

Derek Morgan was a fox, pure and simple. There was absolutely no getting around it. No matter how many times he tried to tell Garcia that he didn't try to be, that he was "a lady magnet" whether or not he tried to be, she knew he was lying. Watching him from across the bar, absently stirring her Bloody Mary, she couldn't help but shake her head as yet another woman appeared seemingly out of the woodwork and grabbed him for a dance.

The other members of the BAU were scattered around the bar, although you wouldn't be able to tell they were from the FBI if you knew better. J.J had disappeared somewhere towards the back, saying something about playing darts, Reid and a man in a Star Trek shirt were arguing over something at a table near the entrance and Prentiss was sitting further down the bar, sending glances towards a man with cropped brown hair sitting silently by himself in a booth. Sliding down a few stools, Garcia plunked down beside her, giving Prentiss a gentle elbow in the ribs.

"Go talk to him," she said, having heard that Emily considered herself too geeky to start up a conversation with a man. "What's the worst that could really happen?" Most times, Garcia would have been just shrugged off but Emily had a bit of liquid courage in her and with one more nudge, she was off, brushing down the side of her sweater.

And now, Garcia returned to watching Morgan out of the corner of her eye, both giggling and feeling her stomach twist a little as one girl stood up on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. Her and Morgan weren't technically a couple, so she knew she didn't really have right to be jealous but after they spent all day flirting, she couldn't help but feel a little stung when he seemingly ignored her as soon as work was done.

"Now why is such a pretty lady sitting all alone at the bar?" Garcia jumped when she realized that not only was Morgan no longer dancing, he was two inches away from her ear. He flagged for another drink and sat himself down on the stool next to her, stealing a sip of her Bloody Mary and making a face.

"Are you having fun with your fan club?" she asked, the words coming out a little more maliciously than she'd planned. Morgan glanced back at the three or four woman who were sending glances his way and giggling behind their hands and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Oh gorgeous, you know I do love to please, but they don't mean anything in the end." His drink arrived and standing back up with it in hand, he leaned down so that his lips were really touching her ear.

"You know you're my only babygirl."

Yes, Derek Morgan was a fox. But he was her fox.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really need to stop watching Criminal Minds so much.
