Your Love Is Mine For The Taking

Chapter 7

AN: There may be some of you who haven't read this story on my other accounts/sites (quizilla and fanfiction) I feel I should tell you all that this story does contain mentionings of sexual assualt and the trauma that goes along with it. Just wanted to let you all know.
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The grip he had on her neck was painfully tight, she was losing oxygen quick, spots popping in front of her eyes as she looked up into the towering trees hiding the setting sun. She felt the sharp point of a wand being jammed painfully into her ribs. He was unbuckling his jeans, a growl emitting from his throat at her persistent struggling, "Hold still, dammit."
"No, stop." she breathed, struggling underneath him, reaching around in the damp leaves for her wand, it was nowhere near her, she was completely at his mercy.

'Why won't he get off, why is none looking for me?'

Vanessa struggled harder, kicking him violently in the shins in an attempt to pry his hands off of her neck and thigh. She saw the look in his dark power hungry gaze darken ten fold. His black stare sent a chill up her exposed skin, igniting the goosebumps as she struggled harder against his hand crushing her small neck. Her long nails scratched violently across his own, she could barely breath anymore. She felt herself growing weaker and weaker the more she struggled but she wouldn't stop fighting.
- - - - - - - - - -
'Please, Please'
"Vanessa? C'mon, get up, its alright! Its just Daphne and I." said a soft voice, her covers ripping off of her.
Vanessa sat straight up in a cold sweat, shaking tremendously, her heart pounding away at her most recent night terror. Astoria looked her over with an almost frightened expression, her hands clasped in between her legs.
"You looked like you were having a fit or something. I remember you did the same thing a few weeks ago. Vanessa-"
"I'm fine, Daph, don't worry about it. Its just a dream, nothing to worry about." said Vanessa, taking in a cleansing breath.

She adjusted back to the present, standing up and walking over to the shower in the bathroom, starting the shower. The ritual of hers she would repeat after that dream, it was too much, every time it seemingly got worse and worse. Every time it felt more real than the last, like she was there again. She could still feel his calloused, wandering, hands roaming over her, she could still feel the pressure of his hand around her neck.
As she stepped in the shower, Vanessa let the water slide over tense figure, letting it wash away the disgust she felt, the mixture of pure anger and terror brewing in her stomach ceasing. She ran her fingers through her tangled locks, wincing when she would catch a knotted patch of hair. The feeling of her soapy body wash on her skin relaxed her, cleaning her once again dirty skin. She scrubbed over her legs, adding more pressure to the places HE touched.
As she walked out of the bathroom and over to her open trunk she pulled out a fresh pair of underwear, bra, and her uniform, clenching the tie between her teeth. She dragged them back into the bathroom and dressed quickly, avoiding the constant glances Daphne and Astoria were giving her, she knew those looks all too well and at the moment she didn't feel like being questioned; she just wanted to forget it.
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"Come ON, Van! You take any longer and there won't be any breakfast left!" yelled Daphne from the other side of the heavy wooden bathroom door.
Vanessa rolled her eyes at her friends futile attempt at swaying her out of the bathroom, she knew damn good and well that Vanessa took her time with her hair and makeup. Her appearance was just about everything to her, not that she was ever completely pleased with it but, she could deal with it. With her length of hair she could wear it in many different ways but she typically preferred it stick straight with a slight inward curve to frame her face just right. But today, it was not wanting to cooperate, the ends were wanting to fan out in different directions and it was beginning to annoy the narcissistic side of Vanessa.
"Vanessa, its Astoria. Now If you come on now, you'll probably get to see Draco's yummy father-"
"Astoria!" hollered Vanessa as she flung open the door.
"Holler, must you?" questioned Astoria, cocking her head backwards with an amused expression.
"Holler about Draco's father, must you?"
"No matter how yummy he is?" said Astoria, hinting at a smile.
Vanessa smiled and took a quick glance back at the mirror, the hair would have to do for today, luckily her makeup hid the small blemishes on her forehead well, her dark eyeliner would distract from that. Astoria gave her arm a small tug and grabbed her bag for her, throwing it over her shoulder. "You look lovely, now lets go." said Astoria, her lips curling into a smirk as she turned, striding in front of Vanessa and Daphne.
"Ruddy hell, I've never seen you so excited to actually get out of here. Think there's something wrong with her Daphne?" asked Vanessa, giving Daphne a nudge with her elbow as the walked through the portrait. Daphne smirked at her remark, more than likely in agreement, there was something about Astoria that was different, perhaps in a positive way if she actually wants to get her schedule as soon as possible. Something was definitely up and both girls knew it. Daphne kept looking over at Vanessa on the way up to the Great Hall, searching her face for any trace left behind of what happened that morning. In the five years she had known her, Vanessa never had nightmares.
"Vanessa, are you okay?" she asked as nonchalantly as she could but Vanessa saw right through it like she always could.
"Daphne, I'm fine alright. It was just nerves, you know. We have OWL's this year, I guess I'm just stressing a little early."
Daphne pursed her lips together and narrowed her eyes at Vanessa much in the way her mother would which made Vanessa look twice at her.
"Don't lie to me, or to anyone Vanessa. You should know you aren't any good at it. Besides, I know it wasn't just nerves because..." but she couldn't finish the sentence, her gaze fell to the ground in slight shame. Vanessa took quick notice, her stomach jumped at her words and was somewhat frightened of what both Daphne and Astoria might have heard. The thought caused a painful twitch in her stomach.
"Because, what? Daphne, what?" asked Vanessa in a slightly frantic tone, she immediately bit her own tongue.
"Because, because you were screaming. I couldn't really make out what but you flipped out when I grabbed you."
Vanessa felt as though an ice cube had been dropped into the pit of her stomach, her skin crawled with angry goosebumps. Her senses hightend, every noise was now an explosion, she kept anticipating seeing IT around the corner; mentally preparing herself for the sight of HIM, the idea was nauseating. She had the sudden urge to cry and crawl under the secure covers of her comforter back home, but she could not do that now, she was miles upon miles away.
Your safe here. What happened last year is not going to happen this year, or ever again.

