

"Faith..Faith" the man crooned as he shined a bright light into my eyes, varying between the left and right. He had a soft voice, similar to a child's, with a slight musical note in every word he spoke.
"Faith?" he said again this time with doubt in his voice. I didn't attempt to speak, nor did i move as my mind was consumed with memories of the previous visit to this room.

* * *

My arms and legs thrashed as i screamed at the man to move, the mass of people in the room struggled to tie me down to the bed, their hands shaking in shock.

A woman screamed uncontrollably still clearly in shock of the events that had just happened. A mutilated body lay in the corner unmoving, the body still fresh, blood was seeping from the several stab wounds in the body's chest and stomach. The man's soul had already left now in peace, i could sense it, but the demon was still living, and looking for a fresh body to jump into. Killing its next host was not an option.

It moved closer to the crowd surrounding me, its smokey black figure moving silently, no one but me aware of its presence. I kicked upwards hoping to knock them out of the way, when they refused to move i screamed wildly and kicked. This time they moved. Attempting to get up from the bench i slipped and left several bloody streaks across the smooth, cold metal. Time seemed to slow as i pushed the bench away in one insane move, my intentions unclear as i ran for the smokey demon.

Suddenly it was within me, it consumed me. I fought back with all the strength i had and finally with one last mental push i let out a terrifying and horrible scream. It was gone.

* * *

Something hard and rough was surrounding me, everything dark except for a small light in the distance. My vision was still hazy, but i attempted to follow it all the same. Small footsteps, left foot, right foot. Slowly i made my way to the light. It suddenly came to my attention i couldn't move my arms, they were held back by some sort of rough material held together by buckles.

For the first time since waking up i noticed my surroundings, Grey walls surround me, a window covered with bars, Grey bed with no covers. What interested me the most was a square on the wall almost a rectangle but not quite. through it i could see a man at a desk overflowing with papers and writing tools. inquisitively i held out a hand only to have it stopped by cold glass.
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