Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

The Goodbye

Melinda rolled to the bottom of the stairs, her body the only source of sound, other than the drone of the florescent lighting above. The lights had stopped flickering, but it didn't change the fact that two demons stood circling around their prey. The woman bent down and examined Melinda. She checked her pulse, then growled slightly. She then looked up at the man who had knocked her unconcious.

"She's still alive. You didn't hit her hard enough." The woman stood up, then looked back down at Melinda. She studied her, then with her foot, rolled Melinda on her back. The demon squated down beside her again, getting an even closer look. She reached into Melinda's jacket, pulling out the flasking of holy water. The demon looked at it in disgust, then showed her friend before tossing it across the room, hitting one of the walls with a crash.

The demon trailed down Melinda's body, searching her pockets, discovering the gun. The demon pulled it out, smiling madly. "Now this is more like it." She set it down on her side then looked down at Melinda's face. "She's cute, isn't she?" The demon continued to watch Melinda as it stood up. "Do you think there's any harm in... borrowing her body?" The demon asked before she turned around to face the man. Before the demon had a chance to reply, white light poured out from his eyes and mouth. Vulgar sounds of gagging came from the posessed man, then he dropped to the ground, dead, revealing Castiel.

The woman's eye bulged with panic in the presence of the angel. Castiel glared at her, stepping closer to her. "Step away from her." He commanded. The demon did as she was told and backed away from Melinda's body, never taking her eyes off Castiel. He went to Melinda's body and just stood over her, protecting her. Castiel just watched the demon, and after moments of silence, the demon ran down the lower flight of stairs. Footsteps grew even quieter, then disappeared. The demon had vanished.

Castiel looked around to make sure there was no one else around. After confirming with himself that they were alone, Castiel looked at Melinda, then bent down to her level. Her body lay face up and sprawled out uncomfortably. Castiel reached his hand down and touched her face. He slowly closed his eyes and inhaled, transfering conciousness into her body. Within seconds, Melinda's eyes fluttered open and as she sat up, she began to cough. Castiel stood up right away.

Melinda regained herself, shaking her head around, trying to remember whatever just happend. She viciously looked around, remembering the demons that surrounded her. She then laid eyes on Castiel. "How.. What... What happend?" Melinda whispered as she slowly started to stand up. Castiel looked away from her. "You were about to be posessed."

Melinda stood on both feet now, glaring at Castiel. Just then, she remembered something. She was furious with him. "Oh, and I suppose you came to my rescue?" She spat. Castiel just looked away from her, speechless.
"I thought you didn't want to see me anymore. I thought you wanted nothing to do with me." She stated.

Castiel looked down. "You were in trouble." Melinda looked down and saw that her gun had somehow managed to escape from her pocket. She bent down to pick it up. She studied it, made sure it was okay, then put back in her pocket. Her eyes remained on the ground. "You know, I really rather be in trouble than have to deal with you." She said said in a whisper. Her voice was shaky, like she was on the verge of tears.

But she wasn't. She kept herself calm and under control. "Do you realize what you had said to me?" She looked up Castiel, her hands pinned to her hips. Castiel never looked at her. "First, you want me. I was convinced you wanted me. Then you tell me I'm not wanted? You say you want to learn how to love..." Melinda took a shaky breath. "You don't do that to people you love. That hurt me." Melinda backed up, realizing something. She remember all that Dean said, and all the demon said. "But you don't know what it's like to hurt. You're not supposed to."

This caught Castiel's attention. He turned his head and looked her straight in the eyes. "You're not supposed to be in love. And I'm not supposed to be in love with you."
"Melinda, I apologize." Castiel cut her off.

Melinda just stared at him. "I don't believe that. I don't believe you know how to be sorry." Castiel looked at her with zero emotion. Melinda studied him. "And you stare at me with no emotion. God, you're like a robot." Melinda turned away from him.
Castiel took a step closer to her, placing his hand on her shoulder, gripping it firmly. He couldn't feel her, but he didn't care. Her turned her around. "I can't love you anymore." Melinda told him.

Castiel opened his mouth, hesitant to tell her what he wanted to say. He forced it out anyways. "I love you." Castiel finally told her.
Melinda turned to him, glaring at him wildly. Now she began to tear up. "No. No you don't," Melinda's words were uneasy. She kenw she had to get out before she broke down. "Don't lie, Castiel. I know you don't, because I know you don't know how!" She finally told him.

Melinda broke free frim his grasp then went to the door to enter the corridor of the hotel. She stopped, turned around and with tears already down her cheeks, she looked at Castiel. "Goodbye, Castiel." Melinda said her goodbye like it would be the last time she'd ever see him again. She turned around and ran out the door. Melinda never looked back, she didn't even stop or slow down. She didn't know where to go, or what to do. All she knew now was she owed a certain brother an apology.
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