Status: hiatus

I'd Photocopy All the Things That We Could Be, If You Took the Time to Notice Me

Lunch Time

A week later, and City had already gone back to making my life at school as miserable as possible. Acting as if, that visit to my house had never happened. This year is sadly starting to resemble last year. With City and her groupies finding anything and using everything that can to get at me.
Ray and I sat next to each other in math. "Hows your deal with City?" Ray asked setting his book down. "I personally don't care about her." I said truthfully. Who'd ever care for her. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but people only like her cause she's pretty. Not because of her personality or anything. If you consider her even having a personality.

Mr. Tyson asked me to deliver a message to Ms. Heath. I handed her the message and looked around to Frank as she read it. Frankie sat behind Karen and pretended to kill himself. I gave him a sympathetic look and left when she told me to deliver the message to Ms. O'brien. I did. "You have something for me?" she asked. She was one of my favorite teachers to have for study hall. She was defiantly the nicest.
"Mr. Tyson asked me to give all the teachers this." I handed her the sheet. "Okay, hold on a sec." she started searching. Dakota walked in. "Hey, Gerard." she said while waiting for Ms. O'brien. "Hi."
"Hey, Dakota, have you seen City around." Ms. O'brien asked while stapling something to the sheet. "She was right behind me, I think she stopped to get something out of her locker."
"Oh okay, would you please give her this for me?" the teacher handed Dakota a math packet. "What's this for?" she asked. "Here you go, Gerard." Ms. O'brien sent me off.
City was at her locker, re-applying her eye-liner.

Lunch came at the same time as usual. 12:35. I was the last one to sit at the table. Ray poked at his food and pushed it forward. "Something wrong?" I asked. "No. I'm just really nervous." he admitted. "About what?" I asked, taking a drink. "Ray's got a girlfriend! Ray's got a girlfriend!" Frankie teased. I laughed and Ray snickered. "Not exactly. I haven't actually asked her out yet." he claimed. "Why?" we asked in unison. "She doesn't know I'm alive." I almost choked on my food. "You gotta let yourself be known, man. Like Gee did with that city girl." Frank proclaimed. "There is nothing between me and her!" I exclaimed. "You know what City." a girl cried. The three of us looked back at their table. Samantha Usher stood from her seat at City's table. "Isn't samantha the captain of the cheerleaders?" I asked not really wanting an answer. Ray nodded. "What could she have done to make her cry?"
"No but I'm sure you'll tell me." City harped. Samantha walked away fooling City that she'd left. But instead, she had walked around to City's chair and poured her water over her head. City shot up from her chair and backed up. "What is your problem?" she shouted. Karen and Olivia started to snicker. So much for being her friends. "Um, I don't think I have one." Samantha smiled and walked away. People at the surrounding tables started to laugh. City looked hurt. Betrayed somehow. I think the only who was concerned about her was Dakota. Ray and Frankie started to laugh. "Guys! That's not funny!" I snapped. They stopped. City took off for the bathroom, knocking over her chair and pushing people out of the way in the process. Dakota stayed at the table, Looking around just because.
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hope you liked it
I'm sure I'll update again pretty soon!