Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


New York, New York. I’ve been here about three times in my life, all of which were before dad died. Mum’s always hated the city, but dad used to bring me on occasion to see a play or go ice skating in Central Park. Those are my only memories of the big city and boy, are they different to this experience.

“It’s Joe Jonas!”

How is it that people always seem to know where and when the Jonas Brothers will be? We’ve only just arrived in New York, but already there are a handful of fans waiting outside our hotel to meet the boys. Joe was the first one to get out of the car, and it looks like Nick and I are next. “This is your first real exposure to the public,” Nick reminds me with a smirk, and I merely reply by sticking my tongue out at him. Very mature, as I’m sure everyone will agree.

He’s the first to get out, and it only takes a few steps forwards before he’s being approached by teens, holding up cameras with hopeful expressions on their faces. I see him nodding and begin posing for photos with them, just as Joe’s doing up ahead. I freeze, scared for the first time that people actually might recognise me. What are they going to say?

Danielle saves me right then, sliding her hand into mine and giving me support as we step out together. “Just act confident and they won’t think twice,” she whispers in my ear, pulling me across the footpath and towards the hotel entrance. The fans recognise her first, and she gives them thankful smiles as they call out their congratulations about the engagement.

And then, like I’ve begun to dread, they notice me. “Isn’t that the girl…?” I hear them questioning, and then they’re shooting curious glances between Nick and I, putting it together in their minds. “Yeah, it’s her. Oh my gosh, does that mean they’re dating?” I duck my head to hide my blush, finding that this whole public relationship thing is way more than I first thought it would be. I’m a pretty outgoing person, sure, but with all these strangers judging me? It’s freaking scary.

“You alright?” Joe asks smugly, suddenly appearing beside me.

Dang it, I can’t let him realise that I’m having second thoughts. Gotta prove him wrong. Gotta win this bet. “Peachy,” I reply smoothly, even going so far as to look back at Nick, sending him a flirty wave when I catch his eye. That should confirm all those girls’ thoughts. Joe simply grins and pats a hand on my shoulder before reattaching his attention to some nearby fans. Danielle and I take that opportunity to walk into the foyer, away from the madness.

“Not bad for your first time,” Danielle comments, seemingly impressed. “But honestly Remy, this bet’s not everything. There’s substance in what the boys say and trust me, at times it’s horrible being the girlfriend of a Jonas Brother.”

I flick my wrist carelessly, faking an apathetic expression. “Overrated,” I scoff, and that’s enough to shut her up. As much as I love Danielle, I don’t need her knowing that I’m beginning to feel insecure about all this. It might get back to Kevin and then to Joe, who will never let me hear the end of it.

The rest of the crew joins us a few minutes later, and it’s Kevin Senior’s job to assign the rooms. “Frankie, Denise and I will be in 1401,” he begins. “Kevin and Danielle, you’ve got 1402. Nick and Joe will have 1403, so that leaves Remy next door to them in 1404. All good?”

Nick and I send regretful looks at each other, which dad doesn’t miss. “I know, you two. I’m a total criminal for separating the BFFs,” he sighs, “but we’re in public now, and since you two seem to be dating, I’ve gotta take precautions.”

“Yeah okay, we understand,” Nick replies, and I nod in reluctant agreement. I mean, it’s not like Nick and I would do anything, but Kev’s got a point. I grab my bag and we cram into the elevator, then ride it all the way up to the fourteenth floor, where Denise hands out key cards for rooms and we all go off to investigate. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve stayed at a five star hotel, let alone in one of the best rooms it has to offer. As I walk in I find that this place is the size of a small apartment, with a huge flat screen TV, king sized bed, and even a Jacuzzi. What the hell? Sounds shallow, but having famous friends sure has its advantages. I’m just hanging my dress up in the closet when I hear a knock at the door. It’s Nick, of course.

“Wanna go explore?”

“Well,” I say hesitantly, “I was planning on swimming laps in my giant bathtub…”

Nick just chuckles at me condescendingly, shaking his head and grabbing my coat from where I’d dumped it next to the door. “You’re such a loser. Come on.”

I sigh and give in as he grabs my hand, pulling me down the hallway and back into the elevator. “So where are we going?” I ask as I put my coat on and button it up halfway.

“Don’t know yet,” Nick replies, leaning against the golden railing set around the edge of the space.

I give a fake gasp. “Nick Jonas being spontaneous?”

“Shut up.”

“Kidding, dude. You’re like, the funnest friend I have.”

“I’m the only friend you have,” Nick retorts, and he grabs my fist just before it hits his arm. Stupid amazing reflexes.

“I was trying to compliment you,” I whine as he interlinks our fingers, “and you just went and ruined it. Last time I ever try to be nice to you.”

The doors slide open and we step out into the foyer. “I’m sorry. But you can’t blame me for not passing up that opportunity. Admit it: it was perfect timing!”

“Well, you did learn from the best,” I sigh as we step outside, but hesitate when I see that some fans are still there. Seriously, do they always hang around? Or are these different ones? Not that there’s anything wrong with the fans; they’re just regular people in love with rock stars. What I can’t handle is the way they’re looking at me, judging me right from my hair down to my boots.

“Hey everyone,” Nick says casually. “Sorry, but we can’t hang around.” Oh good, he’s not going to make me stand awkwardly off to the side while he does more posings and signings. I give his hand a squeeze to show my appreciation, and he sends me an understanding smile. We begin to walk away, but then I hear the familiar ding! sound of Nick getting a message and I huff in annoyance.

“Nicholas, what did I tell you?” I snatch his iPhone from his hand before he can even open the message. “Change your boring tone. Now where’s the record button on this thing?” As I’m fiddling about with the controls I begin to walk back to the hotel. When I find the right application I call out to the fans. “Hey girls, d’you want to be Nick’s new message tone?” They hurry over eagerly, and I tell them to agree on some song lyrics before I hit record.

“We’re burnin’ up, burnin’ up for Nick Jonas,” they chorus, and I immediately save that as Nick’s new message tone, before handing it back to him.

“There, much better,” I say happily. He pulls a face, but I know he doesn’t mind. “Thanks girls. You’ve done the boy a huge favour, trust me.”

We’re about to walk away again, but then I feel a soft touch on my shoulder. One of the girls is smiling timidly at me, as if I’m someone famous, just like Nick. “Hey um, what’s your name?” she asks.

“I’m Remy,” I reply, then just for the heck of it, I stick out my hand. “Nice to meet you…?”

“Ash,” she fills in quickly, and I’m taken by complete surprise when she pulls me into a hug. “Nice to meet you too, Remy.” And I know she’s probably only doing it for the ‘I hugged Nick’s girlfriend’ experience but hey, it’s kind of sweet, so I hug her back. I can’t wipe the smile from my face as we pull away, and Nick slides an arm around my waist.

“Well, thanks for the ringtone girls,” he tells them. “But we really should get going. Right, Rem?”

I nod and copy him, fitting my arm around his hips. “Bye,” I say, and they wave as we walk off down the street. Now that wasn’t bad at all. I will easily get used to this whole exposure thing, especially if the fans are that nice. This week is going to be a total breeze.

“I think they approve,” Nick says quietly in my ear, and I turn my head to see that he’s giving me a soft smile.



♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to the darling Live.To.Love.To.Live because she's so damn persistent. Haha. Also, she's from Australia... represent.
Okay, I'll stop being a douche now.