Status: Fin.

I'll Be Your Girl


Nick and I spend a few hours wandering around the city, taking in the view while other people take in the view of us. I find that the stares aren’t so off putting now, and I’m able to relax and act like I usually do with my best friend. It’s soon time for Nick and his brothers to go to the TCA rehearsals, so we head back to the hotel and once the guys are gone, Danielle and I head for the roof of the hotel. There’s a pool up here but as it’s the middle of winter, it’s way too cold to go swimming. Doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the scenery.

“Sweet,” I say in complete awe as I stand at the edge of the roof, staring down at the miniscule cars and people, so many storeys below us. Danielle, who’s not too keen on heights, stays far away from the edge. “You sure you don’t wanna come and look?” I call to her over my shoulder.

“I’m trying to figure out why I agreed to come up here to begin with,” she replies uneasily, taking a seat on one of the pool chairs. “Now please just… don’t fall over the edge.”

I smirk and look back down at the street as she draws her attention to her Blackberry. A minute later I hear an ‘aww!’ from her so I look back, expecting to see that she’s got a sweet text from Kevin. “Rem, come and look at this,” she tells me, waving me over. I go and sit on the pool chair beside her, and she hands me the phone. On the screen is a picture from that morning, of me and that girl Ash hugging outside the hotel. I guess one of her friends must have taken it without me even realising. Underneath it is a tweet: ‘can’t believe we actually met nick + his new gf today! her name is remy and she is SO SWEET. we can tell nick really likes her. <3’

“Cute,” I mutter, feeling a smile spread across my face. Then I shoot a quizzical look at Danielle. “How did you even find this?”

She shrugs. “My friend’s a huge Jonas fan. She tells me what people are talking about in the fandom.” She sends me a wide grin. “Looks like you’re the shiny new toy, Rem-baby.”

“As long as that stays a good thing,” I mutter, handing Danielle’s phone back to her. “Although I bet a bunch of them hate me already.”

“Word of advice? Don’t even think about that,” she tells me, slinging an arm around my shoulder. “So what if people hate you? Chances are, you’ll never meet them and if you do, they can’t do anything about it anyway. And besides, it’s not like you’re Nick’s real girlfriend.”

I brighten up at that. “Yeah, you’re right. Who even cares what people think of me? The point is that I’m whipping Joe’s ass and having a hell of a lot of fun while I’m at it.”

Danielle laughs at me and squeezes my shoulder. “Yeah, okay punk. Whatever.”


By the time the Jonas Brothers arrive back from TCA rehearsals I’ve already been out to dinner with Danielle, had a shower, and got into my PJs. I’m stretched out on my bed, flicking through TV channels, when Nick knocks on my door again. “How’d it go?” I ask him, opening the door wider, but he chooses to stay out in the hallway.

“Long,” he groans. “Everyone’s really tired. I just came to say goodnight.” He holds his arms out and I step closer to give him a hug. We stand there for a while just leaning into each other, until I get scared that he’s actually fallen asleep on me.

“Uh, Nick?” I question, and he slowly straightens up again. “Oh, you are awake.”

He manages a tired smile before yawning and man, he looks adorable. With his eyes all heavy-lidded and his curls mussed up. I’m tempted to stand here and cuddle him all night, but Papa J walks past before I’m able to fulfil that. “Going to bed, guys?” he says expectantly, and we nod.

“Night, Nicky,” I say, giving him one more brief hug.

“Goodnight Rem.” When I shut the door I turn and yawn. Sheesh, this tiredness must be contagious. I grab the remote and switch off the TV before climbing into bed, and I’m asleep within seconds.

It doesn’t seem long though, before I’m woken again by a soft tapping at the door. I open my eyes blearily and squint at the clock by my bedside. The illuminated time reads 1:07am. “What the hell?” I mutter as I slip out of bed. The tapping at the door persists so I drag myself over to open it. On the other side I find Nick, rubbing his eyes and giving me an apologetic look.

“Joe wriggles in his sleep. It’s really loud.”

I manage a small smirk and pull him inside my room before Papa J wakes up and catches us. No more explanation is needed as I lead him to my bed, and we both crawl back under the covers together. Nick breathes a sigh of relief and cuddles up to his pillow, eyes already sliding closed. It’s so cute that it would be a shame to ruin it, but I do anyway.

It starts off small as I begin to twitch my foot, but within the next few seconds I’m purposefully shifting from side to side, kicking my legs and pushing my arms across the bed.

“Not funny, Rem,” Nick grumbles, but I pretend not to hear him. I roll over to my left side and knock him in the chest, giggling silently. “Remy, stop!” he hisses and suddenly his arms are wrapped around me like a vice while his legs pin mine down against the mattress. I lean my head into his chest and continue to giggle.

“Sorry, it was just too tempting,” I sigh, snaking my own arms around his back as he lets up on some of the pressure. It’s really kind of comfortable so we stay this way until we start to feel sleep taking over us again. I shift in closer to steal some of Nick’s warmth, and then I’m out, delving into the realm of the subconscious as I’m huddled safely in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm feeling generous today. Plus I love this chapter, if that doesn't sound too big-headed. Nick's just a total cutie and you know... swoon.
Please to be giving me lots of comments? From many different people this time, too. (x
Otherwise I will go back to maths study and ignore you all forever, and who really wants to condemn me to that fate?