The Highfiveulation Tour

The *** Of Pontypridd

Ian’s P.O.V

I lay in bed, the sheets were nice and cosy around me, Lee had his arms around my waist softly, his breath against my back. It tickled and every time he exhaled I felt my skin go all tingly. I turned over and faced him, our noses nearly touching, he was still awake, he smiled and nuzzled his forehead into my chest, holding me tighter. Lee always had a problem with eye contact, every time I tried to gaze (HAHA GAZE!!) into his baby blues he would look away after a few seconds, unable to bear it.

“Do you love me?” I asked him.

“Of course I do. I love you more than anything,” he told me, I grinned and squeezed him. “Oww, that’s my head, bitch!” He cried.

“Sorry, hon.”

“Ooh, you will be.”

He pulled out of my arms and climbed on top of me, lying over my body with a gentle force, he put his face up to mine and started to kiss down my cheek, stopping and breathing on my face. Just the fact he was breathing on me made me moan quietly, a grin spread on his face.

“My chance to be dominant for once!” He grinned.

I nodded and let him sit up on me; he ran his hands down my naked chest, his warm fingers sliding delicately to my belly button. He lay down again and slid down my body, grinding his hips against mine, making me arch my back. Luckily for Lee I slept naked, he threw the covers aside and looked at my dick, I was starting to get a little hard from him just touching me. He grinned and looked at the tattoos on my pelvis; I saw an idea pop into his blond head. He lay in-between my legs and started to trace the outlines of the two pistols with his fingernail.

I let out an odd groaning yelp at the sudden pain, then I got used to it, he knew it was working as I started to rise up and my back arched so much I was nearly folded in two. When done with the first pistol he moved across my crotch to my other one, where he started to do the same…but with his tongue.

“Lee! Stop…teasing me!” I gasped.

He moved his lifeless hands to my hips, he ran them down with strength and placed them under my knees, where he gripped and massaged the soft skin.

“Stop being such a little whore then,” Lee replied, pinching me, his throat vibrating against my thigh as he spoke, making me even harder than I already was.

“You’ll pay for that one, Gaze,” I warned.

“Shut it, Watkins.”

He bit into my stomach, I squealed and pulled his hair with pain, he simply started to suck on me, giving me a hickey on my stomach.

“Fuck me, Lee….please!” I begged him. He looked up, his face half worried, half pleased.


“Fuck me, please, just do it!”

“Alright then, Mr. Superstar, on your front!”

I obeyed, as he knelt up I turned over onto my front, as I did he slapped my ass playfully.

“Ouch, don’t spank me,” I told him.

“I’m in charge here, bitch. Shut up and don’t move.”

I rested my head in the pillow, he scraped his fingernails down my back, I felt the traces of them grow hot and painful. I moaned. Lee trickled his body down mine and started to leave butterfly kisses on the sensitive skin right at the top of my leg, under my ass. I groaned and bit my lip, unable to take it, I squirmed under him, unable to resist, it was so good. I felt his tongue run up from my leg to the small of my back where he zigzagged up to my neck.

He swept my hair back and traced shapes on the back of my neck, I felt him lift his hips up, and he pushed one hand under me and started to pump me as I groaned. He didn’t even brace me before entering me painfully, trust lee not to remember any lube, dry humping was OK, but I preferred it to be at least moist.

He trust into me as his hands busily massaged the flagpole that was now my penis.

“Someone’s packing a pistol,” Lee giggled. I grinned as I bit down on my lip in pleasured pain. As he thrust himself into me I shifted and my head banged against the wall. It was quite nice actually.

“Oh…fuck….Lee…harder, come on, harder!” I told him. He agreed and lifted himself higher so he could get deeper into me. “Yes! Yes! Faster!” He compiled again and his thrusts gained rhythm, making him faster and better. It hurt like hell, but I didn’t give a shit, I knew I wanted this and I didn’t care if my ass split open.

