The Highfiveulation Tour

Busy Brothers.

*That night*

Mikey’s P.O.V

Quinn curled up into my body, lifting my arm around him; I cuddled him as he placed his head on my bare chest.
God, he is so sweet sometimes, I love the way he can sweet talk me into anything, a tiny pout could make me kill a man if it was what he wanted.
He was kissing my chest, small kisses that made my skin tingle. He climbed on top of me, a leg either side; and started to kiss his way up my chest to my neck.

“Mikey?” He asked putting on a soft voice and made small circles on my chest with his finger.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“You know that jacket that we saw the other day in Sharp Practice, will you buy it for me?”

“But, Quinny--” I started, he interrupted me by sticking out his lip, he blinked, making his eyes look like they would fill with tears any second. OK, it wasn’t puppy dog eyes, that just didn’t fit with this death fairy but he could do this look perfectly. “I’ll get it for you tomorrow.”

He smiled and as a thank you he bent into me and kissed me, one of his hands traveled down to my crotch, which he made little poking movements in through my sweat pants. And god was I sweating; he could make someone who had lived on the sun feel a little bit warmer. He pulled his tongue out of my mouth, then back in, and out and in. He was teasing me, sex for the mouth.

I found his crotch and shimmied down under his body til I reached it, when I did I started to kiss it softly, and teased him by licking his inner thigh, he arched his back and groaned. This was difficult as his t-shirt was completely in my face, smothering me. I threw him onto the mattress and climbed on top of him; I ran my splintered and cut hands down his legs.

He threw his lower legs around me, resting them just below my ass. I took him into my mouth and let my tongue writhe around his erection, then as payback I pulled off of him and started to nibble his thigh, he let out his true vocal abilities then. Moaning and screaming slightly.

He came on me, ruining my black sweat pants; he giggled as I put my hand in the milky substance and stuck my hand up his t-shirt, rubbing it on his chest. I then stuck my head up it and started to lick it off.

When I had swallowed it all I started to kiss his stomach, making him laugh further as I blew a raspberry on his soft stomach, feeling the slender ‘Y’ of his upper body, making him giggle.
He ripped the t-shirt off, actually ripping it and stroked my hair as I rested on top of him, nestling into him. He sighed.

“I love you, Mikey.”

“Love you too, Quinnkles,” I giggled a pet name for him the way I usually did.


Matthew’s P.O.V

I heard Quinn giggling as him and Mikey rushed down the stairs above my room and what I guessed was down to the kitchen below, I smiled; it was great he had Mikey; they were the sweetest couple I knew. I was lay on my bed in a pair of tight boxers, watching TV as I drank a can of Sprite through a straw. I turned up the volume on my TV show and started to doze off as the music signaling the end started to play.

I heard wiL unbearably loud snoring begin to fill his room, which was under mine, no wonder Frank slept in a different room to him. I felt sleep wash over me, I sniffed loudly and didn’t even register that I wasn’t under the covers of my bed; I was too tired to get up and climb in. My door suddenly opened and slammed shut as someone hurried in. I was startled and I jolted up so aggressively that my drink was knocked to the floor and spilled on the deep blue carpet.

I looked up to see Gerard leaning against the door, in nothing but a pair of boxers, I grinned and made myself sit up and perch on the end of the bed as he stepped towards me. Without a word he straddled me and lifting my head started to kiss along my jaw line. Timeless simplicity. Timeless Gerard.

He forced me too lie down on the bed, my legs hanging limply off the edge, he had a knee either side of my body, leaning his chest against mine. I threw my head back, exposing my neck, he knew what to do. He ran his tongue up the edge of my windpipe and up to my mouth; it was gaping open, waiting for a kiss.

He did, as forcefully as ever, Gerard was and always had been a strong, passionate and aggressive lover, everything was hard, never gentle; but I liked it that way. He was the dominant one, a giver, occasionally taking, which was good because forgetting my 5 years of being sexually active I never knew what to do, and when I did it never came out right. That wounded wrong.

I knew this was wrong, it was forbidden, he was going out with Bob, well I think he was, he never really told me. His body moved so graciously in front of me, seamlessly perfect. Gerard turned and smirked at my gawping expression.

He slid down my body and pulled off my growing-tighter-every-second underpants and kissed my stomach as they fell off my chubby legs and too the floor. He moved down and licked teasingly around my crotch, taking as much time as he wanted. I moaned, that was my beckoning call to continue. I felt a soft laugh escape his busy lips. I put a hand on his long, black hair, though unwashed for what might be days it was soft and silky against my hand.

He started to suck me off, letting his lips slide up and down me as his tongue hastened to please me, I was quick to salute him, my erections always came on promptly. He looked up at my face, a grin was placed on it perfectly, a flawless smile that would help me out of any darkness. That one face, that one smile would get me through any depth of depression. His soft touch tingling against my skin would force me to produce the endorphins that made me so happy, I was drunk on it. (Ooo, big words!)

I reached for his arms and pulled him up my body, as he lay on me I massaged his crotch, he took longer but his erection came and greeted mine. As we kissed each other, a battle of our tongues that could last well into the night, rubbing together so much that mine started to feel like it had friction burn. The kind of burn I liked. After some more exciting kisses we came and the night overtook us.

Gerard rolled off of me and kissed the side of my cheek.

“I love you,” He muttered. “You know that?”

My mouth curled into a smile and I nodded. “Ditto,” I replied.