Spilled Skittles Not What It Seems

Just Starting

"Diana, Jimmy's here!" Mom called from down stairs. I rolled my eyes. Why do i still have to pretend we're dating? I don't get it..
"Coming!" I called back. See, Jimmy WAS my boyfriend for a while... Then i dumped him. My mom, being a mom, suggested we get back together. I only agreed since Jimmy said he wouldn't really.. be INTO it. We're only pretending. Anyway.. I closed my Calculus textbook and slowly worked my way off my bed, then descended the stairs really s-l-o-w-l-y. I smiled as Jimmy's brown mop of hair came into view. I say mop because... it kind looks like one. All stringy... but in the attractive way! He-he.. Anyway!
"Hey Jimmy!" I called to him. He looked up at me and tried not to smile. I looked down and my tank top was exposing the top of my bra. I groaned and fixed it. Stupid... Big boobs! That's right. I don't like having big boobs! Sorry half the male population! Now..
"Hey Diana," He called back from his spot on the couch. He was talking to my mom at the moment so i ran back upstairs to put a REAL shirt on. I ran into my closet and slipped on my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt that read "Turtely Awesome!" It was a guy shirt but... i don't give a shit. I ran back downstairs as Jimmy was walking to the door. He looked up and smirked as he said, "I have that shirt. Looks a lot better on you though!" I had bought the smallest Wal-Mart could offer. Which fit me tightly. I nodded and smiled. My shorts were... cue look down.. AH! they were crooked too! Stupid bed! I fixed my Skelanimals (rabbit version) shorts and ran down the rest of the steps.
"Diana. In your shorts? Really?" My mother called from the love seat. I shrugged and ran out, after slipping on my Sneakers, after Jimmy. He stepped into his car and i followed, sitting in the passenger seat. This was our routine. He'd come pick me up, take me to the end of the block were my current boyfriend Eric lived, then pick me up when the supposed 'date' was scheduled to be over. I thanked him and got out of the car quickly. I tied my long brown hair up in a pony-tail and knocked on Eric's door. He answered with a smile.
"Well hello Diana!" He greeted me, pulling my arm for me to come inside.
"Hi Eric," i giggled, walking inside fully. I slipped off my sneakers and sat on his couch. Eric was... Sexy to put it simply. He had shaggy brownish blondish hair, perfectly toned muscles, and the most Emoest style i had ever seen. Which was great cause I.Love.Emo.Boys.
"What's on the agenda tonight my Emo Princess?" Eric asked as he plopped down next to me. I smiled at my nickname. See, I was Emo too. We were made for eachother!
"I don't know my Emo prince. Any good movies out?" I replied. He shrugged and looked through the listings on his T.V.
"Seen it, Seen it, Really Shitty, Seen it... OH! That one was good... Seen it," He murmured as he went through the listings. I was trying to keep up. Not all of them i had seen but... just by the names they looked crappy. "Knowing" "9" God, what were people thinking? I grabbed his wrist as he almost passed "Jennifer's Body."
"I WANNA WATCH THAT ONE!" I screamed. He covered his ears.
"Alright, alright! No need to blow my fucking ear drums!" he replied laughing. I smiled sheepishly as he clicked it, bought it and got up to make popcorn. I sat on the couch, crossing and un-crossing my ankles as the previews played. Hmm.. maybe that 9 movie isn't so bad.. I heard the popping start. The smell of warm butter wafted to my nostrils.
"Holy SHIT that smells good!" I said out loud. I heard Eric chuckle.
"Extra Butter! Just for you!" He called out to me. I smiled. He knows my favorite kind! He-He.
The popping stopped just as the opening credits to Jennifer's Body started. He came back with a bowl of popcorn.
"That...Movie... Scared... The... Living... SHIT.. outta me!" I said as the ending credits rolled. That was when i noticed Eric's snoring. I looked at him and saw him FUCKING SLEEPING! Err. I scoffed at him and smiled wickedly. I stood up carefully, making sure not to stir him, and went and got his mom's "Safety Siren." I tip-toed back to him, put the horn by his head and pressed the button down making a loud noise. He bolted up and fell off the edge of the couch. I started cracking up, dropped the siren, and fell to the floor grasping my stomach.
"You're going to pay for that Simmons!" Eric called from the other side of the couch. "As.. As soon as i get up!" That only made me laugh harder.
"Thanks for the date Jimmy! It was lots of fun!" I called as I closed the door. He waved and sped off. I closed the door and raced upstairs. Wait a minute... I walked back down the steps and stared at the man sitting on the couch across from my mother. He... He looked just fucking like me! My eyes widened as I took in his Chocolate brown hair.. just like mine... His electric green eyes... just like mine... and plump lips... JUST LIKE FUCKING MINE! What the fuck is going on?!?!
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XX Oh yeah. Just the beginning bitches! ;) lol comments?
(Plz tell me if it sux. v.v)