Shaking by the way she looked at me

Disco Curtis

“Tanner, you aren’t supposed to do it that way” Meagan shouted at a confused Tanner.

“What?! Then how should I do it then?” he asked irritated

“I told you to write it on a bond paper. That yellow pad doesn’t even come close to a white bond paper!” Meagan sighed infuriated “Besides… you wrote it all wrong. The grammar is unacceptable!”

“Oh so you think you’re the best damn bi—“Tanner was about to say but then AJ cut him before he could finish

“Ok guys, we can still solve this” AJ, the peacemaker calmly said

Basically, Meagan and Tanner are arguing… yet again. Actually, Meagan just always gets into situations like this. She usually argues with every single person she talks to. They just don’t seem to reach her standards.

“You’re just a damn know it all” Tanner muttered before standing up from the table.

“Sorry about that” AJ said before standing up and following his friend

Meagan is the school “dictator”. She is the school president and everyone’s biggest fear. Every person who encounters her either shakes in fear or just simply faints in front of her due to lack of oxygen. They tend to forget to breathe when they talk to her or whenever she throws them her unanswerable questions.

No one dared to cross her or answer her insults. She is bossy therefore she doesn’t have much of a friend as people say. In fact she has zero friends. She comes to school, does the stuff a president should do then go straight back home. The school population thinks that she doesn’t have a bit of social life in her.

“Man, she is still a girl yah know” AJ clarified as he continued following Tanner

“You call that devil…a girl?!” Tanner hissed back

“You know she’s really like that”

“Yeah but does she have to be so freaking serious about life? It’s just a fucking book review for English!” he yelled

“I know” was all AJ could say

“Why the hell do we have to be grouped with her again?!”

“Because we cut English that day and she was the only one left with no group mates” AJ reminded his friend

“That sucks like hell”

“She has a point man. She did instruct you to write it down on a bond paper. And… the grammar is kinda bad”

“What the hell. Why does it matter anyway? She is gonna type it in a computer and print it anyway!”

“Don’t mind her. We need to pass English man. We cut too much that our teacher can fail us just because of all our absents”

“Fine. I know. I just can’t stand her. I can’t stand that… that terrorist. She just eats you up!”

Meagan sighed and watched AJ and Tanner argue a few feet away from the table where she was left. She was sure AJ was trying to calm Tanner. He had a bad temper. She didn’t mean to sound too harsh but that’s just the way she is. She dislikes people with low standards or people who get contented easily. She isn’t that type of person. Sometimes insults like that just automatically come out her mouth. When she sees the face of the person after she throws her criticisms, she somehow feels guilty for being too harsh. Usually though…. She sees a terrorized face. Tanner is different. He showed a furious one. People don’t react like that to her. Tanner was the first.

She can’t help herself. She naturally is a strict and authoritative person. It was also their project. She wants her grades perfect. She is a straight A student and she is not intending to change that status. She doesn’t wanna get a low grade just because of two idiots who always cut their classes. She breathed with relief when the two started walking back to the table.

“Sorry. I was pissed” Tanner said rather hesitantly

“It’s okay. Just rewrite that on a bond paper and improve the grammar please” Meagan instructed and then stood up to leave the two

“What the fuck was that? Can you see how long this thing is? It’s freakin three pages long! See how she acts like a bi-“

“Don’t even continue that sentence man” AJ cut him again


“I cannot believe I have to rewrite this damn thing! THREE PAGES!” Tanner complained to his friends waving all the paper to their faces

“If only you listened to her” AJ laughed

“Is she really that scary?” Garrett asked intrigued

“Yep. Very intimidating” AJ answered

“See… when you look into her eyes you feel like you’re gonna melt with terror” Tanner added

“Wow man” Brendan chuckled

“Good thing I haven’t been grouped with her” Garrett added

“I guess it’s you guys’ karma. Stop skipping classes” Brendan said seriously

“I learned my lesson. I am not doing that again. Look at what it brought us” AJ laughed

“I still hate her. I have a theory that she has like a witch relative in her bloodline.” Tanner said darkly

“Now that’s too much. Maybe she’s really like that” AJ said

“Some people are really scary” Garrett mumbled

“Not her… it’s like she is doing it on purpose so she can make everyone fear her. I don’t even understand how she became president of our student body’ Tanner fought back

“Maybe she scared her way in” Brendan laughed

“Everyone was too scared of her that they ended up voting her afraid she’d kill them if they don’t” Garrett said

“Or maybe there wasn’t anyone brave enough to go against her. I mean, do you remember her supposed to be competitor? That girl was scared of Meagan too! It was so obvious” Tanner said back

“Just let her be. We only have one more year left with her anyway.”

