Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart


The EMF was ringing in her ears. Melinda quickly ripped them from her ears as she turned around. She looked down at the woman before her. Tall, brunette, pretty. Demon.

Melinda's eyes widend. Her throat went dry as she froze. The woman smiled. "Little Melinda Winchester in the flesh. Or, should I say Melinda half-Winchester, am I right?" She grinned ominously. Melinda just stared at her, then it hit her, this probably wasn't any old demon.
"Lilith." Melinda mouthed quietly. Her heart thrashing.

The demon stepped closer to her. High heels clicking as she walked. "Close, but no cigar."
Black eyes. Melinda hated them. A surge of relief washed over her--she was happy she wasn't Lilith--but still the presence of the demon loomed over her like a low-lying rain cloud.

There was silence for a long time. The demon continued to stare at her. "What? So I'm not the queen bitch, but I think I deserve a hello." The demon grinned. Melinda climbed a stair. "Leave. Or I'll kill you." Melinda finally said. The demon looked sad. "Oh, I am hurt, Melinda, I just wanted to talk." But the it smirked. "But you won't kill me. You'll call up your older brothers and get them to do it. Because, if I'm correct..." the demon climbed the stairs a little more, "you've got nothing but holy water." It teased.

Melinda backed up even more. It was right. "Speaking of your brothers, where are they?"
"Looking for the queen bitch." Melinda retaliated.
"Of course they are. And what about Castiel?"

Melinda went from fear to anger. She paused a moment to control herself. "Why do you care? If he was here he'd kill you." The demon looked away from Melinda, still smiling. "Yeah, probably. But he's not. By the way, how is that going for you?" An angel and a human... in the same bed. I bet it's just... heavenly." The demon teased.

"You know nothing of Castiel and I." Melinda spat. But the demon kept going. "You know, it's never going to work. I mean, you guys go to get married, have a couple of holy-but-inbred kids, settle down in a nice house in God territory," the demon proceeded to get closer. "Then, he goes to show you what he really looks like underneath that sexy little vessel, then burns your eyeballs right out of your head. Actually, I wish you two the best of luck. Sounds like you'll be real happy together." The demon said sarcasticly.

"Shut up." Melinda commanded. She turned her head away from the thing below her, angry she couldn't kill it for what it said. The demon chuckled. "Oh, I get it. You two have broken up. How sad." She said with fake sympathy. Melinda continued to look away. "You know, you're the hottest couple. You're all anyone ever talks about downstairs." The demon was now a step below Melinda. "And you know what else they talk about?" She said in a whisper.

Melinda looked down at her briefly, hate growing. "Everyone knows that Angels and Humans can't be together.. It's corrupt! Hell, I bet you even know that. But you two love birds decided you're not going to play with God's rules. Rumor has it, there are some important people looking for your little boyfriend... and when they find him, guess what they're gonna do Melinda!" the demon lowered her voice. "Their going to kill him. Imagine that."

"You're lying." Melinda snapped, "How could you possibly know that?" The demon just smiled, showing off pearly white teeth. "Demons talk. And you wanna assume I'm lying? Go ahead. You're in for one hell of a surprise." She chuckled again.
Melinda just glared at her. "What do you want from me? What are you gonna do?"

The demon stepped down. "Oh, I'm not going to do anything. I'm just the distraction," The demon looked up. "He's the one who's gonna kill you."

Before Melinda had a chance to whip around and even have a chance to defend herself, another demon appeared out of nowhere, and struck her across the face, hard. Melinda's body fell to the stairs, and limply and unconciously rolled to the bottom.
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I plan on gettting a couple chapters out this weekend.