s just gone ten o’ clock. “I should go,” I say, pulling my sleeve back down. Joe follows me out into the hallway, and I’m about to leave but then I decide I should probably say something. I turn back around and offer him a faint smile. “Thanks for tonight. I’m - I’m sorry I kissed you.”

“I’m not,” he says quickly. “Not sorry, that is. I kind of consider myself lucky, actually. And it’s like I said; under other circumstances…”

I laugh. “Keep dreaming, punk.”

He fakes a pout, and for the millionth time I realise how fortunate I am to have Joe Jonas in my life. He never fails to cheer me up, even when I feel like it’s the end of the world. One of his many amazing talents…

“So, you think you’ll ever talk to Nick again?”

I consider this, although the answer’s been evident to me even since the moment we started fighting. “Yes,” I say simply. “I have to.”

Joe’s pleased, but he seems a little taken off guard. “Why’s that?”

Why? The reason explains everything: my overreaction to his crush on Elise, the soul-breaking despair at losing him, the dependency I’ve always felt for him…

“I think I’m in love with Nick.”

And before he can start taunting me about how cheesy that is I leave, feeling lightheaded and douchebaggy all at once. Wow, being in love is weird. But kind of… familiar at the same time.
♠ ♠ ♠
How much are we in love with Joe right now?
I've got a bit more time now. So I'll actually try and comment you back. :D