I Just Had to Run


My phone vibrated in my pocket, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I groaned and retrieved it from my jeans, and scanned the text from Bret, telling me to get to their bus and be social for once in my life.
The last thing that I want to do right now is go talk with Kent.
A knock on the bathroom door further pushed me to their bus.
I turned the tap water off and exited the bathroom, and pushed past the person that was glaring intently at me.
My phone vibrated again, letting me know that Bret was officially annoyed with me.
I clicked the keys on my phone, telling him that I would be there in a few minutes.
With my phone securely in my pack pocket, and my hood over my head, I went in search of the bus.

Much to my dismay, it wasn’t anywhere near my van, or parked in front at all.
“What the cuss?” I groaned, turning my hell and walking around the building “Who parks in the back? Cussing duh,” I mumbled.
I knocked on the bus door and put my hands in my pocket.
“Z!” Dylan called, flinging the door open and grabbing my arm “I’ve missed you!”
“Who gave you caffeine?” I laughed, almost tripping up the stairs.
“Uh, I think his name is Kyle,” he grinned “You’re going to love these guys,”
“No if they’re all like Kent,” I mumbled, “Im’ seriously not that unnoticeable.”
“Hey everyone this is-” Dylan started to introduce me.
“Lyndsay!” Kent cut him off, nodding his head.
My eyes narrowed at him as I leaned my weight into Jason.
“Drummer, right?” a tall male with bright blonde hair asked me, flipping his hair to the side.
Shock raced through my body, “Yeah, that’d be me,”
“Sweet, drummers unite!” he grinned reaching his fist towards me.
I touched my knuckles to his and chuckled, “You’re, uh, Kyle right?”
“Yes ma’am” he nodded vigorously.
His hyperness made me feel so welcome.
“We’re going to be friends,” he grinned even wider, “I just decided.”
A laugh escaped my lips, “Okay Kyle, whatever you say,”

My eyes scanned back towards Kent, watching him as he watched me.
No one said anything as we looked at each other, almost staring each other down.
I could almost feel the hate that I felt towards him flying at him as my eyes turned into slits.
And I just wanted to leave the bus, go back to my van and curl up with my Hello Kitty blanket.
And call my mom.
“Well,” Bret cleared his throat, “This is awkward.”
I couldn’t agree more.