The Highfiveulation Tour

Twists Of A Threesome

Ian’s P.O.V

We were watching a really old horror flick that Gerard found buried under his bed an hour or so ago when there was an argument about how messy the house was and we all agreed to have a sort out. Luckily, Lee is tidy so we didn’t have much to do.

We were all crammed into the living room, the curtains drawn, lights off and various snacks around the room. I was sat on the two-seated couch, me, Lee and Sean were squashed in, I was in the middle with my arms around both as they cuddled into me, practically sitting on my lap.

Angel, wiL and Nicky were on the three-seated, looking mildly interested in the film while Mikey and Quinn made out in the armchair, I swear it would take a crowbar to break them up, but they looked cute. Sat right in front of the huge HD TV was Frank and Gerard, both horror movie freaks, they were within a meter of the screen transfixed by the gory images. All through the movie I had been feeling Sean up, making him wriggle next to me, he kept making it obvious and making the others look over in confusion, I just laughed.

The disfigured and horribly graphic head of a zombie jumped on screen, accompanied by some sudden music. I had to hold back a squeal and I jolted a little, having to close my eyes for a second. Sean jumped and clung around my neck, Lee screamed and buried his head in my chest, Angel, Nick and wiL jumped and had to catch their breath. Quinn and Mikey didn’t even seem to notice anything as Mikey straddled his fiancé and started violently kissing him again. Gerard just grinned and Frank laughed his head off, I don’t know if he was laughing at us or the movie…either way it was weird.

I continued to rub Sean’s back, I slowly migrated my hand down into the seat of his pants, I started to finger him, he was squirming like a gerbil in a condom.

Lee groaned. “Ian…is it gone?”

“Yeah, it’s ok, Lee,” I told him, a smirk sliding onto my face. He looked back at the screen to see a troop of zombies marching creepily towards the screen; another ran in front of the camera, waving a rotting arm in the air. He uttered a little squeal and looked away again, slapping my shoulder.

“You said it was gone!” He cried. I grinned and kissed his head.

“Sorry, babe, I thought it was.”

Sean looked up at me, raised eyebrows; I had slowly retracted my finger from him.

“What?” I asked, innocently, expecting it to be about feeling him and not about Lee. “That was mean,” he muttered.

“It was only a little joke, Horny Seany.”


“Like I can’t feel you’re hard on against my leg.”

Sean went as bright as his pink bit as everyone turned around and stared at him, looks of amusement on their faces. Frank burst into laughter again.

To break the pressure on Sean, wiL stood up and dragged a resistant Frank from the TV screen.

“You’ll hurt your eyes,” he told him.

“But- but- oh, you’re mean!” Frank protested, wrapping his arms around his knees at wiL’s feet. Gee turned and stuck his tongue out childishly.

Sean grabbed the cushion next to Lee and placed it over his crotch as a perved-up Nicky kept trying to sneak a peak.


Soon Sean went up to bed, slinking away like a little boy who knew he was up to late and had snuck down, I watched him as he went up the stairs, I didn’t know if he was swaying his hips on purpose, either way it was hot. I returned my attention to the film and Lee, who was still curled up with me.

“Mikey! Please, just let me watch it!” Quinn pleaded quietly; Mikey was sat on top of him, holding his face by the chin, staring down at me.


“But…I wanna watch the last bit; I’ve heard it’s really good.”

“I don’t care. You gotta be my entertainment, bitch!”

Quinn pouted and sat on his hands, he ignored Mikey as he tried to get his attention, it was funny to watch Quinn struggle to watch the screen without stopping his freeze out of his faience. When the movie had finished all except wiL, Gerard and Frank decided to go to bed, they wanted to watch another but it being nearly midnight made the rest of us a little drowsy, besides we had a show tomorrow. Our first in a while. And it was best to get a few hours rest first.

Lee and I stripped as we went up the stairs as we were the last up, having to clean up the popcorn bowls and other mess left behind by the others. I stumbled as I ripped my pants off in the hall, I threw them through our open bedroom door, leaving me in my boxers [stop drooling!]. Lee looked back at me, stood in his own undies; he gave me a hurt look as I headed for Sean’s door.

“I’ll be in in a minute, ok?” I told him as I went to open the door, he didn’t say anything just walked with his head hung low into our room; I grabbed his arm lightly and turned him around. “You know you’re still my number one, right babe?”

