I Just Had to Run


I jumped out of the van and stretched.
Three hours done, four more left to drive. At least we finally get to met who we’re touring with.
“Z, pull your shirt down,” Bret mumbled, pushing past me and into the truck stop.
“Van call, thirty minutes,” Jason called, clambering out of the van and stretching his own limbs out.
with a sigh I made my way into the truck stop to find something to drink.
Softly, I mumbled to myself as I walked through the isles.
Excitement coursed through my body as I saw a case of Capri Sun, “Score,” I sung reaching out to claim my new found prize.
A hand grazed pine as I took hold of the box, “Sorry,” his voice said, and his hand shot back.
I blinked up at him and smiled “It’s fine,”
“Take it,” he laughed, his brown eyes shining.
Quickly, I scooped the box into my arms, “Thanks,” I softly mumbled.
“Uh, no problem,” he smiled, showing off his nice teeth, “I’m Kent, by the way.”
“Lyndsay,” I replied, awkwardly shifting my feet, “Well, I actually have can call in a few minutes,” I told him after a few seconds of silence.
He probably doesn’t even know what I mean.
“Van call? You in a band?”
“uh, yah,” I answered, switching the Capri Sun into my other arm.
“Me too,” he chuckled, “We actually stopped to met the other band. Geeze, what were they called…uh..?”
“They wouldn’t happen to be Get Read, Get Set-”
“Go!” he finished, laughing “Yeah, that’s them. I didn’t know they had girl in there,” Kent half smiled.
My lips pursed together and I nodded my head curtly.
“But that’s cool. I mean, normally it’s a female singer, and it’s getting kinda old. What do you do then?”
“Drums,” I answered. “ I should really get going though.”
He nodded his head, finally allowing me to leave.
As quick as I could, I paid for the juices and left the truck stop.
“Hurry up Z!” Jason called, waving me over to our homely van.
I jogged over and handed him the box of juice.
“Did you met any of the guys?”
“Yeah, Kent,” I grumbled, shoving my hands into my hoodie.
“Well, we’re heading over to their bus to introduce ourselves,” he told me.
“Joy,” I mumbled. “I’ll be over in a second. I need to piss first. He took up all my time there.
Jason rolled his eyes and nodded his head.
Great, now I have to met the rest of them.