The Highfiveulation Tour

Bath Time

*After band practice…7pm*

wiL’s P.O.V

I trudged out of the soundproof room, the sound of Jake’s drums still echoing in my ringing ears, I wasn’t sure what to do, I had nothing planned for this evening. I went into the living room as I always did when I was bored and blinked at the amazing amount of sunlight pouring through the window. I sneered and closed the blinds, my eyes more used to this light set themselves on something making a lot of noise to my left.

On the couch was Quinn, fast asleep and snoring rather loudly…apart from that he looked kinda cute, his cheeks squashed against the couch cushion, a cute pout resting on his mouth as he closed it after each snoring breath. That was weird, Quinn was the only person I knew who opened and closed his mouth as he snored…he looked a bit like a fish. I laughed at my thought and pulled the red blanket that was falling off him higher then turned when Lee came in.

“Hey…is he asleep?” He asked.

“Nope, just noisy.” I grinned, confusing Lee greatly. “I’m messing with ya, Lee.”

“I know,” he lied. “You seen Ian? He’s been weird all day and I’m worried, I haven’t seen him since he went to go talk to Sean.”

“Er…I heard him in the hall when on the phone but that was it. That was about…3 hours ago.”

He frowned and grabbed his jacket from the pile that we carelessly left in the corner then left the room.
Why did he take a jacket, its fucking boiling outside?!
I decided to venture upstairs and find Frank.

I walked past the bathroom and found on the door a post-it note saying ‘Frank’. Quinn, who was a very orderly person, had made us post-it notes with our names on them to put on the door so we knew who was in there, next to that we had a post-it reading rather ‘shower’, ‘bath’, ‘face’, ‘you don’t wanna know’ or ‘toilet’ to chose so we knew what was going on half the time I didn’t want to know but Quinn was weird like that.

Next to Frank’s was ‘bath’ I grabbed my note and stuck it on…I thought about putting the ‘you don’t wanna know’ one as well but changed my mind and simply opened the door…the lock had been broken since Sean had really needed to pee and broke it when Ian and Lee went in without putting up any notes.

Frank looked up, not bothered about anyone walking in and smiled as I closed the door behind me. We were silent, fill time wiL, fill time!
I unzipped my pants and made out I needed to pee…well I did a little, Frank stared at me, a devilish smile on his face.

“Good chat with mommy?” He asked.

“Go fuck yourself.”

“I’d rather fuck you.”

I didn’t reply, raising an eyebrow as I went to pull me zipper back up, he knelt up in the bath and pulled my hand away, yanking the zipper down again and sliding my pants down.

“What are you doing?”

“Your dirty, I need to wash you off.”

“I don’t want a bath…I bathed yesterday!” I whined, backing away.

“William…pants off, in the bath, now!”

I cringed as he said my name, I hated my name.

“William is a chubby 12 year old nerd. It’s wiL,” I told him.

“Sorry…Willie,” he grinned, reaching out and pulling my boxers down to my ankles, I obediently kicked them off and pulled my t-shirt over my head, then standing naked in the room as Frank moved up in the bath and pointed at the space in front of him. I climbed in and sat with his legs either side of me. I lent against him, lying down almost on his chest looking up at him as he sloshed water over my stomach. He didn’t look at me as he gently poured water from his hand over my hair; he then started to wash off my makeup. I turned and pushed my head against the side of the bath.

“No!” I moaned.

“wiL…come on, its all crusted over your eyes, you’ll mess up your sight if you keep it like that,” Frank told me, I didn’t move, he ran his hand down my side and placed it on my hip. “wiL, if your good Frankie will give you a reward.”

I debated it then turned back over so he could wash my layers of pink and black eye makeup off; also I was kind of drowning in bath water. He carefully rubbed my eyes and turned the water a dull purple around me.

“Can I have my reward now…cos I’ve been good,” I asked, placing a sweet look on my face as he looked down at me. He grinned and bent over me kissing my chest as I did his, he sat up straight and pulled me with him, I turned over and knelt in front of him, my legs between his; the water up to our waists. I leaned in a started to kiss him, forcing entry into his mouth, he graced his tongue with mine for a few moments then pulled away; his breath was hot on my skin.

I could feel his warm, soft skin on me, his delicate fingers entwined with mine as I held my hand to his soaking cheek. Frank pulled me closer to him as I ran my hand from his cheek round on to his neck; he shimmied around me and lay me back in the bath, the sloping back of it pressed against my skin. He pushed back my head and started to kiss my neck. His hand plunged into the water and found my crotch, starting to massage it as I lay helpless and panting.

He started to bite into my neck, a fetish of his, something that turned me on as much as him, he sunk his teeth deep into my flesh, almost making it bleed before pulling back and starting to kiss along my jaw line. He was going rapidly yet passionately, he moved to my lips and kissed me hard before pulling away and starting to bite my lip. All the time pumping me along making an erection steadily rise in the water. I stopped him before he could go further.

“Slow down there, Frankie Vampire, I’m not up to speed with the biting yet,” I told him.

He smiled and flicked some water at me. We had a mini water fight before I pushed a whole lode of water out of the bath after shouting ‘tidal wave’ loudly. He stood up in the cooling water and grabbing my hands pulling me to my feet, he put his hands on my waist and turned me around, so his back was too me.

Frank pushed me down and made me lean over the sloping back of the bath, my head resting on the closed toilet seat next to the bath. I felt vulnerable as he slid his hands from the back of my thighs up to my ass and resting on my back, he knelt with one leg either side of me and I felt realization hit me. He was going to have sex with me for the first time. I waited, I knew he was nervous, we hadn’t had sex before and he had never even talked about it, this was the furthest we had ever gone.

“Frank?” I asked after a while, he hadn’t said anything in a while and the sudden change in temperature and my strange position made it all so weirder.

“I’m sorry,” he said moving back and stepping out of the water, I turned around and sat on the edge as he looked at the ground.

“It’s OK…don’t worry about it,” I consoled him, moving off of the edge and onto the floor.

“I’m just…I’m not ready, well I am…I’m just scared, that’s all,” he admitted.

I stood in front of him and took his hand.
“I don’t mind, I love you. I’d wait an eternity for you, Frank.”
He grinned weakly, I felt so much taller than him as I stood by him, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his skinny body; he continued to look at the ground until I lifted his chin and kissed him softly on the lips.

He took a towel and did the same for me then I reached down and placed my hands around his waist and lifted him, carrying him out of the room and into the bedroom, leaving the bath full.

As I carried him to his room my towel fell at the back, revealing my ass, Frank giggled as at that moment Ian came down the stairs.

“Eww…guys put some clothes on. Or at least cover your ass!” He exclaimed covering his eyes as he headed for the staircase.