The Highfiveulation Tour

The Sin Of Mikey Way

Mikey’s P.O.V

Quinn, Angel and I sat in the living room watching the TV, wiL had been walking around for the past hour talking to his mom on the phone about how amazing she was for buying him a new scarf. All the others were rather out or elsewhere in the house.

I was sat in the armchair staring blankly at the TV as thoughts raced through my head, I wasn’t watching what Quinn and Angel were, I didn’t see the new ‘Funeral For A Friend’ video that made everyone sing ‘into oblivion’ for the rest of the day. My thoughts constantly took me away from the normal and planted me into my own little world.

Many people blank out and think things they want too, like something that had happened that day or a chain of thought sprung from an inanimate object, usually something that had never occurred to them. I, on the other hand, always thought the same things; it was so surreal and annoying I could hit myself. Looking at the rain pour down on the band and the camera zoom in on Matt Davis’ head I thought of Quinn.

Covered in water, small pearls of it dripped off his short straight nose. He was completely naked and standing with his mouth slightly open, his arms crossed over his tanned chest, his skinny body leaning slightly to the left. I saw his blondish hair lie flat to his forehead with the rain, a confused yet intimate look spread on his face, his hot-chocolate colored eyes begging me to come close to him.

I could smell the rain on him, the slightly musty, dew like smell rise off of his tender skin, it lifted me, almost, pulled me closer to him, I reached out my hand to touch him, feeling cold skin, he didn’t move. I placed my hands on his chest and looked up into his eyes; he moved closer, mouth still open, his lips about to lock with mine—


I snapped from my daydream and saw Angel and Quinn staring at me, both with looks of amusement on their faces, I looked down to see an erection pushing my pants so far up the seams of my jeans seemed to be splitting. They were tight on my hips and I was sweating slightly, my hand rested on my own thigh.

“Havin’ a good time over there?” Angel asked.

I felt embarrassment burn on my cheeks, my whole face flush with the kind of unwanted attention it hurt, I blinked back tears, fresh from my dream, I grabbed the cushion at my side and placed it over my crotch until the pair stopped giggling and returned to watching the TV.

“Chubbs! Come on, we’ve got practice!” wiL called from the hallway.

Angel stood and left the room grinning cheekily at me one last time before running into the soundproofed music room where the rest of the band waited. I glared at the floor, how could I be so obsessed? ‘Into Oblivion’ was not supposed to be sexy! It was supposed to be deep and meaningful, not a video to imagine feeling your fiance up to.

Quinn came over to me and sat on the arm of the chair, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, he threw the cushion across the room, I had gone down now, he placed a hand where the cushion had been and leaned over me, my head pressing into his chest.

“What were you thinking about?” He asked me as he started to poke my crotch.

“Nothing…just…you,” I admitted.

“Aww,” he paused briefly before continuing, his voice vibrated against the top of my head. “I don’t care, it was just funny to see you sat there with your mouth open, hand outstretched and dick in the air.”

“I had my hand out.”

“Yeah. You were like washing windows or something.”

“Not funny.”

“You didn’t see it.”

He moved his hand away and slipped onto my lap, arms around my neck, his body crossing over mine and head buried in my chest. His hair tickled my nose, my hands felt useless as I smelt the herbal essences he had used that morning. It was if I had no idea now I had the moment to actually touch him. I gingerly placed a hand on his thigh and another around his waist, holding him up. Quinn inhaled deeply and closed his eyes his breath slowing as he began to fall asleep in my lap.

His arms went weak and heavy breathing turned to light snoring and I moved him back onto the couch, throwing a blanket over him before going to have a shower to cool myself off in the humid weather and heat of my thoughts.