Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


Nick takes me to the classiest shopping area in this part of the state to find something to wear for the TCAs. “Uh, Nick?” I mumble as we begin to walk to the first one. “There’s no way I can afford to even step foot in any of these places.” How is it so easy for him to forget that not all his friends are millionaires?

He simply chuckles at me, slinging an arm around my shoulder. “You douche. I’m not going to make you pay. I chose you to be my date, after all.”

“You had to choose me. I’m your girlfriend,” I point out, already feeling much better about this shopping experience. This should be fun…

The clerks in the shop go kind of still when Nick and I walk in, as if they can’t believe what they’re seeing. It takes them a few moments to get their act together, and then one of them is walking over, a huge smile plastered on her face. Her nametag reads ‘Chantelle’, and she looks to be in her early thirties. “Can I help with anything?” she asks, smiling sweetly at the two of us. I wonder idly if she’d have been this nice if it was just me walking in. Probably not.

“Sure,” Nick replies, returning her smile. “Remy needs a formal dress.”

“Well, you’ve come to the right place,” she beams, signalling to the dress racks lining each wall. No kidding, Captain Obvious. “Come with me, Remy. We’ll pick something out.” She beckons me to follow her to one of the racks, while Nick goes and sits on one of the couches. It looks like this might take a while. Chantelle and I pick out a number of dresses, before she ushers me into the changing rooms to try them on. The first one I put on is actually a bit of a joke. It’s this tiny pink thing that refuses to cover my legs, and even though I haven’t got huge boobs, this little number sure makes it look like it. I smirk as I strut out from behind the curtain, and Nick’s eyes go wide.

“What do you think?”

“You are not serious,” he deadpans, despite the face that he’s unable to tear his eyes away from my body. Ah, boys. So amusing. Then he seems to remember that the public considers him as some kind of gentleman, so he fumbles to make up for it. “I mean, um… it’s, uh. Very bright?”

I wrinkle my nose, then flick my hand at him. “I’m totally kidding,” I assure him, momentarily catching his look of relief before I head back behind the curtain to try on the other dresses. The ones that follow are all pretty nice, and he approves of each one of them. And although I can’t really find anything wrong with them, I’m still not drawn to any particular one. That is, until I see a dress hanging on a rack at the other side of the shop. “Ooh, pretty!” I gasp and rush over, barefoot and still wearing a little black cocktail dress. I inspect it for only a few seconds before I’m taking it back into the changing room with me, hoping it looks as good on as it does on the hanger. And jeez, today’s turning out to be a really good day, because the dress looks beautiful, if I may say so myself.

It’s a rich navy blue colour with miniscule beads sewn in here and there down one side, so that when they catch the light the dress shimmers subtly. It’s strapless with an open back, exposing my skin down to my waist, before rejoining in a point. It’s short, but not too short, reaching almost to my mid-thigh. I twirl, taking it in with help from the surrounding mirrors, admiring every angle.

“Uh, Remy? Can I see it yet?” Nick asks after an extended period. Oh, crap. I’d completely forgotten about him. I head quickly out of the dressing room, completely unaware that he’s standing right on the other side of the curtain. We’re both taken by surprise as I collide with him, and we’d have hit the floor painfully if it weren’t for the fact that he’s like, Superman strong now. He catches me in his arms and stumbles back a bit, but we stay upright.

“Whoops!” I giggle as he helps me regain my balance, hands fitting carefully around my arms. I look up and give a guilty grin, and it’s only then that I realise how close we are. He’s giving me a half-amused, half-worried smile, his face only inches from mine, and I can feel his chest just brushing against mine every time he breathes. “So um, you wanna see this dress?” I mutter, quickly taking a step back and making a mental note to not get lost in his eyes again. Best friends just don’t do that.

He appears to be unaffected by what just happened as he takes in the dress, smiling properly now. “Give me a spin,” he says approvingly, so I twirl around slowly, letting him see it in its complete glory. When I turn back to face him, he’s nodding admiringly. “Rem, you look beautiful.” Why do I suddenly feel myself blushing? Ugh, seriously. He’s not allowed to have this effect on me. He’s Nick.

“Shut up. You’re turning soft, y’know?” I quip quickly, before he can figure out what’s going on in my head. I disappear back into the changing room, just to get a chance to compose myself and escape his gaze. Honestly Remy, keep it together.

“Does that mean you’re getting it?” he calls as I begin to pull it off. I poke my head back through the curtain, throwing a teasing expression on my face.

“Guess so, if you think I look beautiful,” I mock him, and he rolls his eyes as he goes to sit on the couch again. Once I’m back in my regular clothes he takes the dress from me and goes to pay for it, not batting an eyelid at the price. Chantelle, who didn’t turn out to be so bad after all, gushes over me and tells us to have fun as we exit the store, Nick carrying the dress in a black protective covering, because he’s a gentleman like that. I begin to head back to his car, but then suddenly his hand’s slipping into mine and he’s pulling me along the street to the other shops. “Wait, what?”

“We’re not done yet,” he says, humoured by my confusion. “You still need shoes and jewellery, right?”

Oh yeah, trust me to forget the essentials. And I call myself a girl. “Oh, right,” I mutter. “But hey Nick, I feel guilty that you have to do all this with me. It must be so boring. If you want, you can go off and do your own thing while I get the rest.”

He merely shakes his head at me. “No way, I don’t mind. And besides Remy, if I’m going to be your boyfriend I’m going to be a good one,” he says, squeezing my hand.

I grin and walk closer to him. “Pretty sure you couldn’t be a bad boyfriend if you tried, Nicky.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Because I feel so bad about last chapter being so short, and also because you're all so lovely, I'm going to do a double update. So here's chapter six, and following shortly will be chapter seven. Enjoy!