Lost In The Fire

St. Jimmy

"What exactly happened?"
Whatsername looked at me. Her lips pouty and her hands clasped over mine.

"I-I ran away first cause Jason, well Jason kissed me. And I didn't want to fuck everyone over again so I ran cause that seemed like the only sensible thing to do at the time, and I ran into Iggy. Iggy was nice to me at first then he led me to his house so I could just calm down for a while. Oh Angie! I should have known better! He locked me in the basement when I said I should go home now. And He wouldn't let me leave. I snuck out a week after being there and him and his thugs punched and kicked me until I gave up. I-He made me have sex with strangers, people I didn't even talk to or know their names. And I fell so dirty. I can't get it off! No matter what I do! And Finally when I get home. Zacky.....he hates me. My little boy, he hates me."
I cried and tightly squeezed onto the tissue she gave me earlier. She looked down at me symphytheticly.

"What happened here?"
Jimmy walked into the room sitting down on the couch between us. I busted out into tears leaning onto Jimmy for support. I didn't care we hated each other before, I just needed a sholder to lean on. And as far as Jimmy was concerned, he was my savior from that dungon back in Jingle Town. He put his arms around me and held me to him. Whatsername bit her lip and took my hand holding onto it for support.

"You have to be strong babe."
Angie spoke.

"I know..I've always tried."
Sniffling I closed my eyes.

"Glory.....Gloria, for as long as I've known you. I always knew that you were gonna be the last one who would crumble. Your really strong. Raising a child by yourself for a few years. Took all that shit from Christian. Hell you fucking didn't have parents or a home cause of that fuck. But you, you can do anything. Don't worry everything will be okay."

That small phrase Jimmy let spill from his mouth just completely cleared all my senses. I felt strong, I felt like I could do this. Jimmy, oh Jimmy, you have no clue how much you have truely saved me.