Glass Doll

Glass Doll

They wouldn't let me outside today, not one time.
I stay here locked in my dark room all day.
They say "it's the best for me."
But why do I feel used?
Susie thinks everyone is out to get her,
Gary wants to die,
Jimmy hates the world,
and all Ingred does is cry.
I stare out the window watching the people go by.
Hardly living and they tell me it's "for the best."
"We want to help." Say Mommy and Daddy
But Riley says they don't.
"We love you."
But Haley says their lying.
They locked me here and swallowed the key.
I'm screaming but no one can hear.
Going crazy but they don't care.
Whispering "it's for the very best"
But why do I feel so abused?
♠ ♠ ♠
I guess it's kind of like a poem, but not exactly?
I don't know, whatever you want to make of it :)