Status: hiatus

I'd Photocopy All the Things That We Could Be, If You Took the Time to Notice Me

Office Call

I closed the door of the subaru and locked it. The last thing I needed was someone stealing my dad’s car. I couldn’t help but wonder how different school was going to be. Knowing that City liked me enough to kiss me herself was one thing, but the shit I was gonna get from Frankie and Mikey was another. They hated those girls, and I was involved with their queen.
The sight I saw almost ruined my entire day. Jake had his arm slung around City’s neck like he owned her. City looked at him and rolled her eyes. “If you wanna keep that arm, I suggest you move it.” she snapped. He stood up and walked off with a couple of his pals.
I opened the door and held it for Mikey. He was wondering why I was being so nice and I shot him a weird look. “What someone can’t hold the door open for his brother?” I asked sarcastically. He shook his head and went on in. I rolled my eyes and closed it behind me.

I had English third period so my day wasn’t to bad. At least I got to see City. Mrs. Jamison read us parts from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet which I wasn’t really all that into. Again, City came in late from having to do some errands for her dad around the school. “What I miss?” she whispered as she sat down behind me. “She just started, actually.” I whispered back. We listened to Mrs. Jamison try to fill in the emotion of the writing but I kept feeling this poking sensation in my back. I looked back and see City softly stabbing her pencil through my jacket. When she looked up, she stopped and apologized. I didn’t mind.
About 20 minutes later, she was doing it again. Then she leaned over and said that Mrs. Jamison looked 20 years older when she wore her glasses at the end of her nose.
Mrs. Jamison looked up sharply when she heard City snicker. “You two, office now.” she sent both City and me.
We walked past hundreds of lockers one our way to the office. “Thanks for getting me in trouble.” she teased. I looked at her strangely. “You started it.” I sent back. “I know but if you hadn’t been like sitting there..” She trailed. “Were am I suppose to be,” I asked. “At home.” She nodded. “In your bed. So I could go over to your house.”
“You can come over anytime you want. What you need an excuse?” I asked. “Yeah, my dad’s real finicky about those things. I’m not allowed to go over to boys’ houses.” She explained. “Thats weird.” She nodded before asking if she could come over tonight. “Of course. What about your dad though?”
“I’ll tell him I’m going over to Dakota’s. Problem solved.” She shrugged “Okay, We’ll met on the stairs after school.” I said. She smiled and entered the office first changing her expression to annoyance so her dad wouldn’t suspect anything.
“What’s going on?” Mr. Hall asked crossing his hands. “Mrs. Jamison sent me to the office cause Mikey-Gerard, whatever this guys name is, was bugging me.” She acted. “Oh, please. You were the one stabbing the pencil in my back.” I sent back, playing along. City went to argue when her dad told us both to shut up. Yeah, he was that kind of teacher that got away with telling his students to shut up. Not be quite, or not to talk. Just plain shut up. I wonder what he was like at home. Or just how City managed to live with him.
“I’ll let you guys off with a warning, but If I see you two down here again for the same issue, you both will have detention with me.” He dad finished walking past us. He whispered something in City’s ear which made her look back and watch him leave. “Something wrong?” I asked concerned. “”Everything is fine.” She assured. I would try to again at my house tonight.
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sorry for the long wait
this time of year's always the busiest