‘Yeah one more year of hell”


Meagan sighed as she tried to read in the library. She doesn’t understand why these noisy people are in the library. It’s not a place to talk. She doesn’t understand why they come here in the first place. They aren’t even reading or at least pretending to read. She gave up and looked up to see who was making noise in the damn library. She saw a bunch of girls giggling on a random table. They were looking at something at the other table. She couldn’t see what it was or who it was because the girls were blocking her view.

“Can you girls shut up? This is a library. Not a viewing room” she snapped at them

The girls immediately stopped after hearing her voice. They slowly turned around and they all turned white.

“Oh… Meagan. We didn’t realize-“

“Just go if you can’t keep quiet. Now, if you are willing to shut your mouth, you can stay”

“No… we’ll be leaving already” another girl mumbled and stumbled out the chairs

They all stood up and walked out the library without making any noise.

“Thank God’ Meagan mumbled to herself

As she was about to go back to her book, she surprisingly saw Tanner and his friends sitting on the table the girls were drooling about just minutes ago. She rolled her eyes realizing that the girls may have fancied them.

“I can’t believe this” she said to herself and started reading her book


“Whew. Thank god those noisy girls are gone. Man, did you see how they stared and laughed in front of us? Do I have like, dirt on my face or something?” Tanner asked wiping his face

“Girls are really like that. I bet t hey laugh slash giggle 98 percent of the day” Garrett joked

“Right” Brendon said

“I guess the witch got pissed of their noise and sent them out.” AJ mumbled

“She’s there?” Tanner asked looking up

“Yup. Smack behind the giggling girls a while ago.” AJ answered

“There are positive things with her being scary at least” Garrett cut their conversation

“Yeah. She can always scare people to doing what she wanted” Tanner said coldly

“Why the heck are you so bad to her man? I think she is hot. I mean, did you even get a chance to check her out? Well, aside from her feisty personality, she has a nice body and a pretty face. I guess people overlook all of that because they get preoccupied with being scared at her” AJ finished

“Dude, what did you just say?” Garrett asked his friend

“Are you sick?” Brendan waved at him

“Of course not. I am just saying”

Tanner made a face at his friend.

“I cannot believe you just said that. How can you check her out while she grills you with her intimidating eyes?” Tanner questioned

“Like I said… I am just saying. She’s not too bad. You just have to find her soft spot. I am sure she has one… somewhere in her. Deep deep deep inside her tough personality. Remember the time when she was kinda different? I think it was days before our winter break. I remember people making fun of her because she was acting all weird. She also had this strange look in her eyes. Like she was gonna cry anytime. That’s one soft spot. I just dunno why she behaved weird that day. She wasn’t her scary self but there was something dark about her. Like she was going through a phase or something.”

“Yeah. That was weird. She wasn’t talking at all. But when she talked it was so monotone. It didn’t have that feistiness” Garrett pointed out

‘That was only one time. She went back to her old self after Christmas right?” Brendan said

“Yup.” AJ said

Tanner lifted his eyes to look at her. He intentionally didn’t lift his head up so it wouldn’t be obvious that he was looking at her. She did look pretty and interesting. Maybe he can try finding that soft spot. Meagan suddenly shot her head up and directly looked at him like she knew what he was doing. She caught him staring at her. It was so obvious. She didn’t take her eyes off of his eyes. It was embarrassing,

“Shit” tanner mumbled and averted his eyes back to his book

“What?” AJ asked

“No-nothing” he stutterd

His heart was beating so fast. Why did he feel that way when she looked at him straight in his eyes? Maybe he was just taken aback or surprised. He never gets caught staring. He is usually the one catching people who stare at him.


