The Highfiveulation Tour

Running High.

Sean's P.O.V

“Lee, it’s not what you think!” Ian said.

Taking no head of this a tear fell down Lee’s face and he ran from the doorway, Ian chased after him and I just kind of lay on the bed…naked. [A/N yummy!]

You really fucked it up this time; you have probably just lost two best friends now. You could have said ‘no, Ian, not until you tell him’ but no you had to play Horny Bitch, didn’t you?
I’m tied to a fucking bed; I couldn’t really push him off. Besides…I dumped Jen for him, I should get some kind of payment for it.
Payment…your just his whore!
Point being…I’d rather be Ian-Fucking-Watkins whore than yours.
I’m you! If you’re your own whore then you have problems.
Of course I have problems I’m screaming at myself while tied to a bed…naked!

Ian dragged a sobbing Lee back into the room by his forearm, he thrust him onto the bed, making him sit by my legs, and slammed the door. Lee attempted to get up but was pushed down again by Ian, who seemed angrier than he should be.
I moved closer to the wall so that Lee could have a little more space, it seemed like they didn’t even regard I was there…I was kinda grateful for that.

“Lee, look, I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to find out like this,” Ian told him as Lee let silent tears fall down his face.

“You didn’t want me to find out at all did you?” Lee shouted, he turned angry, his pale face going a light shade of red. Ian was silent, “Did you, Ian?!”

“N-No…I didn’t, I’ll admit that. I was gonna tell you, I just- I didn’t wanna hurt you.”

“So why do it?! Why fuck him!” He stood up suddenly, pointing a long, angry finger at me; neither of them even looked at me. The pair were barely two meters away from each other in my small room, if this was any other situation I think I’d be laughing, but I didn’t even want them to notice me at the moment.

“I didn’t! I didn’t fuck him, Lee, we just made out, and that’s all,” Ian was nearing the brink of begging for forgiveness now.

“Oh, that’s all. Because that’s not betrayal!” He spat venomously, sarcasm mixed with anger was a dangerous chemical reaction. “That’s not classed as a fucking affair!”

“I’m sorry. I’ve told you that,” he muttered.

“’Sorry’ doesn’t change it! ‘Sorry’ doesn’t stop you from being a cheater,” Ian’s face twisted, he sneered slightly.

“I know, it doesn’t. Maybe if you weren’t so frigid I wouldn’t have to cheat!”

I thought he might regret these words, say that he was instantly sorry, that he didn’t mean it, but nothing happened.
I saw Lee’s jaw drop, his face went from shock and anger to upset and intense fury. Sudden silence rang through the room, contrasting to the shouts from earlier, Ian’s face was livid, he looked so different, I had never seen him so angry, so unlike himself.

“Ian…” I murmured, not wanting to but my mouth said them before I could stop.

“Shut up, Sean,” he snapped, not looking at me, his eyes piercing black dots, staring straight into Lee’s, which I couldn’t see.

“Fine…if that’s how you feel. We’re through. I’m not gonna fucking take this abuse, you stupid cunt,” Lee shouted coldly, heading for the door. [A/N I’m sure Ian and Lee would never be like this by the way.]

I expected Ian to shrug it off, throw him a smirk and let him leave but realisation hit him and he grabbed him back, not in a soft way, he was still angry but at least he was stopping him. I watched all this unfold, wishing I didn’t have to.

“Can you untie me?” I asked quietly, bad timing I know but I really didn’t like this situation.

“Shut up, Sean,” Ian repeated. I sighed. “Ok, ok, I didn’t mean that. I don’t want you to go. We can work at this.”

“Why would you want to, I thought I was ‘frigid’ am I fucking prude?” Lee asked, he looked like an actor who was being overdramatic during a really bad play, but this was serious.

“No! I didn’t mean it. I’m just angry. Can we please talk about this? Just clear the air?” Ian asked, his voice lowering almost to a pleading state.

“Maybe I don’t want to. Maybe I want to leave you.”

“No, you don’t. I know you don’t. Just...don’t. Say what you want me do and I’ll do it, I wanna make it better.”

Lee’s face twisted as he thought of the things he could make Ian do to prove his love.

“Do you love me?” He asked.


“Do you love him?” Ian didn’t reply, he stared into Lee’s eyes, thinking of an answer.

“Don’t--” I started.

“Shut up, Sean!” They both shouted, still not looking at me. I’m really getting sick of this!

“I want the truth, Ian!” Lee told him gravely.

“Yes…I love him.”

“I…I need to think about this. I’m gonna just think about our relationship and if I can forgive you.”


“Fine. You’re sleeping on the couch by the way.”

“Wha—uh, fine.”

I swear a smile flashed across his face, he wiped the last of his tears away then opened the door. Quinn, Mikey, Frank and wiL all fell through the door, Frank landed on the floor, Quinn and Mikey stumbled and ran away, followed by wiL who had clung to the frame so he didn’t fall at all. They had obviously been listening to the argument unfold.

We all stared at Frank who stood up and made goldfish movements with his mouth, he looked at each of us in turn and went red, he rubbed the back of his neck then ran after wiL who rushed downstairs, yelling;

“Dudes! Not cool!”

Lee continued out the door and we heard his bedroom door slam shut, Ian turned to me, his face emotionless.

“Night, Sean.”

He left the room, shutting the door before I could ask him to untie me.
Great…just great.

“Er…guys?!” I called.

