The Highfiveulation Tour

Ian and Sean

Gerard's P.O.V

I woke up, last nights feelings of fear an anxiety returning as I reminisced about the spider. I quickly changed and went downstairs into the kitchen to find it already full, our house was always full. We had 10 people living here, all from various bands. There was my, Frank’s and Mikey’s band; My Chemical Romance, our two other members Ray and Bob lived together with Lostprophets members Stu, Mike and Ilan. Ian and Lee live here and are currently going out.

Then Lostprophets brother band almost The Blackout has the lead singer Sean and the guitarist Matthew living with us and the other four; Gavin, Rhys, James and Snoz live in another house, Sean migrates over there sometimes. Then there is Aiden, wiL and Nick live here while in a third house the remaining members; Angel,Jake and….Jake live with The Used; Bert, Jepha and Brendan while Quinn lives here and is engaged with Mikey, who is my little brother. Oh, and wiL and Frank are dating too.

That’s confusing as its five bands spaced out in three houses, were all friends and all are OK, other than most of The Used hate the members of My Chemical Romance and are close to disowning Quinn for his husband choice, I frankly couldn’t give a shit, he is happy and that’s all that matters.

In the kitchen Frank and wiL were making some speedy breakfast, Ian was waiting on a pot of coffee and Angel and Nick were having an argument, I had no idea what it was about but it sounded interesting. I sat down at the table and waited for the coffee to boil, as soon as it did I shot up grabbed a mug and stood at Ian’s side. He looked at me.

“What?” He asked. I grinned and held out my mug which he filled then ushered me out of the way. “I was up all night with Lee worrying about that fucking spider last night because of you!”

“Well, wiL woke me,” I snapped.

“Frank got me up to get it,” wiL told him quickly, throwing his poor boyfriend in the deep end. Frank mouthed soundless words then thought of something.

“You dropped it!” He shouted.

“Either way,” Ian said. “Lee is now fast asleep and I’ve been up since 2 in the morning! I haven’t been able to get back to sleep since.”

“Sorry,” Frank muttered.

“You will be, Iero. If you ever wake me up again I’ll put a spider in your underwear, tape them too you so you cant get them off and let it crawl around you until it lays eggs in your fucking pubes. Then you’ll have something to scream about.”

Frank’s face went white and his face fell into a worried pout. “Don’t make the poor boy cry, Ian,” Angel laughed.

Frank whipped the dishcloth in his hand at his head, making him scream. “Frank, stop it,” wiL told him flatly, he obeyed though and started to hand plates of toast to everyone.

Mikey and Quinn came down, hand in hand, both of them didn’t even know about the commotion going on last night, being in the converted attic room on the forth floor they wouldn’t have heard a thing. Mikey went over and whispered something in Frank’s ear, he giggled and gave him a plate while Quinn rubbed his eyes sweetly. He yawned and sat down, putting his head on the table, he was never very active in the mornings.

Mikey sat next to him and started to eat, Quinn rolled over, putting his arm on Mikey’s plate and flapping it about as he tried to eat, I could hear him laughing as he did this.

“Stop it! Quinn! I’m trying to eat.”

Quinn simply giggled and sat up, as Mikey went to take a bite of toast Quinn did too, ripping three quarters of the piece off and leaving Mikey with the bit in his mouth and that was it.

“Cheeky little bitch!”

Quinn shoved the slice in his mouth and munched happily, flicking Mikey on the shoulder, Mikey chose not to get angry and simply whacked him over the head as he went to get another bit.

*That Afternoon*

Sean’s P.O.V

I felt like an idiot, having to go to my best friend for sex advice, but I knew that Ian was a sex god; well that’s what Lee said anyway. Living in a house full of gay’s was really funny, I loved it, I’d only ever had sex with one guy and that was Rhys, and I wasn’t really sure what was going on. But I hadn’t lost my 'girginity' as I called my girl half of my virginity.

I knocked on the door of his room and went in, bending my head and flicking my hair back the way I did when nervous, and a flash of pink from my pink bit in my hair went over my eyes. He span around on his desk chair and smiled.

“Alright, Sean?” He smiled.

“Yeah…fine. I need to ask you something.”


“I…well its kinda embarrassing…I need advice. Sex advice.”

“Ooh, getting rid of the winged virginity. Bout time though, you might have grown another by now, mate.”

“Shut up, bitch. Are you going to help me or not.”

“Sure I will. I’ll talk you through some stuff.”


He went behind me and shut the door, he went to his desk and pulled out a CD from a storage unit, he handed it to me; The Disney Soundtrack.

“Put this on, turn’s girls to chocolate,” he told me. I laughed and put it down on his bed. “You wanna be in control OK. I’ll be you.”

He came over and pushed me down onto the bed, forcing me to sit. He stood over me and pushed back my head, running his hand through my hair. He put a knee either side of my and knelt in front of me, I felt my jaw drop as he placed a hand on my neck and ran a finger down to my chest.

“You have to make her feel like you’re a god, like your gonna rock her world,” he told me. “Run your hands over her, go soft and make her moan.”

Ian did what he said, caressing my chest and the top of my legs.

“I-Ian…what…” I stuttered through a gasping moan.

“Yeah, like that,” he smirked. He leaned in a kissed me, my mouth fell open and I allowed his tongue to enter my mouth, it was so strange. What was going on?!
He let his fingers tickle my back as he did; I was sat stiff, not able to understand enough to do anything.

He took one hand and moved it onto my leg, grazing my thigh with one finger I was so taken aback I fell and landed on his bed, smashing my head on the wall. He laughed and moved his hand steadily up under my t-shirt, I started to respond, as he slid closer and leaned in I placed a hand gingerly on his shoulder and round his neck.

You can’t do this! You’re straight! You have a girlfriend! You’re here for Jennifer, not to get felt up by Ian!

Then why are you enjoying it?

I’m not…am I?

Hell yeah, your moaning like a whore Sean Smith.

I opened my eyes to see Ian grinning down at me.

I am a whore. I’m kissing my best friend, my oldest friend, my oldest best friend that has a boyfriend!

Oh fuck, didn’t think about Lee, did you, big boy?

Shit, no, he’s going to kill me!

Don’t say anything.

I can’t do that. This is wrong. Push him off! Tell him you’re not like that.

Kiss him.

I pulled him down and thrust my tongue into his mouth as our hips grinded together, an electric friction that made me groan in our kiss. I felt his long, thick dark hair thread through my fingers and I realized I had never felt this with Jen, with anyone, I love this.

Suddenly there was a clattering up the stairs and Ian vaulted off of me, running to the desk. I sat up and flattened my hair. The door opened and Lee entered, smiling widely.

“I just beat the crap out of Ray on Guitar Hero! I’m winning Ian!”

“Well done, babe,” Ian grinned.

“Hey, Sean. What are you guys up to?” Lee asked, peering around the room.

“I was just showing him a youtube video, that one of the pizza guy on radio one.”

“Oh yeah! I love that one. Come down in a sec, yeah?”

“Right behind you.”

Lee left the room and Ian and I shared a nervous glance, he came over and ruffled my hair, stroking my pink bit. “Close one, eh?”