

Since i can remember, i have been here, in this cold dark room. With nothing but myself and one single memory of my mother. A sad one at that. Before that, there was nothing. Its like a huge chunk of my memory has gone missing and it has only been recently, since i began to feel, that i have become curious as to what is missing. Rider, it seems, has evoked something within me. Like i was gaining a piece of the before. Yes, that is what i will call it ,'the before', because this is the now i suppose, or is it the after? Not much telling really, just a whole lot of nothing. Back to the before. There seems to be a bad sense about this one. Something bad happened to me and it is driving me utterly crazy not knowing what.

As if out of a deep haze, i was slowly led from my thoughts, there was a bright light again. The sun was rising. There was a knock on the door. I smiled because i instantly knew but the sound of his footsteps that Rider was here. His distinct breathing and even smell gave it away before he began to talk. His finger trailed playfully around my waist, then i felt a swoosh of air behind me and he was next to me suddenly, he was quick, ill give him that.

"I prefer this then the sunset" he said into the silence. Like it was a fact rather than an opinion.

"why is that Rider" i answered, finally using his name. It felt like sweet honey on my lips to say it again and have him there to hear it.

"Because it is like..a new beginning rather than the ending of something once beautiful" he stopped and thought for a moment, and said "instead of ending beauty, it creates it, but you my dear, you just keep going, i do not believe you will ever stop."

I almost smiled, he made me feel happiness again. A strange emotion really, felt towards strange things and at random times. It was then i decided to ask about the before.

"Rider.. who was i before i came here?" i questioned him, looking deep into his eyes, probing an answer out of him, looking for a clue to something..anything. He stood there for a while, looking out to the horizon, as if searching for the words. But nothing came, absolutely nothing.

Rider looked at me with such pain, such frustration. "I cannot say Faith, you must find out yourself, although i will set you on your path. A date. A time. 13th of April 1995, 1:16pm, now that is all i can say, faith, be careful"

He kissed me on the forehead and left. Leaving me in utter confusion and curiosity, wat happened on that day? Why was it so important?

For now i needed sleep, i lay down and shut my eyes. A slight movement, and i felt pressure on my chest, a sweet smelling rose, pink this time. With a note attached, ' i love you.' it stated. I smiled, and fell into a light sleep.