“Okay, for this year’s homecoming, I am planning it to be more of a disco, retro type of party” Meagan announced to her secretary and Vice president in a meeting they are currently having in the school conference room

“Well, yeah that’s good” the secretary said

She always agrees with her so that comment doesn’t surprise her.

“How about you?” she turned to her vice

“I suggest…uhm maybe have a band play? Like maybe retro or disco music”

She contemplated about it.

“That’s a good suggestion. Find a band. Maybe just a local band. Our budget can’t really afford big and famous bands.

“I know of a band just around the school. I’ll ask them. They might even do it for free”

“That’s good. Fix everything and report to me after everything’s been polished already alright?”


Meagan stood up and left the room. The meeting finished quite late already. It was seven pm already. She sighed and walked faster. It sucked that she didn’t have her own car. She had to take a walk or take a taxi if she is lucky enough to find one circling around school at this hour. She decided to give it a chance and wait for a taxi outside the school. She patiently sat on the bleachers and waited. The silence of the campus comforted her. It amazed her how loud the school can be during the day and how tranquil it can be at night. She closed her eyes and took in the breeze.

‘What are you doing here? It’s late’

She heard a familiar voice ask her. She opened her eyes and saw a confused Tanner waling up to her.

“I had a meeting. I am waiting for a taxi. How about you?”

“Oh… uhm, I got detention: he answered

“They give detention until seven?” she questioned

Tanner felt like he was being interrogated by a police or something

“I also loitered around school’ he chuckled


“You know, I am pretty sure that no taxis come around at this time of the night” Tanner said after a few minutes of awkward silence

“I waited here once and a taxi passed by”

“Well maybe you were lucky that night”

“I guess I have to walk back home” she sighed before standing up and jumping down the bleachers. She was about to walk away when Tanner called out to her.

“You know I can drive you home if you want” he offered and walked towards her

She turned around with shock.

“Do you even know where I live?” she asked

“uhm. No but you can tell me the directions” he smiled to her

‘I thought you hate me?” Meagan said

“Hate is a strong word Meagan.”

“Everyone hates me” she mumbled. Tanner almost didn’t catch it but thankfully, he did.

He surprisingly laughed after hearing this. She actually knew her reputation. All along he thought Meagan was clueless of what people think of her.

“What? What’s funny?’ she asked perplexed

“Nothing. Not… not everyone hates you” he said

“YEAH right. I don’t believe you.” She rolled her eyes

“I don’t hate you” he said, not knowing what to say.

She sounds so down. I bet it doesn’t feel good knowing that the whole school is scared of her and maybe hates her.

“Psh. Don’t lie” she rolled her eyes

“I am not. I may dislike you for being too bossy but I don’t hate you. I am sure a lot of people like you”

“Okay. Stop fooling around already.” she laughed

Tanner cannot believe she laughed. That was the first time he ever heard her laugh. It was different. She looked more vulnerable and real. It was another side of her.

“So. I’ll drive you home?” he asked and smiled at her as he walked to his car

“Are you sure?” she asked a little unsure herself

“Yup. Come on. Hop in” he said opening the door for her

“Alright” she mumbled and then sat on the passenger seat

Tanner quickly went in the car and started it. He started driving and absentmindedly turned on the radio.

Anberlin played.

“Anberlin huh?” Meagan asked hearing the band’s song

“You know them?”

“Yup. Of course I do.”

“You like them?” he asked

“Yeah.” She nodded

“Really? Are you serious? You are like one of what… three people I know who actually like
them or even know them. “He exclaimed

“You are also the first person I have ever seen play them in their car. That’s why I was shocked when I heard” she laughed again

“Wow. I cannot believe you know them! I mean, you of all people!” he gushed

“Yeah. Well, you don’t really know me”

“I guess so.” Was all he could say

Meagan might just be a very interesting girl and she was making Tanner curious with each passing minute he spent with her. Maybe AJ was right. She had a soft spot in her. All he needs to do is find it and be lucky enough to see the real Meagan.

“Just pull over the white house over there” she said pointing to a simple white house just a few blocks away from his

He didn’t expect her to live in a small house like that. He more of imagined her to be like a daughter of a rich man then she would just boss around her maids. He thought wrong.

