Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

Searching Alone

The elevator ride was dead silent. It seemed no Winchester breathed. nmaybe because they were hot on Lilith's trail. Maybe the end of the chase if finally near. Or maybe it was the bulky awkward cloud that loomed over the family. No one looked at each other, and the were only on the first floor. 7 more to go.

Finally, they reached their destination. Floor 8 of the hotel. A hotel. Of all the palces Lilith could have been hiding out. She was smart, she knew the Winchester's would be after her, she knew she had to blend in. They stepped out of the elevator and into the decorated hall. Dean watched as a couple passed them by and enter their suite before he even began to talk.

"Okay, I'm keeping this." Dean said as he pulled out Ruby's knife and hid it loosely in his damp jacket. "Sam, I hope you've got your mojo tonight, cause you'll probably need it." He stared at Sam. Melinda looked at Dean. "What about me? What if I run into her?" Melinda said with offense. Dean stared at her like she was crazy. This was the first time they've spoken in what seems like decades.

Dean said nothing, but pulled out the EMF from his pocket and handed it to her. Melinda was relucant to take it, but she didn't want to be empty handed when scoping out Lilith. As soon as she took it, Dean turned his back and began his trek down the hotel corridor.

Sam watched him walk away, then looked down at Melinda. She watched Dean as well as disappeared "You call me if anything comes up," he said. Melinda stared at him with brave eyes. God she hated being alone. "I will." Melinda finally replied. Sam smiled, just sharing a moment of silence with his only sister. "Maybe the hotel's having electrical problems and it's setting off the EMF," Sam said with slight hope. But Melinda smiled sarcastically; they knew it wasn't electrical problems.

"But just in case it's not," Sam stopped himself and pulled Melinda with his arms until she crashed into his chest. "I want to give you this." Sam would always hug Melinda before a hunt.

Melinda smirked, then pulled herself away to look at him. "I'll be fine." Sam rested his hands on her shoulders. "I know you will. You fight like a female Dean," he joked, "and although you're far from a threat to Lilith, you're still an annoyance. She'll be more than happy to get rid of you." Sam finished what he was saying and backed away from Melinda. "Be careful," he backed up even more, " and don't forget to call!"

And just like that, like Dean, Sam had disappeared, leaving Melinda completely alone. The EMF was gripped tightly in her hand, and she hid it under her jacket, sticking the headphones in her ears. Melinda looked about the hallway to make sure the coast was clear, and when she knew it was empty, she took out her holy water to make sure it was full. Half-way full, but it should be okay.

Melinda took a breath then started down the hallway. She could feel her heart slowly picking up pace. She travelled down many hallways, running the EMF by the suites as she passed them. When she finished the floor she was on, Melinda headed to the elevator to go up.

As she reached the elevator, she pressed the 'up' button at the side and waited. Melinda pressed it again, then waited. About 5 minutes passed and still the doors have not opened. Melinda glanced to the side and saw a sign reading "Dear Sherton Guest". Just a notice saying this elevator was out of order. "Of course." Melinda said to herself.

So, she would take the stairs. Elevators made her nervous anyways. Melinda walked across the hallway to the exit where a set of stairs lay before her. The doors were heavy, but she pushed them open and emerged through. The walls of the stair room were white, and the florescent light casted an eerier yellow tint on everything. Melinda looked around nervously. If she had a choice, she'd have taken the elevator instead.

Melinda began to ascend up the stairs. Her footsteps echoing about the room. She looked down over the railing to the floors below. Everything was silent, expect for the droning buzz of the lights above. Melinda continued her march up the stairs. All of a sudden, The EMF wailed in her ears. Melinda's heart sank. She pulled it out of her pocket to take a look. She noticed light quivering from above her. She turned her head upwards toward the ceiling. Those lights weren't flickering before.

As much as she tried to ignore it, something wasn't right, and Melinda knew it. Being a hunter, she knew something wasn't right. She reached for her gun, but remembered that wouldn't do much. She then reached for the holy water, then slowly, she turned herself around and looked down.
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Woah, I almost freaked myself out just writing this hehe.