Rainy Days, Coffee Shop Wage

numero uno

Love. It's a funny word isn't it? But the outcome - hilarious, is it not? How much pain, suffering, depression, do we have to go through to succeed? And in the end, is it really worth it? These things, this emotion - a proper term for it, messes with our brains. These chemicals, they function with our brain pulling us closer and closer with these four letters. Like an addiction, you can't drop it without feeling like nothing. So when Kelsi Fare gave up, she became nothing.

She woke up in the middle of the day to face the cloudy mixture in the sky about to rain down on the party town. Slipping on a warm sweater she made her way out to the kitchen, reaching in the cupboard and pulling out enough mix to make coffee. A sigh escaped her lips as she passed by the refrigerator, the infamous picture still taped on there, six months running. Moisture built up at her eyes as she started to remember all those good moments, and the way they always talked about forever. That voice of deceit, and fakeness rung in her ears as if they were a lost song stuck in her ears.

After her morning coffee, she went to get dressed and get ready for work. A cozy coffee shop located in the middle of San Diego wasn't the most satisfying job. But it paid her rent, and she could support herself with the money. The only problem with this job was the love that seemed to be flying around the shop, hitting everyone with the rush. Everyone except for Kelsi that is.

She stepped through the door wearing a long grey sweater that stopped at mid-thigh, with black leggings underneath. Her brown hair was barely hidden by the grey beanie that slouched lazily on her head. She greeted her co-workers with a friendly smile - fake of course, before starting yet another day of work.

It was the same old routine, the same words exchanged with each and every person. "Hello", "What would you like to order?" "Goodbye", those three phrases hung loosely on her tongue. The way some people decided that they were so amazing, more superior than those who work with minimum wage cost, bothered Kelsi. But as her job requirements demanded she kept a fake, glaring smile on her face as the same three phrases were repeated once again.

Kelsi decided to stay at the coffee shop for her lunch break, making herself a espresso and sitting down on the beautiful violet couch. Some people who came through were interesting to watch, to inspect - if that would be a better term. How tourists and people from different countries would come here and get some coffee for relaxation. The cultures and differences of the world interested Kelsi, she always wanted to travel the world. Their conversations, some talking about things Kelsi would never dare mention to her best friend, let alone in public, it interested her.

As the time got closer to twelve people started crowding in desperate for the mind relaxing substance. The small coffee shop soon got extremely crowded, almost no room for movement. Kelsi decided to cut her lunch break short and help out. She asked Dyna to take the register as she started making the drinks - she couldn't stand saying those three phrases any longer, or stare at the couples that would walk in holding hands.

"Kelsi, watch out!" Dyna squealed as a brown liquid exploded onto the floor dripping everywhere, soaking her grey flats. She sent a sympathetic smile her way and reached for the towel where she stopped her. "No, I'll clean this up. Take the counter, please?"

Aggravated by her demand she tried her best to put on a smile but failed miserably. The next customers shared her dirty looks, each glaring at each other. For the next hour or so she was left greeting, asking, and dismissing the customers as Dina insisted she made the drinks.

After most of the people left, a group of five boys came bursting through the door laughing. The smiles on their faces were genuine, and dreamy. Dressed in skinny jeans and sweaters, they didn't really fit into the relaxing green theme of the coffee shop. Four of them dropped down onto the couches as a blonde haired boy came up to the counter. He looked familiar to Kelsi.

"Erm, Hello. Welcome to um... Mainglow. Is there anything you want?" She stuttered uncontrollably. Somehow this boy made her nervous, she wanted to smack herself in the head. But that would be too obvious. "Oh! I mean, what can I get you?"

"Hm, three espressos, an iced mocha and a green tea?" He smiled smoothly his blue eyes boring into hers. Kelsi was taken aback for a few seconds, rapidly blinking before nodding and typing in the order. Her heart was pounding like a jackhammer, she knew this guy. Well, kind of.