I felt my erection throb as he poked me gently in-between thrusts. My back was arched and hips tight, I couldn’t bear it, the pain of needing to come and him so close to my spot was becoming increasingly painful.

“Ohh, shit, I’m close…a little harder, just a bit…Lee…ohh, Lee!” I growled.

“That’s it whore, say my name.”

“Oh, Lee…more!” I cried, he was practically laughing. He pulled out then did a final thrust and it was like fireworks as he hit my spot and closed in on me I came. The release was like Nirvana, I had reached sexual enlightenment…that sounds so gay!

Lee pulled out of me and lay next to me as I panted for my breath.

“You’re incredible.”

“Someone has to be.”

Well, the submissive whore inside of me was satisfied, now I needed to be dominant.

Sean’s P.O.V

I felt a presence, and not that kind where you know a teacher is looking over your shoulder, I mean like someone was actually staring at me…I had a horrible realization hit me. My eyes snapped open to see a figure above me, I knew what it was.

“Rhys! No! Don’t! Put the bag down! Stop trying to suffocate me!” I screamed. A hand was jammed over my gaping mouth.

“Sean, fuck, shut up! It’s me,” I heard Ian’s voice say; he leaned into me and placed a kiss on my forehead, hand still over my mouth.

I squirmed and sat up; I hadn’t even spoken to Ian recently, rather than telling him to leave me alone.

“Ian, what are you doing here?” I asked, sitting up and switching on my bedside lamp. He was in nothing but a pair of boxers, which looked freshly put on. He looked so beautiful, a almost hurt, yet hungry look on his face.

“I can’t stop thinking about you Sean, please don’t push me away, I love you so much,” he told me getting closer to the bed.

“Ian…please, I’ll admit it, I like you too, but this isn’t fair on Lee. Have you told him?”

“No, I will, I just…I need you, now,” he said slowly, he knelt down on the bed.

Ian pushed me back down onto my back kissing me deeply, his tongue dominating mine until it was all over my mouth, all at once. I loved the feeling of his on mine, the way he ran his tongue along the inner side of my mouth and curled around my tongue. I let out a groan. He put his hand on the hem of my shirt and lifted it up, I broke away and tried to pull it from him but he just smirked and ripped it off, throwing it to the floor. I pouted and tried to reach around him, he pushed me back, a sly smile on his face.

I whined slightly as he climbed on top of me, he pulled off his boxers and held them, thinking, he grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled something out of the back pocket of his striped boxers, it was what looked like a very thick shoelace.

“What’s that?” I asked as he placed the boxers on my chest.

He placed a finger on my mouth. “Shhh.”

Ian put my wrist to the metal head board and started to wrap the shoelace around it and tied it to one of the poles, I protested but Ian tightened it so much I yelped. He pulled out another and did the same with my right wrist.

“Ian…what are you doing? Untie me!”

“No, you have to earn it.” He shimmied himself down me and plucked the waistband of my pants teasingly, I tried to kick my legs. This was kinky, in a good way, but I felt a little fearful, I had never known Ian to be like this. He finally took in the design of my pink y-fronts with a black heart over the crotch. “Cute,” he giggled.
He teasingly pulled them down a centimeter.

“No, Ian don’t!”

He yanked them off so hard they grazed the skin on my ass; I whined and growled in fury.

“Oops,” he smirked; he held them up over my head. “Come on then, Seanie, you want them…get them. Oh, wait you can’t.”

I frowned and looked away from him; he lay on me and grinned close to my face. “Oh, come on now, Sean, don’t get all angry. Cool that temper.”

I felt his hand slide down my stomach, my hips and across, he brushed over my penis, I tensed up and squirmed, he knew I liked it, he grabbed me violently, with no warning I cried out.

“I’m sorry, honey, did that hurt.”

“Yeah,” I told him, getting into it and begging for sympathy.