“Surprised? Did you think I lived in a mansion like the rest of you guys?” she asked

“Actually… yeah. I thought you were a brat at home who orders her maids around” Tanner said honestly

“Well. I am not”

“Sorry if I thought of you that way. Perhaps I just didn’t know you too much.” Tanner explained thinking she took it as an insult

“No it’s okay. I always get that wrong assumption of myself. I am used to it”

Tanner suddenly felt bad when she said she was used to it. Maybe she hears how people talk about her around school. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. She isn’t supposed to be used to it. He felt bad that he was one of those people who judged Meagan.

He was about to say something but the door of the house suddenly opened revealing an old man.

“Meagan? Is that you?” the man asked out loud

“Uh. Grandpa. Yes it’s me” Meagan answered back and immediately opened the door to walk out the car

“I gotta go. Thanks for the ride” she smiled to him

All he could do was nod his head. She smiled at him. Wow. He watched her walk towards the small house to the old man standing just beside the open door. He wonders what other stuff she has in her life. Where were his parents? The house looked empty when they went in. He is really interested about her now.

He drove home with a lot of questions about Meagan. She never left his mind the whole night. He almost wasn’t able to sleep. She just triggers his curiosity. He had never been interested in a girl like this. He just had to know her.

The next day…

“Hey!” Tanner greeted Meagan after caching up to her

“Hello. It’s weird that you are talking to me” she said while she got books from her locker

“Why is it weird?”

“You never talk to me” she simply said

“Oh. Well now I am” he said proudly

“Okay then” she nodded to him

“So… last night. That was your grandfather?”

“Yup. He is kinda old. He can’t see in the dark so I had to help him go back in”

“Oh.” Was all he could say. He really wanted to ask her about her family but he feels like it would be intruding her privacy

“Anymore questions?” she asked as they both walk

“Uh… well… now that you ask. “he trailed off

“Go on” she encouraged

“You know what? How about let’s eat lunch together?” he offered thinking it would be more appropriate

“You are asking me to eat lunch with you?” she asked back

“Yeah sure. Why not?”

“Okay.” She answered

“Let’s go” he immediately grabbed her hand and led her out the school to his car

Meagan was shocked that he grabbed her hand. That was strange. No one ever touches her in school. At least not as close as that. All she could do was let him drag her around school to his car.

“Hop in” he smiled

“We’re eating out?”

“Yup. I feel like eating McDonalds”

“Fine” she said then went in the car


“So. What do you wanna ask about me?’ she said as they eat their food

“Hmm. How about this. Let’s ask each other questions. I ask you then you ask me” he suggested

“That sounds good. Me first” she said with her authoritative voice again

“Okay” he was getting used to her tone of voice already that he doesn’t feel intimidated anymore. Maybe it’s just the way she talks. It’s normal to her to have that kind of tone in her voice.

“Tell me the truth. You really loath me right?” she asked

“I used to dislike you. Really dislike you that it came so close to hating already. But like I said last night, I don’t hate you” he answered with guilt. He cannot believe he even talked trashed about her. She is actually nice if you get used to her.

“Okay.” She said

“My turn. Do you have any siblings?”

“Uhm. Nope. Well. At least I know I don’t.” she answered

“What does that mean?”

“Only one question. It’s my turn.” She said hesitantly

“Okay” he nodded seeing the change in her face

“Uhm. Aha. Why do you and your friend. Uhm, AJ, I think. Why do you guys always skip classes? Don’t you care about your grades?”

“It’s fun to skip school once in a while. You should try it once.” He joked

“Nah. No way.” She shook her head

“So serious about life”

“It’s just how we all should deal with life.” She said back.

The meaning of those words was so deep.

“So. My turn. Why is it that you don’t know if you have any siblings?”

“I can’t believe I am gonna tell you this” she muttered

“Don’t worry. It would be a secret between us” he smiled

“I am…”


‘I am adopted” she finished

“Adopted? Really? Wow” was all he could say

“I was adopted and I would never know if I have any siblings or if my real parents are still alive.” She finished

“Why? Why don you ask them?” he asked

“Sorry. You got your turn already. It’s almost time. Let’s go” she said then stood up from the table

He felt like she was avoiding the question. He decided to let it go for now. He got enough personal information about her for the day.

