Status: hiatus

I'd Photocopy All the Things That We Could Be, If You Took the Time to Notice Me

What's Her Name Again?

The hallways were littered with handouts about the drama club and their play, Bloody Mary. I figured this to be Olivia's and Karen's doing since they were always doing this sort of thing for City. Promoting her role in the upcoming plays. I have to admit, I'm anxious to see what her role will be in the spring play. It seem that every year, if she doesn't audition for the play, she's a lot meaner and crueler to the students around her.
I came to my locker on the second floor and sighed. Drama posters with the classic happy and sad masks on them were taped to the lockers all across the hall. I tore the ones on my locker off to get my books.

My first class was English and I was already late for class which kinda sucked cause we were presenting our screen plots to the class. I was curious to see what that one girl had written. I don't actually know her name, but she doesn't talk much and seems to have my interests in mind.
I open the door and find her just finishing up and City just getting up there. My shoulders dropped and I took my seat. "Ah, Just in time, My. Way." the teacher started. I smiled cheaply but rolled my eyes when she couldn't see. City cleared her throat and tossed her hair to the side. Get ready for some horrible plot about some preppy girl who has everything.
Surprisingly no. City begun with a dark and rainy day and a young girl who sat in her room cutting herself and ended with her not being able to tell her parents when they wanted to talk to her.
I doubt she was actually capable of writing this sort of twisted plot. She probably paid one of the emo's who were used to writing stuff like this. I just wouldn't surprise me.
"Does any one have any questions about her plot?" the teacher asked. I looked around and nobody had questions. "Okay, City you can sit down now." the teacher said. She turned in her paper on the desk and sat down. I presented mine next when the bell rung.

As I walked down the hall, back to my locker during study hall, I glanced to the side and saw the four most popular girls talking around the drinking fountain. Its a good thing I'm not thirsty. Frankie came and visited me at my locker and asked how it was like having the scene queen in my favorite class. "Okay, this has got to stop. I mean we've called her so many things, I'm starting to forget who we're talking about. He sighed and pointed to the red head over my the drinking fountain. "What about her?"
"What's her name? I've never known her name yet she makes fun of me. Isn't it like City or something. What a weird name." he babbled. I nodded and watched her talk to Karen and Olivia and Dakota. "How'd she get her hair so pink?" Frankie asked. I ignored him and kept watching. "Yo, Gerard. Earth to Gerard?" Frankie called again. "What?" I snapped back into our conversation. "Never mind." he said instead.
"OH MY GOD! You did not just put that down my shirt." We both hear City shout and her friends laugh. Some friends. If that ever happened I wouldn't laugh, I'd ask if she- her boyfriend came up behind her and offered to get whatever it was out. His hand was reaching for her chest when she shoved him away. "What'ya think think I am? A fucking help yourself service stand!" her face showed disgust and she retrieved the thing herself and threw it in the trash bin.
She caught my eyes and I quickly turned away to hide my face in my locker. Everybody resumed doing what they were up to and the attention on them had gone away. Frankie turned to me and slugged against the lockers beside mine. Then the pack of girls headed our way, down the hallway. "OMG look they're gay with each other. I just knew it!" Karen squealed. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I turned my eyes just in time to see City slap Karen's arm and tell her off about something regarding me.
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please tell me what you think :]