

I awoke suddenly, the room spun for a few moments and then nothing but silence followed. I stared at the dull roof trying to regain my breath, suddenly i heard footsteps. Quick, fast paced steps, in the hall. Treading softly i made my way over to the metal door. I peered out the window, nothing was there. Angry with myself for going to the door i turned with the intention of going back to bed. A sudden wave of sadness hit me, i couldn't breathe. The sadness got worse, now a sharp pain travelling through my body, i fell to the ground and hugged my small body tightly.

Voices whispered all around me.

"Please no!" a woman wailed.

"Hail Mary, Full of grace.." another man prayed.

Other whispered wails and pleas filled my head. All overlapping each other until no voice was recognizable. I curled up in the corner, rocking myself back and forth, praying they would stop. Suddenly becoming very angry i screamed at the voices to stop, i screeched and wailed until my voice was so sore it hurt to breathe.

Everything stopped at that moment and there was silence.

I padded slowly back to bed. Sleep came easily.

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this chapter goes straight onto another separate part, that's why it is so short. Please comment :)