The ride back to school was awkward at first but of course, Tanner made it more comfortable. He asked her about the stuff she likes to do. He found out that she was allergic to shrimp and that she loves the color pink. She had a feminine side in her. She wasn’t so tough after all.


“You! Where the hell have you been?” AJ shouted at Tanner seeing him walk along the hallways

“Uhm… somewhere” he answered not knowing if he should tell his friend about Meagan

“We heard you had lunch with the witch” Brendan said

“Who said?”

“Some girls were talking about it. They were saying they saw the two of you go out the school and then you drove somewhere with her inside the car” Garrett said

“Yeah. That’s true”

“You ate with her? I thought you hated her?” AJ asked perplexed

“She’s okay. We got to talk last night after I got detention. I saw her waiting for a taxi here. It
was late. Like seven already. Who waits around for taxis at that time?”

“So? What happened?”

“I brought her home. We talked a bit. I think you’re right about her AJ”

“Oh man. Do you like her?” Garrett asked

“She just interests me. That’s all. She isn’t too tough as we see her actually”

“Oh now you are protecting her huh? Love changes people” AJ teased

“Man, don’t even go there. We’re just… friends. I guess”

He wasn’t sure himself if he was really her friend already. Was last night and a while ago at lunch enough for them to be called friends?


The next day…

“This is good enough. Better than the other one” Meagan finally said after scanning the
paper Tanner rewrote. “I’ll just edit it and then add other stuff”

“Wow. It’s done? We’re not gonna do anything anymore?” AJ asked

“Yes. You can go now if there’s nothing else” Meagan said

“Alright” AJ said standing up

“Bye” Tanner said then waved at her

“Bye” she said before looking up at him

“Am I just imagining it or is she nicer now?” AJ muttered as they both walk away “Also, you are nicer to her now. You’re both nicer to each other. It’s weird”

“I am just happy that the paper I wrote was good enough for her” was all Tanner said while wearing a huge smile

“Do you mind explaining to me why you are smiling to yourself like an idiot?” AJ asked

“I am not”

“Yes you are. Oh shit. Do you… you do like her!” AJ accused


“Oh man, trust me… you do. What the hell happened that night?”

“Nothing! I just… maybe I got to know her better to understand why she is like that.” Tanner said softly

“Awww. You understand her now!” AJ cooed

“Shut up”


“You need help?” Tanner said jokingly seeing Meagan stumble with so much books in the library

“Yes actually” Meagan laughed seeing Tanner holding out his hand for the books

“Thanks” she mumbled giving him so books she was trying to hold

“So… why are you here?” Meagan asked while they both sit on her table

“Why? Is it bad to go to the library?”

“No. It’s just that you don’t usually go here. Or if you do, you’re here with your friends”

“How do you know?”

“I am always here.”

“SO you always look at me every time I am here?” Tanner teased

“No. it’s just that this place gets noisier when you guys are here. The girls just crowd in” She mumbled browsing the book


It was silent for a while. Tanner let her do her reading first. He can’t help but look at how she is so concentrated with what she was reading. It was like she was so interested in it. Her dedication in her studies amazes him. Even if she was reading a thick science book, she looks so engrossed into it.

“Stop staring at me” she suddenly whispered still reading the book

“Am not” he said averting his eyes somewhere else. His is so hot.

She knows it whenever people look at her.

“Yes you were. Now you’re not. You are red by the way” she said blankly

“No.” he lied feeling himself turn redder

“I feel people whenever they stare or look at me. A simple glimpse is easy to feel.”

“How do are you sure they are looking at you?”

“I just know. I got a lot of practice. People always look at me when I walk around.” She said like it was a normal thing

He felt bad again. Maybe people always stare at her when she walks around school and gossip about how scary she is.

She suddenly shut her book and looked up at him.

“You’re done?”

“How could I read when there is a person beside me staring and looking at me every five seconds?” she said eyeing him

“Oh. You want me to go? Sorry if I disturbed you” he said standing up

“No. doesn’t” Meagan found herself saying

Somehow, she liked his company. No one ever accompanies her like he does. First when he brought her home then when he invited her to eat lunch with him. He makes her feel comfortable.

