Status: hiatus

I'd Photocopy All the Things That We Could Be, If You Took the Time to Notice Me

Dressing Room Incounters

The clock on the kitchen wall ticked away. 4:30 5:00, 5:30pm. I tapped my heel against the floor repeatedly getting on my dad's nerves. "Gerard!" he snapped. I looked up from my drawing. "What's with you, lately?" he asked. My mom came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. "He's just drawing honey." she defended. "Gerard why don't you see if we have any mail. I stood and opened the front door. There were a few bills and a flayer for the play going on at the little theater. Just then, I heard the door of the house across the street open and out come City with her white torn costume draped in plastic, her sister and their father. City stepped in the station wagon passenger side and her sister got in the back. Her father pulled out.
I dropped the bills on the table. "Can I go out with some friends?" I asked. My mom looked at me over her shoulder. "Where too?"
"Where probably just gonna go hang at the mall." I lied. "Be back by eleven." my dad piped in. "Take you're dad's car." mom said. I heard my dad curse under his breath as he handed me the keys to the Subaru. "Thanks dad." I pulled and left.

It was about 6:15 when I got to the Boys and Girls Club. So I waited until the clock shone 6:25 to enter. I opened the doors of the little theater and lifted the red satin curtains that masked backstage. I knocked on the first door on the right and Dakota answered. "Oh good, you're here. Come in." she pulled me in. I could here a slight mumbling from behind the room connecting. "Hey, City, you almost ready?" Dakota called. I looked at her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked sharply. "Setting you two up, duh. I know you like her." she stated casually. Yup, thats the Dakota Harris I've known since 5th grade. Somehow, always being able to know what you've never told anyone. I did like City.

City came out of the other room with her head down looking at her dress. "Who are you talking to." she paid no attention. "A friend of ours." Dakota claimed. "I lost all my friends when Sam and I had that fight about Bryan." She turned and her eyes hardened when she saw me. This was not such a good idea after all.

"What the heck is he doing here." City asked sternly. Dakota smiled. "He came to wish you luck." City opened her mouth to say something but didn't. She walked over to the door and opened it. Dakota traipsed out after winking at me. She closed the door and went over to the vanity mirror. "Fuck, I'm not white enough." she said and started applying more face paint. I watched her and smiled briefly. She looked at me through the mirror and froze. "You just gonna stand there?" her voice shook a bit. "What do you want me to do?"
"Can you hand me that lipstick?" she asked. I walked over to the table, picked the tube up and handed it to her. She grasped it with two fingers trying to look at me meanly. But failing miserably.

She gaped as I ran a finger along her jaw line and mumbled something under her breath. I kissed her upper lip gently and her my bottom lip. My hands found her waist and pulled her closer to me. I felt tiny pricks where her nails touched my forearm. Dakota opened the door to remind City the play was starting soon but stopped her sentence. City pulled back and the classic menacing look returned to her eyes. She tightened her grip on the lipstick and she took off out the door and left me and a confused Dakota alone.
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I told you I might update again today
hope you liked :]