He nodded dully; I lent in and kissed him passionately on the lips. Lee continued into out room and closed the door with his foot, I opened Sean’s door to find him in bed, the covers pulled up to his neck, I could see a bit of his ass sticking out under the quilt.

I closed the door and padded barefoot over to him, I kissed him lightly on the temple, making him twitch. He awoke and looked up at me, his brown eyes bleary and confused.

“Whachadoin?” He gushed, slurring his words with sleep.

“Just saying goodnight,” I whispered, slipping my hand under the cover to find his warm leg, I ran my hand around it.

“No! Ian…that’s not saying goodnight! That’s feeling me up.”

“So? What’s wrong…don’t you like it?”

“I do, but at the same time I don’t.”

I was taken aback; I withdrew my hand and looked at him seriously. He stared up at me, turning onto his back and sitting up. “I love you, Ian, I really do, but…but I’m still a virgin. And I’m scared.”

“You’re scared about having sex? You’ve had it with Rhys.”

“I don’t remember that. I was half asleep. Besides, that was rape…that might add towards why I’m not ready, I don’t want to get hurt.”

“Sean, I would never hurt you. Besides, who says we have to have sex?”

“I know. I just think if we just feel each other up, you might get bored and want it more and I might still not be ready and I don’t want you to be with me if I’m sexually anorexic.”

I laughed; it was such a strange term. “Sean, I could never get bored of you. And I’m gonna wait til you are ready, I promise. Ok?”

“Ok,” he sighed. I lent into him and kissed him deeply, my tongue lapping over his; then I eased off, letting him be in control for once. He gently massaged mine with his and made me moan by running his pointed tongue along the roof of my mouth.

We broke away; I wiped my lips with my thumb. Suddenly the door burst open and Lee strode in, shutting it behind him.

“Why do you do this to me?!” He asked me, emotion spilling out in his voice. “You don’t love me at all, do you?”

“Lee, of course I do.”

“Then why are you with him?” He pointed at Sean who kicked the quilt aside, I think he was worried about being told to shut up and tied to the bed again like last time. I took a deep breath, not wanting the same results as last time.

“I love him too, Lee. I can’t help who I have feelings for.”

Lee just stood there staring at me, his sweet, beautiful face filled with bemusement, incapable to believe that I loved them both, but I did. I realised this must be hard to understand and accept, I felt bad for Lee, and Sean. I felt awful about everything I had done over the past week or so, I had used them both, acting as if I had feelings only for one when it was just a lie. Well, not a complete lie, I did love them, but both. I don’t know why. I don’t even know if I want to love them.

I had the horrible feeling that I had been the biggest bastard in the world rise into my chest and I felt tears prickle in the corners of my overwhelmed eyes, I didn’t deserve to love tow great a men as these. They are both so sweet and kind and have done nothing to deserve the way I played with their feelings. I had always said I would never cheat. Ever. Anyone who cheats doesn’t deserve love, so, why did I do it to Lee? Why did I kiss a man, touch a man, nearly fuck a man who Lee knew and cared for almost as much as I did?

I never used to be like this, I used to be like them, sure I could be a twat sometimes, but who isn’t? I just wanted the old Ian back, the Ian I felt at home in, the one who gave all of his love for one special person. This can’t work, I love them both, but they don’t love each other.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered, looking right into Lee’s baby blues, I turned to see Sean’s brown orbs. “I’m sorry, Sean. Neither of you deserve this. I’m…I’ll…”

“He’s funny when he’s speechless…isn’t he?” Lee interrupted loudly, looking over at Sean.

He looked taken aback, I suddenly realised that these two hadn’t really spoken for a while, if it was it was Sean trying to make conversation and Lee kind of walking off.


Lee grinned and stepped towards me, my boxers got gradually tighter as he stood over my now shaking body, he ran a finger over my jaw, my mouth fell open and I closed my eyes. I felt warm hands, slightly small, they must have been Sean’s, push me back onto the bed, I banged my head a little and opened my eyes to see the two men I loved standing above me.

Sean had crossed his arms over his bare chest, bright blue pyjama bottoms making the dominant effect look humorous. Lee had his hands on his hips, he was smirking, I looked up at his face, my body feeling vulnerable as I saw a glint in his eye that could only mean one thing…he had an idea, a dirty one.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last of my more 'n00bish' chapters.
The next one was not put up until the 19th July 2008, where this was about October 2007.
I swear they get better.
The plot isn't so jaded and it makes a bit more sense.