“Okay” he said slowly sitting back on his chair

To be honest, Meagan didn’t like the feeling of being alone. She also wants company like normal people do. It’s just that no one wants to go with her. Maybe they are too scared of her to be friends with her. She tries to look strong and manage to be alone but when she felt how good it was to be with someone, like when she was with Tanner, she feels like always being with him.

“You’re here. So… you wanna talk?” she said

“Yeah sure”


“I dunno. Anything. I like talking to you”

“Really?” Meagan asked surprised

It was the first time anyone ever told her that. No one wants to talk to her. Every time she talks to someone, that person either stutters or tries to finish the conversation as soon as possible.

“Yeah. You’re fun to talk to” he smiled

“Am I?”

“Well. People just need to get used to the way you talk. Sometimes you sound mad” he chuckled

“It’s my voice I guess. I really talk like this”

“Yeah I know. I understand now. Maybe you got it from your parents? Do they talk like that too?”

“Yeah. A bit. My dad talks like a lawyer and my mom like a teacher.” She laughed

“Oh. Now I understand why you have that tone in your voice”

“I don’t know about my real parents though” she said softly

“So… can I ask you something?”

“Yeah. What’s that?”

“Uhmm. When did you find out you are you know… adopted? You’re parents told you?”

“Nah. Grandpa told me. They couldn’t tell me even if they tried”

“Why?” he asked curiously.

“They’re…. they’re dead” she said the last word so soft that he thought he heard it wrong

“Oh. I am sorry about that.” Was all he could say

“They died in a car crash. They were gonna go skiing but then it snowed so hard…” she trailed off


‘It’s okay. I still have grandpa with me”

“When did it happen?”

“Last year. Before winter break. I can still remember when my grandpa called me in school
and told me the bad news. I cried in the bathroom” she said

He can’t help but be mad at himself for treating her like that. That was the time she acted all strange and other people, including him, were making fun of her.

“Oh” was all he could say. He was speechless

“Last year was the saddest Christmas of my entire life. They died then a week after, my grandpa confessed about me being adopted. They were gonna tell me this year but then they didn’t live long enough to do that. Sometimes I feel like I am all alone in this world. I don’t know where my real parents are and then my foster parents are gone. Grandpa makes it all better” she smiled to herself as she said those words

“You aren’t alone. You have me.” he was surprised after saying that. Why the heck did he say that? Where did that come from?

She looked at him and smiled

‘Thanks. You’re really nice”

“You are nice too you know”


After that discovery about Meagan, she never left Tanner’s mind anymore. He now understood Meagan. Why she acts so strong and independent. She needs someone she can trust and someone she can rely on when she feels like she can’t do it alone. She acts tough but really, she is soft inside. She is just a girl looking for someone to take care of her. Tanner realized that he wanted to be that person. He wanted to be the guy to be with her whenever she is alone or whenever she needed help. Someone she could depend on and tell her problems to.

He didn’t want her to have those times again whenever people just left her to be alone. He wants to accompany her wherever she is. He knows that she wants to have someone with her. She is just too scared to ask other people knowing what those people thought of her. How could she ask someone who was scared out of their wits whenever they talk to her? How could she be with someone who hates her because she is too bossy? She didn’t have a choice but be alone.

Tanner decided to give her a choice. It’s either she goes alone or she goes with him.

He wants to be with her.

“Dude, what’s up?” AJ snapped to his face

“Daydreaming much?” Garrett laughed

“I like her” Tanner announced

“What?” Brendan asked confused

“I like her man. I really do.”

“Are you…are you talking about the witch?” AJ asked

“Yah. I like her. I like Meagan. She’s amazing”

“Whoa there. Are you sure?” Garrett asked

“Yes. I have never been sure in my life” he said standing up

“Man, where are you going?” AJ questioned

‘I am going to her place and tell her” he said plainly grabbing the keys to his car

“You are gonna freak her out you know” Garrett said

“No I am not”

“You are. What time is it? It’s eleven.’ AJ pointed at his watch

“Oh shit. Yeah. I didn’t realize that”

“You can tell her tomorrow night during homecoming. She’ll surely be there to be her bossy self” AJ laughed

“Don’t call her that”

“Sorry. Sorry. I was just joking!” AJ chuckled


Megan feels so weird standing all alone here in a large room with all the people laughing and dancing. She didn’t have anyone with her. She was only there to fix all the stuff and make sure nothing goes wrong; it was her job as the president. It’s good that everything is going well. All she needs to do is hang around and pretend like she is doing other things to excuse herself from dancing. No one would dare ask her to dance anyway. They all had their own partners to be with. She is used to this anyway. Seeing the party going well makes her happy and contented already. She decided to go out for some air. The room was getting too crowded. She walked to the exit but was stopped when she heard a familiar voice call on her.

