Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

Leaving Madison

Melinda Winchester crossed her legs as she sat at the small table infront of the window. The chime of silverware against china plates and chatter from the locals muffled all silence in the resturant. It was a quaint little pub. Waitresses dressed in flowery yellow uniforms and white aprons. The chefs moved about in the back kitchen in the cover of a streamy cloud. Melinda watched the setting. She stared at the people as they moved about like busy bees. Her eyes then moved to Sam who was making his way back to the table. He sat down, placing a cup of tea at Melinda's propped elbows. She smiled as she raised the heated cup to her lips, then looked at her brother.

"Thank you." She took a sip, still gazing at Sam. Sam took his seat, then picked up his cup of coffee. "Not a problem," he looked out the window. "Quaint little town, isn't it?"
Melinda's dark eyes looked to the street outside. Quaint was definately the most fitted word to describe Madison, Indiana.

Melinda remembered the town name, then looked at Sam. His eyes still studied the scene before his eyes. Yes, the town was quaint, but the name wasn't. Melinda could tell Sam just wanted to move on to the next destination, and get the hell out of Madison, Indiana. Poor Sammy.

Melinda lifted the cup back to her lips and let the steam of the tea settle in her nose before taking a sip. She loved how green tea caressed her senses. Her eyes always clsoed on their own as she went to drink it. Her tounge swimming in the taste. The tea seemed to massage her throat as she swallowed.

Sam's phone began to ring. He glanced at the call display, then his eyes shifted to Melinda. She watched as Sam filpped open his phone and pressed the talk button.

"Yeah." Sam briefly looked at his sister, then to the outside. "Right now?"

Melinda put down her cup and watched her brother with intriuge.

"Dean if it's not that important than there's no problem---" Sam stopped talking. Clearly Dean had cut him off.

"So it is important," he looked back up at Melinda. "Okay. We'll be there." And with that Sam hung up his phone. He stood up, snaking his hand into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. "Dean's at the motel. Apparently Cas has some he wants to say to us."

Melinda put down her cup and eagarley looked up at Sam. Her jaw dropped slightly. Her heart thumped.
"Castiel?" Melinda asked rather anxiously. Sam slowly placed a 10 on the table and looked at her with slight confusion. "Yeah... What's wrong?"

Melinda shook her head, catching herself. "Oh, uh no reason. I just didn't hear you say Cas, that's all." Melinda fibbed. Sam looked at her briefly, then to the door. "Okay, well they want us right now." Melinda stood up and moved herself away from the table, following behind Sam out the resturant door, onto the quaint and quiet street.

"So what's so important that we have to throw way from coffee and tea for?" Melinda paced to keep up with her brother. Sam looked about the quiet town. "Wanna bet it has something to do with seals? Or Lilith?" Sam drove his hands into his pockets as they rounded a corner. The motel was just up ahead. The Riverboat Inn. Dean thought it sounded ideal.

Sam pryed the key for the room out of his jeans and jogged across the barren parking lot. He stationed himself under the overhang over the motel and waited for Melinda to catch up. As Melinda finally reached the overhang, Sam looked at her once more, slightly preparing himself for the important information they were about to be told. Sam quickly unlocked the door and let it swing open.

Sam walked in first, followed by his little sister. Melinda's eyes first spotted Dean who sat on a chair by the table. Her eyes then moved along the room to find a Castiel-less room. This disapointed Melinda.

"Where's Cas?" Sam went to his bed. Dean looked up at Melinda first. "He just left. Turns out, so has Lilith. And I don't mean she left Indiana." Dean paused to get up. He went to his bed and gathered his clothing sprawled along the floor.
"Well where is she?" Sam chirped.

Dean looked up at him, smirking. "Europe." Dean turned back to his clothing and began to pack. Sam was taken back by the discovery. He sat down on his own bed and looked at Melinda, who still stood in the doorway. "Well then what are we doing here?" She asked.

"We're not staying. It's getting cold, and I'm sick of dealing with seals as of right now." He threw his clothes on the bed. "We're leaving for somewhere warm. Maybe find soemthign to kill on the way there. Sammy check the news." He motioned to the paper on the table. Sam retrieved it, then began to skim.

Melinda turned her back to Dean then went to pack her own clothes. Disapointed she missed out on seeing Castiel, she looked out the front window tot he blue sky, wondering if he was in Heaven right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? <3
I know it's slow, but I have very good ideas for this one.
Comment and let me know if I should keep going!!!