

I stood in front of my window watching the sun go down. The pinks and oranges lit up the sky and i pondered where the sun went after it went down. Although i didn't have long to ponder, the sky was almost completely black, tonight was a full moon.

Slowly i padded over to the glass between this room and the man's room. Again i extended a hand and pressed it to the glass, feeling its cool surface. The cool sensations travel over my palm to the tips of my fingers. The man was still there.

Cautiously i raise a finger and tap the glass, hoping to get his attention. He didn't notice me. I tap the glass again a little harder and he looks up. The man seemed surprised that i was there, like he had forgotten i was even here. He begins to get up from his chair and stacks his papers on the corner of the desk. The man makes his way over to the glass, taking big steps, rocking from side to side with each step he took. The closer he got the more i could see his face. A face that would scare most, but not me, a face covered in scars, i had seen this before and possibly even had the same on my own, i wasn't sure. I hadn't seen myself for a long time.

What seemed like hours was only a few moments when the man finally made his way to the glass and stopped. He looked at me with sad eyes and slowly put out his hand to the glass. He pressed his hand against mine, with only the glass separating us. His hand was much bigger than my own, covered in scars and sores. Slowly i used my fingers to trace around his hand, he watched me with cautious eyes. I imagined the tough skin of his finger curling around my own. Finally grasping my hand. His arms sliding around me. Keeping me safe.
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