*Next morning*

Frank’s P.O.Vb]

I knew that last night was a bad sign, it was when I heard the door upstairs slam shut that I knew something was wrong. A house full of guys usually meant that emotions are expressed through hitting; arguments and door slamming is usually left for terminal cases. I felt like an ass for listening in on their argument, I heard most of it and I had a horrible guilty feeling. I had slapped wiL for leaving me when the opened the door and I fell in, he found it funny…I didn’t…I had seen parts of Lee I haven’t even seen on myself.

The next morning I was planning on going and apologizing to them, so after breakfast I trundled upstairs to their room, seeing as how neither of them were downstairs I guessed they had been in bed. I got there to see Lee come out of the bedroom.

“Hey, sorry about last night…I was…it was…Mikey wanted to--” I stuttered in explanation, Lee resisted a laugh at my plights.

“It’s ok, I don’t mind,” he giggled, slapping me on the shoulder with an odd sense of ease that I had never seen in Lee.

“I should say sorry to Ian, is he still asleep?” I asked, rubbing my shoulder.

“Who’s Ian?” he replied as he walked down the stairs…fuck…this was worst than I thought. As I stood in the hall and registered what was going on I heard a weak groan from Sean’s room.

“Hello?” I made out of the mutterings. “Frank…you there?”

I went up to the door. “Sean? You ok?”

“Can you come in?”

I opened the door to Sean’s small room. He was lay on the bed, completely naked, his legs crossed over at the ankles and arms hung limply from the poles on the headboard, just as he had been last night.

“Dude? They didn’t let you go?” I half laughed, Sean shook his head wearily.

“Can you untie me? Please.”


I went over and ignoring the boy’s naked body and untied the tight knots in the length of what I guessed to be shoelaces at his wrists. It took a while to get them undone as whoever tied them obviously not wanted him to get out. I threw the binds across the room and helped him sit up. Sean rubbed his wrists and muttered something I couldn’t hear, I think it was in welsh, under his breath. He had deep purple bruises on each of them and red friction burns from where he had been pulling to get out.

“wiL was a bitch last night,” I told him, filling the silence, Sean and I didn’t really spend time together and this defiantly took our relationship up a level.

“You think you have problems, I’ve had an itch on my ass for five hours!” He told me, standing up and relishing in the ability to scratch, it was kinda gross but funny at the same time.

“Sorry about last night,” I muttered as he got up and headed towards a discarded pair of underwear.

“S’ok…emotions were flying high, eh?”

“Yeah. Have you seen Ian?”

“He’s not downstairs?” Sean asked as he chose between a ‘Mega Lolz!!!!’ or a ‘I Support Same Sex Marriage’ shirt, picking the later.

“No, why would he be?”

“Lee made him sleep on the couch.”

I forgot about that part, I suppose the sudden fall and smash with the floor made me forget it. Sean yanked a pair of black jeans over his legs while I reminisced about last night.

“Oh…well he’s not there and I’ve been up since nine,” I explained.

“You know what he’s like…he probably went for a walk.”

“For two hours?”

He shrugged and tightened his belt, I left him to do his hair and went downstairs, Jamie, Ilan and Mike went past as I descended, they were giggling about something, I left them too it and slid down the banister to the bottom floor.

“You’ll ruin the varnish,” Quinn told me as he passed, heading into the office, holding his guitar under his arm, Mikey was leant against the doorframe, grinning.

“Sorry, mother,” I joked.

“Believe me,” he told me, snickering, “if you were my kid you’d get a slap.”

“He wishes!” Mikey laughed, yanking Quinn into the room faster and pulling him towards the computer.

I went into the kitchen, Angel was at the kettle making what looked like fifty cups of coffee, Gerard was slumped in a chair, his head on the table, watching the TV perched on top of the counter and Nicky muttered a song under his breath as he stared at the newspaper in front of him.

Angel was singing something.

“Spiking Jamie’s coffee, spiking it good, gonna make him shit all day, make him shit all night,” he sang tunefully, repeating it as he dropped two pills into the brown liquid.

“Why are you spiking his coffee?!” I asked.

“He called me a gnome!”

“A gnome?”

“Yeah, cos I’m short. I’m no where near as short as you.”

Gerard and Nicky both started laughing, Gee’s face went from a morbid state to amused, and back again.

“Thanks, bitch. Just remember who my boyfriend is.”


“What you put in it anyway?”

“Laxatives!” He grinned happily. “Drinks up!” He screamed. From all over the house, even in this room, the thumping of a stampede of caffeine-needing-feet. Gerard sprang to life and grabbed a cup, then sat down with a smile on his face, no wonder he looked so depressed before, he hadn’t had his fix yet. In a black blur, Mikey, Quinn, Lee, Sean, Ilan, Mike and Jamie all dived for a mug of the sweet cup of energy. Angel held out the drugged cup to Jamie, who happily took it.

However, before he could take a sip, Rhys who had just walked in through the back door came over and took it from him.

“Thank you,” he said, he lifted the cup to his lips and took long, impossible gulps. How could he do that? That coffee was boiling and he just drank it like water! He slammed the mug down. “Um, Jamie, you know I prefer tea to coffee. I’ll be up all night.”

“You could say that,” Gerard muttered.


“Nothing, hey, Sean tell him about last night.”

I threw a cautious look at Lee, he looked casually amused as he lent against the counter, not bothered as the subject was raised, watching the group turn to Sean, expectantly.

“I’d rather not. How do you know anyway?”

“Fr--,” he started to tell him how I had told him, I quickly knocked the mug in his hands so the coffee spilled all down his front and onto the floor, he dropped the mug, making it smash into many blue pieces, we all dived back. Gee looked up, shocked and annoyed. “What the fuck was that for?!”

“Sorry…I thought I saw…a fly…on your face.”

“So you throw my coffee at me?!”

I shrugged and sat down at the table.