“Stop right there Meagan”
She halted and turned around to see Tanner onstage along with his other friends
What the hell is he doing onstage? He saw them pick up instruments. Are they the band her vice president was talking about? She felt stupid for not asking who the band members were. She only knows the band’s name which was Disco Curtis.

She threw Tanner a confused look.

“Aren’t you gonna watch us play? Don’t you wanna listen to me sing?” Tanner asked with a
smug on his face

She made a face at him

“Hey guys. We are Disco Curtis and this song is dedicated for Meagan” Tanner said to the crowd and then started playing

The whole room was staring at her. She could feel the girls throwing daggers at her. She decided to focus her attention to Tanner and the guys. He was looking straight at her the whole time. She could feel herself blush bright red. He was looking at her differently. It was very invading in a way.

The song finished and Tanner hopped down the stage and walked straight to her. The people made way for him. All Meagan could do was stare and watch him do whatever he was doing. It’s like her feet are stuck on the ground. She can’t run away knowing that he’ll catch up eventually. He was walking to her and on his hand was a rose.
When he finally got to her, he automatically grabbed her hand and led her out the room. She couldn’t talk or fight back. He was taking her out the room and that’s what she needed. She wanted to get out of there asap.

He stopped and she bumped at him. She was still walking.

“For you” he smiled to her and handed her the rose

“Thanks” was all she can say “What was all of that about?” she asked pertaining to the band and song thing

“The song is dedicated to you” he answered


“Meagan… I can’t believe I am saying this but… I like you. I really do” he said blushing again

All Meagan could do was laugh

“What?” he asked nervously

“You are so funny. This is funny. You actually like me? No one likes me. Everyone hates me Tanner-”

“Don’t think of yourself like that! Everyone else may hate you but I like you. I do’ Tanner cut her

“Tanner, there’s a reason why no one wants to hang out with me. I don’t think you have realized that yet” she whispered

“I do. I realize it now. I see it so clearly. You need someone to be with you and I want to be that person. I know you are a strong person but you’re not the strongest. You also need someone to help you when you need one. I know you pretend to be all strong but really, you are the most vulnerable girl I have ever met”

“I don’t know Tanner. I don’t wanna hurt you. You are indeed special to me and I don’t wanna take this chance then end up screwing it up” Meagan answered, confused


“Meagan?” the teacher looked for her and handed her the English paper Tanner, AJ and her

She saw it and saw a B+

She sighed and smiled. The bell rang and all the people rushed out the room

“What did we get?” AJ asked excited

“B+” Meagan answered

“What? That can’t be. You’re a straight A student Meg. There must be a mistake. You have never had a B in your entire life” Tanner said scanning the paper “This is my entire fault. What I wrote sucked”

“No. It’s okay” Meagan smiled at them

“No, it’s not! This is our fault man!” Tanner whined

“I am contented with that grade actually. It’s not like she’ll fail English because she got a B+” AJ said

‘Yeah but it will pull down your grade!” Tanner told Meagan

“Excuse me AJ” She sighed and grabbed his hand to lead him out the room.

“What?” Tanner asked

“It’s all good”

“No it’s not! I pulled down your grade!”

“It’s alright. I got more in exchange of having that B. I got you right?” she smiled to him

Tanner smiled at this and hugged his loving and understanding….

♠ ♠ ♠
Don't forget to COMMENT

Ohyeah... I have a new rule about requesting one shots. This will be the last "FREE" one shot :)) I will be writing one shots in exchange of these requirements:

1) Promoting any of my stories (at least two of them) The new readers can comment on the story and tell me who referred them to the story.

2) Encouraging/Recruiting people to comment on my stories. I dunno how you guys can do that but I know you'll find a way. (at least five new commenters)

P.S. telling friends/other people about it is one good strategy to get more people.
