
Show me more

I stood watching the sunset as i usually did, when i felt strong hands around my waist.

"Beautiful isn't it." Rider whispered softly into my ear.

I pushed myself backwards into him and he took me willingly. For a few moments we stood with me in his arms. Suddenly i felt hot breath on the side of my neck, his lips grazed down my neck to my collarbone. I could feel his hands roaming all over my hips, stomach and chest, every touch sent vibrations up my spine, making me shiver with excitement. I turned with his arms still around him and raised myself to his lips, just inches apart i could feel his breath hot on my own. He leaned forward almost exactly as i did, for a moment hesitating but then our lips slightly touched. Becoming more and more passionate, Rider slid his hands under and up my gown, removing it in one swift movement, leaving me bare.

I quickly removed his shirt and ran my fingertips over his toned chest, feeling every inch of him. Soon we were both completely bare, our bodies intertwined as one. As if it were in slow motion he laid me on the bed, running his hands over my body.

His lips met mine and our tongues swirled around each others.

"I have always wanted you Faith" he whispered into my ear.

* * *

I awoke abruptly and sat straight up, breathing hard. Rider was sitting by the bed again.

"Bad dream?" he asked.

As usual i gave no response.

"I brought something for you" Rider said as he picked up an object from the table beside me.

"Its a rose"

I looked at the rose and examined it, it was yellow, a strange color for a rose. Rider placed the rose underneath my nose and sniffed. It was a sweet smell like that of honey or sugar. I was so taken away by the rose's beauty, i spoke for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"Rider, show me more."
♠ ♠ ♠
A special thanks to TrueLove!? Aka Ally for being my inspiration for this chapter. This ones for you Hun.