I Just Had to Run


"Lyndsay, are you sure this is what you want?" My mother begged, grabbing on to my shoulder before I could jump into the van with the boys.
"Mom," I sighed, stopping and turning to look at her, "Even if I had changed my mind--which I have not--I already singed the contract. I'm on a non-stop highway to my dream,"
Her lip quivered as she pulled me into a hug, "I'm just going to miss you so much!"
I wrapped my arms around her in return, "I know Mom. I'm miss you too, I'll call you all the time, I promise."
The sweet smell of her perfume choked me as she pulled away, "You better get in the van before I decided not to let you go."
A small laugh erupted from my throat and I got into the van, "Bye mom."
"Bye Z," she smiled before she shut the door for me.
"Let's get going," Bret said, looking over to Jason to start driving.
I waved bye to my mom, before looking at the guys, "I'm so beyond excited," I said a smile reappearing on my lips.
"This is so surreal," Dylan responded, combing some of his light brown hair with his fingers, "I can't believe that they're giving us a chance."
"Well, we worked for this," Jason said, merging onto the freeway.
"That we did," answered Bret, "I was getting sick of them thinking that Z did the vocals."
"Like the fact that I'm a female and in a band means that I have to sing," I scoffed.
Dylan let out a laugh "I know. You, singing? You'd rather watch Mark Hopkins be run over by a semi."
"Unfortunately, that is true," I frowned at the thought of my celebrity crush being flattened in front of me.
The guys burst out into laughter at my pout.
"Seriously, you guys." I said "I'm really happy that we finally caught a break."
"Jason really saved us by telling him that you did some vocals," Dylan pulled, pulling out his iPod from his backpack.
"Honestly Z, we were getting close to kicking you out." Bret told me, placing a chip into his mouth.
The other two nodded their heads in reply. I looked at them shocked.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapters will get longer when I get past what I already wrote in my notebook.
I promise.