'But it already happened. I still have to see the bastard.'

"I'm fine alright."
"Vanessa if something happened-" but she stopped in the midst of her sentence, catching Vanessa's look of warning to press no further, thankfully she wasn't as stubborn as her sister. "Sorry." muttered Daphne, giving Vanessa a guilty smile. She nodded her head and smiled back, just wanting to forget the conversation was ever had in the first place.
- - - - - - - - - -
"That's the worst Monday I've ever seen!" erupted Ron, resting his head in one of his hands. Vanessa laughed loudly at the sight of him, catching his attention. "What say you Vanessa?"
"I've no objections to that, Ron!" interjected Vanessa, rubbing her brows at the ghastly sight of her schedule. "And you urged me down for this? I should kill you." Astoria's mouth dropped into an 'o' shape, her small brows creased inward.
"What'd I do? I didn't make these."
"Look at this. Divination, double Potions, History of Magic." At this Astoria let out a groan of displeasure and lowered her head to her folded arms. "and Double Defense Against the Dark Arts. Oh I do miss Professor Lupin, this Umbridge woman seems a bit of an incompetent choice doesn't she? Doesn't look like she's faced many Death Eaters in her day." Both Astoria and Vanessa chuckled at the idea of Umbridge attempting to fight off Death Eaters in her fluffy pink cardigan. Just as Vanessa had picked up the Daily Prophet, a head of blonde hair plopped in front of them, Vanessa groaned and rolled her eyes behind the Prophet at the new found presence of Draco.
"What're you doing Cunningham?" Draco drawled out in his usual pompous tone.
"Reading, Malfoy. Something you should learn to do." said Vanessa coolly, not averting her eyes from the page. Of course it didn't interest her one bit, she knew damn well ninety percent of what was printed in the Daily Prophet was fabricated.
"I know how to read." said Draco spitefully, "I was just asking because I assumed you were on Potters side."
"You should watch your tone around me, Malfoy. I'm not in the mood to fight with you." she said throwing him a harsh, short, glare.
"Come now, Vanessa. You don't want to go being rude to me when you've taken such an interest to my father," Vanessa put the Prophet down and looked at him through a curious gaze, "- and I must say he's taken quite the interest in you as well."
It was as though a fire had been lit underneath her cheeks as they began to boil at the very idea that someone as handsome as Mr. Malfoy would take an interest in her, her of all people. The very idea was wrong, not to mention inappropriate, he was twice her age. Vanessa convinced herself that Draco was just trying to riffle up her feathers. "Draco please don't lie to me. I'm not in the mood-"
"You really are that oblivious aren't you. You don't even see the way people look at you when you walk past." stated Draco, his eyes an almost mirror image of his fathers. "You know for a smart girl you really need to work on your social skills, you can't even tell when a man has an obvious attraction to you." snorted Draco, giving Vanessa's face a once over.
"Your father isn't attracted to me." said Vanessa, her expression unwavering. Draco lowered his head and smiled down at the table.
"You might as well give up now, Draco. She doesn't see it." said Daphne in an exasperated tone. "We've tried to tell her but she just doesn't get it."
Vanessa cheeks felt very hot all of the sudden and she desperately wanted to get the subject off of her. No, she didn't think of herself as beautiful, would she ever, God she hoped so but doubted it highly. "Well either way Vanessa, I know my father and I know when he sees something he likes. And the other day in Diagon Alley, he liked what he saw. And you must've noticed the way he looks at you here, at dinner he kept glancing at you."
"Draco, can we please change the subject? I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable." said Vanessa before taking a large sip of pumpkin juice in attempt to cool off her cheeks but it helped little. Draco rolled his eyes at her and glanced back up at the staff table.
"He's doing it again." he smirked, the mirror image of his fathers, it was frightening the resemblance between the two. Vanessa couldn't help herself, she looked up at the staff table and low and behold, Lucius Malfoy was staring right at her, his triumphant smirk in place. Her stomach did a flip at the sight of him, he was quite possibly the most attractive man she'd ever seen, there was something about him. The blonde hair, his piercing steel like gaze, the exact way he carried himself with grace and with the hint of superiority. The lethal combination that made Vanessa's stomach swarm with a dozen butterflies. She didn't find Draco that attractive, even though he was like a miniature version of his father, he lacked a certain quality that Lucius held. Perhaps it was behind his haunting stare, or maybe the way he carried himself but it drew Vanessa towards him, like a magnetic pull. "Oh yeah, he definitely thinks you're hideous." scoffed Draco in his typical sarcastic tone. Vanessa couldn't bring herself to look away from Lucius' gaze, she was being slowly sucked into him, being devoured by his gaze alone.
"Hey!" chided Astoria, snapping her fingers together in front of Vanessa' nose, startling her out of her near drooling state. "You done undressing him with your eyes yet?" Vanessa glared at her momentarily only to smile at Astoria's amused grin.

'God help me, I think I've got a thing for Lucius Malfoy.'