Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

The Hunt

The rain hit the roof of the impala, thumping against the silence as Dean cut the engine. He sat a moment and looked at Sam. Sam sat droopy-eyed in his seat. He too looked at Dean. They shared a tiresome moment, then together in unisen, the turned their heads to the backsteat to sleeping Melinda. Dean just looked at her like her importance didn't exsist--insignificant like a bug. Dean was rather disgusted at his sister. He looked at her for a second more then commanded Sam to wake her up.

"Wake her up." Was all he said. He went for the door handle and pulled himself out of the car and into the rain. Sam watched him walk into the building to investigate. Suspicions arose that Lilith was somewhere close by, but the Winchester's knew it would be damn hard to track her, especially in one of the most populaed cities in the world.

Sam turned around and stretched his arm out to her. He shook her gently and called her name. "Mel, Mel wake up."
Melinda's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she imediatley gazed at her brother. She lifted her head from off the seat a little to get a better look. It was dark, she could tell that much, and it was raining, she could feel the rhythm on the roof. "Sam? Where are we?" She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

Melinda twisted around to crack her back. She rotated her shoulders and moved her neck side to side. "We're here." Sam finally answered her. "Dean's checking out the building right now, and he wanted me to wake you." Melinda looked at Sam. "Well did he say why?" She half-snapped at him.

"No, he didn't. But if there's nothing to hunt in there, then he's going to want to eat."
Melinda sat back and rested her head on the seat. Silence passed them both. Sam went to look at Melinda periodically, notice her looking back, then he'd look away. This happend several times, and Melinda had enough.

"I know you want to know." She spoke. Sam turned his head and looked at her. "What?"
Melinda just stared at him with no emotion, every much like Castiel would. "I know you want to know about what's going between Castiel and I. I know you have questions, and I know you want answers."

"Not as much as Dean does." Sam interupted. Melinda looked at him, then looked away. She debated with herself if she should continue on with her story, and tell Sam the honest truth. She looked at him again. "We both know you're more compassionate than Dean, and you'd understand this more than he could ever try," she stopped herself for a moment, "and I'm only telling you this because if I don't, I'll bottle it up forever, and probably die."

Sam simply looked at her, wordlessly. His silence encouraging her to go on.. Melinda gave herself time, then dove in.
"Back in Ohio, you and Dean went to a hardware store to resupply and whatnot. I was doing research on Lilith, and eventually, I started to think about Castiel. I guess I fancied him more than you guys ever known." Melinda paused a moment to look at the silver rain drops on the window.

"Because I was thinking of Cas, he saw it as me calling him, and appeared in the motel room. Eventually, we got talking, and I found out that... he wished he could be human sometimes, solely for the privilege to feel touch.." Melinda trailed off, pausing to look back at Sam. "And to feel love." Sam nodded his head ever so slightly. Melinda saw this as a sign of his understanding.

"And how did you begin to..." Sam cut himself off, unsure if he should say it. Melinda smirked. "Being to what? Love him? He met me in my dreams, Sam." Melinda was full-on smiling now, remembering the nurmerous dreams with and of Castiel. "He'd make me dream wonderful things, and he'd meet me there. Sam, he'd meet me in my dreams, and he'd try to so hard to let himself open up and..." Melinda felt her words rush. She slowed herself down and got to the point.

"And when he showed up in the motel this morning with those flowers, for me, I felt so much hope for him---for us. He was really starting to be... human, just like he wanted." Melinda dropped her smile. "Then Dean tore it apart. Completely ripped the our scene and all happiness to shreds." She felt anger towards Dean, still, even after her nap.

Sam stayed silent as Melinda spoke. She filled most questions, but still some remained unanswered. "Well you were asleep msot of the car ride... did you talk to Cas yet? Did you dream of him?" Sam asked quietly.
Melinda remembered her dream. The purple sky, the arid desert, the windless wind. Castiel's words. Now that she was awake, she could contemplate what he said. As she remembered, she realized she would have to choose.

Melinda would have to choose between Dean, her brother who'd stood by her all her life, or Castiel, the angel. Melinda knew that if she truely fell in love with him, they would never stop being together. Even in death, their love will go on. Melinda was quite fond of the idea, but still, blood runs thicker than water. She loved her brother more than anything... or anyone.

The it hit her, Castiel was making her choose. Choose betwen him and Dean. Melinda grew disgusted. If you love someone, you wouldn't make them choose, and Castiel had failed at that. Suddenly, her anger for Dean shifted to anger for Castiel. For making her feel like dirt in her dream, then making her choose between impossible choices? She wouldn't have it.

Just then, the driver's door opened, and Dean slid into the seat, soaking wet. He looked at Sam with cold eyes as he puleld out the EMF. "It wouldn't shut up." He stated, then sat it down. Dean looked straight ahead at the buidling. "She's definately in there.. just a matter of finding her." He looked at Sam, but not at Melinda. "That's why we're splitting up." Dean said before opening the door again and stepping into the rain. He travelled to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Sam and Melinda both looked at each other, then at the same time, went tot he door and climbed out into the rain. They quickly ran to Dean's side and armed themselves with whatever was nessecary. "The place is busy. People everywhere, so be careful." Dean warned. Melinda swallowed roughly. Hunting didn't scare her---Lilith did. She always doubted her abilities to take on anything greater than your average demon. Splitting up wasn't her first choice, but she sucked it up anyways. They quickly hid their guns and holy water in their pockets then made a run for the building, hopefully to end the chase for Lilith once and for all.
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