Your Love Is Mine For The Taking

Chapter 5

"Sir-Snuffles! Get down this instant." said their mother through laughter.
In the midst of her laughter, Vanessa stood back up, the feeling of being watched swept swiftly over her. She turned around to see a pair of steely orbs staring at her, her laughter caught in her throat, nearly choking her. The sheer intensity that this one man had, just in his gaze, was somewhat frightening. Definitely intimidating.
Lucius Malfoy gripped his son's shoulder as he glanced over Vanessa, drinking her and her laughter in. His posture straightened the slightest bit more, giving his aristocratic look a small boost. Vanessa felt her throat go dry and her skin tingle with warmth as Lucius gave her a smile, his thin lips curling back into a smirk quickly. She attempted to remain calm and collected but that was the last thing she could do at that moment, her lips tugged out a small grin. Vanessa felt fingers wrap around her wrist and the smile was wiped off of her face.
- - - - - - - - - -
"Stop it! Let go of me, Danni. I told you! I'm done okay!" she yelled angrily, ripping his hands off of her waist.
Vanessa began stomping off when a firm hand wrapped around her wrist painfully.
"Who told you you could walk off, huh?"
"No one and no one has to! Now get yours hands off of me."
- - - - - - - - - -
Vanessa ripped her hand away from who ever had gripped her, she turned around, wild eyed at her mother. She sighed, running her hand through her hair, attempting at a smile.
"You alright Vanessa? Didn't mean to scare you dear."
"No, I'm fine. Sorry, just sort of zombie out for a second there."
She ran her hand over her wrist over and over again, trying to ease the goosebumps back down. "I guess I should get on then?" said Vanessa, lifting the box containing Lovely off of the trunk before the bag man lifted her trunk into the train.
"Yes. Now before you go." Her mother started, brushing away any stray hairs lingering on Vanessa's face. "You remember what I told you, about Lucius Malfoy." she said, inclining her head behind Vanessa.
Vanessa groaned, her mother obviously thought she had short term memory loss, "Yes mum, I do. I'm not going to linger around him or anything, alright?"
"I just want you to be careful, dear. Just, if," she paused sighing whilst searching over Vanessa's face. "If anything happens or if you need someone to talk to, anything, you know I'll never be mad about anything and you know I'm always here. Always. Even if I'm not there to sit on your bed with you and talk about it, I'm here."
Vanessa felt a pang of guilt at her mothers words, she had something to tell her, she had so much to tell her but didn't know how to say it. It was too embarrassing, too soon to talk about. She looked back up at her mother, biting her bottom lip as she searched for the right words.

'You should've told her a long time ago, you should've told her the day it happened. '

"I know, mum. I will. Don't worry."
Oh that was real convincing.
Her mother gave an almost defeated sigh, "Alright dear well, best get aboard before they take off and leave without you." She pulled Vanessa into a tight embrace, the box filled with a growling Lovely between them. Vanessa inhaled the sweet smell of her mothers shampoo, a comforting smell since her childhood; a mixture of ginger and honey. The two parted, holding one another out in front of them, recognizing the image of the other forever. Vanessa's heart ached as she boarded the train, waving goodbye to her mother, who was now on the verge of tears, the Weasley's and a barking Sirius. As the train rounded the corner she lost the comforting sight of them, disappearing behind the building and blinding sun.
"Vanessa, you coming with us?" asked Hermione as she watched Vanessa struggle with Lovely's cage.
"Yeah I am, if - I - can - get - him - to - SIT STILL!"
A low growl emitted from the box, the sound of a tail thwacking against the box could be heard. The pair quickly entered a compartment containing Ron and Harry. Vanessa hastily opened the box containing Lovely, the large cat bounding out of the box, white hair scattering everywhere. Lovely's black and white hair stood on end, his tail swishing around angrily his gray eyes pinched in loathing.

'If he wasn't so cute and fat I might actually take that look as a threat.'

"Don't give me that look."
Crookshanks bounced merrily off of the seat and over the Lovely, licking his fur down. Lovely seemed content with this idea and quickly let his anger die, flopping down on his side, eagerly awaiting Crookshanks attention.
Vanessa sat down next to Harry, folding her feet underneath her thighs. "Guess who's dads coming to Hogwarts?"
This caught Harry's attention, his black head of hair flipping to face her, "Don't tell me it is who I think it is." he said, his upper lip curling up in disgust. Hermione and Ron exchanged glances of confusion.
"Lucius Malfoy."
Hermione's jaw nearly hit the floor, Ron buried his head in his hands muttering a particularly vulgar word that made Hermione shout, "RON!" Harry rubbed his brow as if he was having a bad headache, "Please tell me you're lying. That slimy git is gonna be teaching? Oh for fu-"
"Well we don't exactly have a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher anymore." said Harry, still rubbing his brows.
"I'm not lying. Mum told me this morning. Him and some woman named Dolores Umbridge are going to be there, I'm not sure if they'll be teaching but they're going to be there, oh what did she call it? Observing us, I guess. Just making sure that Dumbledore isn't training us in combat or something."
"Combat? What does he think we're forming some wizard army or something?" asked Ron, his pale brows creased in confusion. Just as Vanessa was about to answer she made the mistake of looking out into the still crowded aisle. A particular head of reddish blonde hair was passing by their door when his head cocked to the side, catching Vanessa's frightened brown stare. IT's ominous, nearly black, gaze sucked the air out of her once full lungs. The smug smile that spread across his face sent a familiar chill over Vanessa as he passed, presumably to his own compartment where he would probably begin bragging about how he'd frightened her once again.
Vanessa felt three pairs of eyes on her as she stared at the spot where IT once stood, her eyes filling with tears. Despite her desperate attempt to fight them back, one slipped; one fell. But she covered it, blinking the rest back as she remembered where she was, who she was with. Vanessa pulled herself together with a deep breath and faced Hermione, who's face was curved in concern. Before Vanessa could dismiss the display of weakness she felt a hand grip her own, Harry's. She could feel his emerald stare piercing her skin but she didn't look, she just squeezed his hand back in a silent thank you.