The Highfiveulation Tour


Frank’s P.O.V

I woke up, the groggy feeling of nausea washing over me, I turned onto my back to survey my surroundings. I opened my sleep encrusted eyes to reveal darkness, I felt around for the switch of the bedside lamp, turning it on and adjusting my eyes to the new brightness.

I took a few deep breaths then shifted my head to look at the ceiling again, then I saw something on the white canvas…a dark, eight legged beast. A spider, easily five centimeters long…it was directly above my head. I gulped for air as fear overtook my mind, all I thought was ‘don’t fall! Don’t Fall!’ over and over. I finally grabbed the courage and rolled from my bed and ran out of my bedroom, into the dark hallway and into the next room, of my boyfriend wiL.

He was asleep, the covers pulled over his white, yet very tattooed, chest. I crept over and poked him as he slept, his face screwed up a little in a ‘what the fuck’ way, but he didn’t wake. I poked him again and still no response. I pushed back a curtain of thick black hair and leaned in to him.

“wiL…wiL, honey, wake up!” I whispered in his ear.

He opened his eyes slowly and regarded me for a second as a stepped back; he sighed and stretched, sitting up a bit.

“Hey, Frankie. Whatcha doin?” He asked groggily.

“I need your help,” I muttered.

“I know. But can’t your mental breakdown wait til morning?” wiL joked.

“No! I mean…not that…there’s a spider in my room. Can you get it for me?”

For a second he looked blank then laughed. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, it’s gonna fall on my bed. You know I hate spiders!” I cried, balling my fists and hopping on the balls of my feet awkwardly.

“OK, OK, calm down, I’ll get it for you.”

wiL pushed his legs out of bed and stood up, walking completely naked into the dark hall, I shuffled along behind him, watching the way his ass moved perfectly as he walked. He got in my room and looked at the spider.

“Ooh, he's a big boy.”

He climbed up on my bed and reached out his hand, he grabbed the spider swiftly and started to climb down, as he did his hand opened with his loss of balance and the spider fell to the floor and scuttled in my direction. I yelped and ran from the room and into wiL’s slamming the door behind me.

I sat on his bed, my back pressed against the corner of the room as I heard wiL scamper about for the spider. He made a lot of noise and in the room next to his, the other side, I heard Gerard get up. He opened the door.

“What the fuck are you doing? OH MY GOD! SPIDER! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!” He screamed, I giggled softly.

“Catch it!” wiL cried.

“You catch it! AHHHH! ITS ON MY FOOT! GET IT OFF!”

I couldn’t help but sneak over and open the door, I saw Gerard pale and screaming slammed against the wall as wiL walked past, spider clutched in hand, I saw him throw it out of my bedroom window and slam it shut.

“Oh my god!” Gerard gasped. A door upstairs opened and Ian came down, his hair messed up, Lee close behind.

“What the fuck are you lot doing?” Ian asked, his welsh accent stronger after just waking.

“Spider,” I muttered.

Lee suddenly ran back up the stairs, screaming as he went.

“Lee, its not here. Lee! Come on, you little wimp!” Ian called chasing after him.

Gerard calmed down and went back to bed; wiL pushed me into his room and onto the bed. I nuzzled into him and placed my head on his chest.

“You’re all a bunch of little pansies!” He laughed, twirling my hair around his finger.

“Am not!”

He hugged me, not replying, I shuffled down and lay on his bed, back to the wall.

“So…you’re sleeping in here?” wiL asked.

“Yeah,” I replied my face snuggling into his pillow.

“Just don’t kick me.”

“I don’t kick!”

“Yes you do!” He watched me for a while as I looked at the ceiling, not responding, he laughed. “Aw, I love you.”

“I love you more.”

“Nope, that’s not possible. You’re too irresistible.”

“I know.” I said, giggling to show him I wasn’t serious. He started to tickle me, making me giggle loudly. “wiL, don’t!”

“Guys, shut up!” Gerard cried banging on the wall by my head.

“Sorry, Gee!” We both called.

I faced the wall as he nudged nearer and neared to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugging me as I curled into his body. I felt his breath slow and crooked my neck painfully to see that wiL had fallen asleep, back into his adorable sleeping face, his brow lightened and he smiled into his dream, clutching me a little tighter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay or Ney?