“Good,” he sneered. “Now, I’ll let you go when you prove to me you can be a good little whore and do what ever I say, can you do that?”

I bit my lip, “You’re a twat, Ian.” He grabbed a hold of my nipple and twisted it.

“That’s not being very good is it?” Ian asked, patronizingly, still twisting gently.

“N-No,” I grimaced in pain.

“So, can you do that?”

“I…I…yes, Ian,” I sighed. He let go and patted my head. I could feel his penis on my stomach, he was getting hard on the thought of my obeying him, I admitting looked for it a little.

“You’re dirty, Sean, I know what you want.”

Ian sat up and came close to my head, his dick was on my lower chest, near to my neck, I had to admit, it was fucking impressive. He grinned at me as I stared at it.

“Since you like it so much. Suck it.”


“Go on, I’m telling you to suck me off, do it,” he ordered.

I groaned and obediently opened my mouth, he moved forward so that I could reach it a little easier, I sealed my lips over him and started to do whatever came to my mind. I teased my tongue around his length, sliding my lips up and down. He gripped onto my hair, tightening his grip as I went on, I felt him promptly get harder.

“Oh, Sean, that’s it…like that…good,” he ushered me on as I toyed with him in my mouth.

To help me along he ran his hands’ through my hair, something he knew I liked, with the other he ran it up and down my neck then over my collarbones. He tensed as I made my attack more violent instead of soft and nervous, I was actually getting used to it, though it was hard to breathe.
Satisfied, he pulled himself from my mouth and stroked my hair as he breathed heavily.

“Good boy, Sean, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Yes it was, well it felt like your winkie was very hard to me,” I grinned cheekily, he smirked.

“You talking about my dick, boy? Well, let’s let you know what it’s like to get teased.”

Ian got down to my crotch; he spread my legs forcefully and bent down. He ran his pointed tongue along my thigh, I convulsed, trying to thrash about, but my stigmata like position was preventing it. I had nothing to grab onto, nothing to stop me screaming out. So I did, as he teased his tongue around my area, getting close but not going for it I whimpered and moved my legs.

“Sean, stay still, don’t make a move, don’t make a sound,” he warned softly, lifting his head, “or I’ll walk out that door right now, got it?”

I nodded, I didn’t want him to go, I didn’t want to stay tied to the bad, naked and horny, begging for sex. He gave me a cautioning look and resumed. I felt his tongue poke the head of my penis; I tried desperately not to scream out, biting down on my lip. He finally put his lips over me, sliding them up and down me, like mouth sex, I thrust my hips at him. He slapped me with his free hand, catching my soft stomach.

His expert lips worked their magic and I felt myself start to reach the brink of coming, I felt pain raise inside my throbbing penis, then I felt the sweet release of it, right in Ian’s mouth. He pulled away and spat it all on my stomach.

“You can scream now,”

I let my teeth delve out of lip and my lungs did what they did best and let out a long, low scream, he grinned as I did then moved up me. “You’re bleeding,” he told me. “Punishment for being a bad boy.”

“I wasn’t bad,” I murmured.

“Who’s in charge here? Me. Tell me you’re sorry you were a bad boy.”

I looked down at his chest, sighing, “Sorry I was a bad boy, Ian,”

“That’s better.”

He kissed me, licking away the blood and brushing his lips against mine softly.

Then the door opened…

I froze as all I saw above Ian’s turned head was a fluff of blond hair. I doubted it to be Quinn, therefore it could only be Lee.
Ian jumped off of me and went a dark crimson; Lee stared at him, a look of pale horror on his face. He was only in a pair of thin boxers; still Ian and I were completely naked so he was looked a little more dignified. His eyes started to brim with tears and he stayed absolutely still until he turned his head to look at me, hurt spreading over him as he realized just what Ian was doing.
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So how was that little double dose?? Oh and to all those Ian fans (that's me included so don't kill me) i know Ian wouldn't do this...just fiction. Comments?