I Never Knew You

Solely For Me

Mike walked down a crowded, gray street, bustling with people. He still felt lonely, he had nobody. No wife to go home to, no friends to get high with, no parents to go and visit. Just himself, all alone. The masses gathering to hear the underground play, songs that reminded Mike of his own life. Songs about pitiful losers who have no one. His pouted, colorless face tilted up to the sky, as he ran in the dark. The sun isn't shining for Mike anymore.

He stops at a trash can to admire the swollen sky. How the clouds were disliked and ominous, like himself. Nobody ever had a friendly wave ready for Mike. Strangers veered away from him as if he was diseased.

Mike, just a creep. Staring at the street corners and apartment buildings of New York, the subway rattling beneath his feet. Then she walked around the corner. Mike stared in awe and rubbed his eyes at the bright girl walking on the otherside of the road. It was like she brought the sun with her. His fingers shaking, his heart on fire. The gloomy clouds seemed to dissapear from Mike's mind, they just were swept away. It was like she brought the sun with her.

His mouth filled with silent words and he stared after her. Trying to string a sentence together to bother her. His eyes were illuminated at the sight of her. Big red lips and long, toned legs. He wondered what a girl like her would be doing in this part of town all alone. He instantly forgot all his plans and started to follow her.

Mike jogged after her and thought his obsessive thoughts, "It's like the sky opened and God handed you directly to me." Mike had to have her. He was crazy for her. No, He would go crazy with out her. Mike was sinking in his depression, and she was the cure. He walked faster and faster, trying to catch up to her, but keep his distance. He watched her glow and blackness die. He knew her heart was beating soley for him.

Mike continued to follow the girl, easing his steps, now that he was closer to her. They couldn't know their paths' would cross. He loved the way her lips moved as she talked on her phones. He hated that it wasn't him she was talking to. Feeling her warm presence in the crystal fresh air, he was tempted to just run and tackle her. But that would be a little off putting, Mike thought. Mike had the oppritunity to do that. He had the oppritunity to do anything he wanted to her.

Following her this long was crazy to Mike. But so is his his life. She never noticed the strange man stalking her, whispering for her to come to him, just to him. Only to him. Going miles out of his way to be with her. Mike knew it was intensly creepy, but he couldn't stop himself. Hot on her trail, he continued on for the longest of time. He would have turned back by now, but the girl stuck her key in her front door. Mike knew it would be wrong to follow her in to her home, so he waited outside, cold and alone.

And he waited, and waited, and waited. He talked to himself, talk of his one-sided love. The only words that truly explained how he got in her house.

He walked in the broken doorway, grabbing her from behind. She didn't say a word. " Your only for me." Mike told her as he spun her around. He quitley closed her lips. "Shhh..." he whispered, and tightly hugged her. Mike was in so over his head, he'd learned to breathe in it. He held tighter and she lay limp and cold in his arms. "Solely for me." and Mike rested his head on her shoulders. "Selfishly no longer breathing" he exhaled and smiled his creepy, crooked smile, "Because of me".