The Highfiveulation Tour


Ian’s P.O.V

I had been walking around for about three hours now, not really doing anything, just thinking. Sometimes I hate thinking; it’s just so…stressful. I couldn’t stop re-playing everything in my head, how horrible I was to Lee. And I know I was. I just lost my temper and said things I really shouldn’t have, things I would never say to anyone…so why did I say them to Lee or all people?

I kicked a rock down the lonely street, I wasn’t even sure where I was [A/N just to clarify they are in Wales…because of this storyline], I knew Ponty like the back of my hand but I was so unfocused that it all washed over me.
I sighed turned around and headed back, passing the same elderly couple I had before, they grinned again in the same manner and I just kind of shrugged as I went past.

My hood was pulled over my head since it had started raining an hour or so ago, my leather gloves were tight around my palm since I was sure they had shrunk, blisters edged my aching feet and my jeans kept falling down and exposing half of my ass. I grimly trudged a familiar route to Jamie, Mike and Ilan’s place, hoping to have someone to have a normal conversation with.

When I arrived about ten minutes later the door was answered by Ray who greeted me with a smile and told me that no-one was there but him, I thanked him and wondered where on earth I could go. Well not on earth, I might have to go home if I’m heading any further than 3 miles on a bus as I have hardly any money on me.

Home? That gave me an idea, someone who always cheered me up lived at home and I was within ten minutes of it. I quickly made my way to their house and banged on the door with urgency, it opened.

“Mum!” I cried wrapping my arms around the person who opened the door without even looking.

“Ian! Get off me!” I heard my younger brother Dan squeal. The 17 year old surfaced from under my arms, “Mum! Ian’s here!” He screamed, flattening his mad mess of hair, much like my own but a medium brown instead of black.

I shut the door and kicked off my shoes as my mum came in, she hobbled over, I guessed that she had been surfing or something again (you can’t stop my mum!), and wrapped her arms around my waist, her hair tickling my chin.

“Ian! What are you doing here?” She asked me, a worried look on her face, I loved my family but it wasn’t often that I came over, unless I had a problem, but I didn’t want to worry her.

“No reason. I just wanted to say hi,” I told her, I looked upstairs as there was a very loud Anthrax album playing from Dan’s room, it was kind of distracting.

“Ok, ok, no need to have banged the door down though. Daniel will you turn that down!” She screamed up to Dan’s room, muffled curses could be heard before the music volume changed. Only up…not down.

“Oi! Dirty gobshite! [A/N very northern…not really Welsh…whatever, Ian’s open minded to say most things] Listen to mum and turn it the fuck down!” I screamed up at him.

“Ok, ok, no need to get nasty,” I heard him say before the music became a normal volume.

“Calm down, Ian,” mum said half firmly, half worriedly. I nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

She sat me at the table with a cup of tea and some cookies while she dotted around the kitchen doing various chores.

“So, what really brought you here?” She asked me as I had a mouth full of cookie.

“Nuhin,” I said with my mouth full.

“Swallow, Ian, your not a five year old,” she told me. I gulped down the large mouthful. “Now tell me why you’re not at home with your friends like usual. Has there been an argument?”

“Well…it’s just…Lee--”

“You two haven’t broken up have you?” She asked, throwing down the dishcloth in her hand and sitting down opposite me. I gulped…could I really tell her how her son cheated on his boyfriend, the one that he had come to her one day seven years ago and told her with a face full of tears that he was in love with.

I gulped down a cookie, wrapped my hands around the mug and sighed, I told her everything, the way I always had, I told her how I had sex with Lee, left him in the middle of the night at gone off with Sean, how he walked in and every…well in a more pg way…word of our argument.

Halfway through she grabbed a cookie without even looking down and started to eat, her eyes transfixed as if she was watching an interesting and gripping episode of Eastenders, with all the twists and turns she gasped like a true audience. By the end of it tears fell into my mug of coffee, my chocolate coloured eyes misted with my horrid failure and own shame.

Mum took a deep breath, a tear in her own eye and sighed, looking into my eyes the same way she did when I was young and told her I got an F on my report or a detention for something bad. She attempted to say something then tried again, succeeding.

“Ian, you silly moose,” was all she said.

I burst out laughing and wiped a tear of mingled laughter and sadness away. She waited until I finished and got up; she stood beside me, wrapped loving arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

“How could you do that? You’re supposed to love him,” she told me as she embraced me tightly; I gripped onto her arm, resting against her stomach, listening to her wise words.

“And poor Sean, I know it must be hard for you to love two people but you talk about it, not act upon it. I want you to go home and find Lee and Sean and sit them down. You’re going to tell them how you feel and they will reciprocate, let it all out and then you can come to some ending. Don’t bottle it up. Ok?”

“Ok, mum,” I told her, hugging her arm.

“Good boy,” she broke away and grabbed her dishcloth again. “Now go, I’ve got to start cooking, your father will be home soon and I’m supposed to be doing a roast, trust Lisa to come today.”

“Is Mike coming?” I asked warily.


“Can I stay?” I asked, sneakily grabbing the last of the cookies and stuffing them into my hoodie pocket as she wiped the table, not seeing me.

“Cheeky! No, you’ve got to sort this out. Go on…move it.” I kissed her on the cheek before leaving the kitchen; I called a goodbye to Dan as I pulled on my shoes. “And share those cookies with your friends!”
I grinned and waved before leaving and starting a long run home.