"That will be $12.75" She fought to keep her voice steady as she tried to avoid the gaze of the content singer in front of her. He handed her the money and she quickly fumbled around the cash register pressing the wrong buttons, accidentally hitting the open tray button to have the cash tray come bounding out at her stomach.

He stifled a chuckle that threatened to break out. There was something about this girl that interested him. She talked in a way that made her seem like she didn't really care. She interested him, in so many ways, he wanted to know more. He's been through it all, the heartbreaks, the music business, the fights, his past was a mess. And something was telling him this girl had, or was still going through the same thing.

"No, keep it." He sent her a sympathetic smile as she handed him back the change. He wouldn't let her protest, instead lifting a finger up to his mouth to shush her. "No, order yourself a drink. Keep the change, okay?"

Kelsi was stunned breathless. Her heart skipped a beat before pounding like mad. It felt as if she was going to have a heart attack right there and then. "I can't do that."

"Yes you can. If you really want to repay me come sit with my friends and I." He smiled at the tall brunette standing in front of him. She smiled thankfully before getting a coffee and following him to where the boys were sitting.

"Guys... guys!" He yelled at the four boys sitting around laughing and messing with each other. Kelsi smiled and stood behind the blonde shyly.

"Well, sorry for them being like that. They're stupidly immature." He rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face sitting down next to the brown haired boy with long hair. She took this as a cue to sit down on a couch next to a boy who looked like Ryan Cabrera.

"So guys, this is ... oh god I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" He sighed feeling stupid for not even asking her who she was.

"I'm Kelsi. Kelsi Fare." She smiled sweetly at the guys who returned them.

"Well, this is Vic, Mike, Tony, and Jaime. I'm Craig. Craig Owens." The blonde pointed at each boy as he introduced them. According to Craig, the four boys were mexican. She giggled lightly as they started cracking the mexican jokes.

"Hm, I don't know how to say this without sounding like a creep." Kelsi laughed before turning her face serious staring at the boys.

"Let me guess. You know who we are and want to rape us?" Tony joked sending her a wink.

She laughed taking a sip of my coffee "It's not rape if you're willing!"

They all burst out into laughter. They stayed there for about and hour just talking about random topics. They asked about Kelsi's life, and her dreams. She asked them about life on the road, and how they all got to know each other. A permanent smile made her way onto her face, she hasn't been this happy in months. The fun vibe from the boys made her feel whole inside, that warm feeling of comfort. Kelsi turned to observe the empty store. It was only her, the boys, and Dyna, who was sitting at the counter a small smirk on her face. Kelsi returned it before getting back to the boys.

"So um Kelsi... Do you like music?" Jaime asked with a shy look on his face. She was taken aback by a moment. Was he kidding? She doubted there was a human being on earth who hated music. Suppressing her laughter she nodded slowly before a huge grin burst out on her face.

"Cool! You should come see us play sometime." He let the smirk grow on his face causing Mike to hit the back of his head. Kelsi laughed before telling them she's seen them live three times before, and met them twice. The four boys immediately burst out into apologetic remarks and comments on how they were sure they'd never forget her face. She giggled lightly before taking the last sip slowly and turning back to the boys.

"Sorry boys, I gotta get back to work," Kelsi sighed standing up slowly. They protested but finally let her go after numbers were exchanged. She walked behind the counter making herself an espresso before she realized there was a short skinny boy behind the counter staring at her. With a small smile on her face she asked him what he wanted.

Without thinking the long brown haired boy leaned over the counter pressing his lips to hers. After they pulled way Kelsi had the most dreamiest expression on her face. He handed her a note before walking away with a super happy smile on his face.

You're mysterious, It's provocative.
There's something about you, that makes my
heart skip a beat every time you talk.
It feels like I'll have a heart attack every second you're around.
They might say it's a curse but to me it's a blessing.
I think I might be falling for you,
Kelsi Fare.

I'll be waiting,
Victor Vincent Fuentes.

p.s. 261-1341
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