Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart


Dean moved his own EMF up and down as he moved himself along the hallways. As he reached the end of the hallway, he wiped his forehead and looked down his already crossed path. He had already been down 5 hallways on 3 floors, and nothing. Dean shook his head then went for his phone. Time to call Sam.

He whipped out his phone and hit the speed dial on Sam's phone. The number began to dial, but before it hit the last number, Dean could have sworn he heard sobbing just out of ear shot. He raised the phone to his ear and listened to the ringing. "Hello?" Sam voice came at the other end.

For a moment, Dean ingored the sobbing, and paid attention to his phone. "Sam, it's been an hour. Tell me you've found something." Dean mandated.
"No, I haven't. Look, maybe we should go, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack here. Let's come back when we know exactly where Lilith is." Sam said.

Dean pulled the phone away from his head to listen to the continuous crying. "What is that?" Dean mumbled. "Dean?" Sam called.
"Sammy, look, I'm going to have to call you back." And with that, he hung up.

Dean rounded the corner of one corridor. What he saw shocked him.

Melinda's face soaked and shiny. Her structure appeared weak and fraile as she lunged herself at Dean, embracing him in a long need hug. "Dean." She said through sobs. "Dean, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

Confused, Dean looked down at his sister, but was hesitant to touch her. He waited a moment, thinking of what to say. "Mel, what happend? Why are you crying?" He pulled Melinda off of him. She looked up at him with sad eyes. Melinda took a moment to wipe her eyes and face, and calm her crying. She took a breath and looked at Dean.

"I should have never, ever got close with Castiel. I made a mistake, and I know I should have listend to you because in the end..." Melinda paused and looked away. She didn't really want to admit he was right, but she had missed her brother. Not talking to him was the worst.

"I was right?" He asked. Melinda only nodded. She looked away from him, and kept her eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry, Dean."

Dean backed away from her, then turned his back. This broke Melinda's heart. "Dean please!" She went after him, tugging his arm. She walked around him to face him, but he kept his head turned. "You put him before family, Mel." Was all he said.

"No I didn't!" Melinda gave him a face. "How could I have possibly put him before family?"
"As soon as you fall in love with somebody, you don't care about anyone else. I bet you were willing to die for him, weren't you? Commit your whole life to him? He would have gotten you killed, and you would have left Sam and I behind. How would you like it if I fell in love with Castiel, huh? Devoted myself to him, leaving you guys behind, huh?"

Melinda let go over his arm. "Dean, you're not making any sense." Dean glared at her. "Love doesn't exist for us. Especially, to love an angel!" He empathized angel. "Melinda, do you know how wrong that is?"

"No Dean, I don't. Tell me, how wrong is it to love an angel? A guardian, a proctector." Melinda paused. "A warrior."
"Wrong isn't the right word in this case," Dean corrected himself.

Melinda just shot him a look. "Oh yeah? Well what is?"
"Dangerous. Thats the word. Melinda, do you know how dangerous that is?" He repeated his corrected sentence. His voice ominous and grim and... dangerous.

"How?" Melinda's voice was small. Dean took a step closer to her. "Well, there is a 50% chance of him getting you killed, but we already established that,"

"HOW!" Melinda shouted at him. "How can he get me killed?! That makes no sense if he's a freaking warrior! A gaurdian even! He'd protect me!" Melinda's heart was nearly shattered, more than it already was.

"And there is a 50% chance of you getting him killed." Dean finished his thought.
All of a sudden, Melinda forgot her anger. Something had occured to her.

She looked away from Dean, and began to walk aimlessly, deep in thought. After a pause, Dean spoke. "What's wrong?" Melinda turned to Dean, her eyes scared. "The demon I came across... She said that, some very important people were looking for him." Melinda tried to piece together everything.

"Who? Demons?" Dean asked. Melinda shook her head. "She didn't say who." Melinda put her hand on her forehead, trying to remember what the demon said.

"What else did it say?" Dean asked. Melinda waited a moment to remember, then it hit her. She moved her hand from her forehead to her mouth. Her eyes bulged. "Oh god." She whispered. "What?" Dean stepped foreward.

Melinda looked at Dean, wide eyed and scared. "She said that, when they find him, they're gonig to kill him." Her voice was silent, but shakey. "But she's lying, right? She's gotta be." Melinda tried to shake the nervous feeling that came over her. By convincing herself the demon lied could calm her down.

"I'm not so sure about that, Mel. Demons lie, but if the truth will mess with you, then..."
"Oh, my god." Melinda fell, he back colliding against the corridor wall. "He's going to die because of me!" Melinda half shrieked. Dean rushed to her side, placing her arm around her, providing her some comfort. "Shhh, it's okay. Cas is a big boy, I'm sure he can take care of himself."

"We've gotta find him, Dean. We have to find Castiel and warn him!" Melinda looked deep into his brother's eyes. Her face was longing to rescue Castiel. All her love and compassion rushed to her eyes, and Dean could read her like a book. "Please!"

Dean looked down briefly, then back down at Melinda. "Okay. Okay, but first let's find Sam." Dean said as he went for his phone. Melinda wiped the tears that had fallen again.

All of a sudden, the floor beneath them shook. The walls beside them shook. The chandelliers shook. The world seemed to shake. A loud noise caused the Winchesters to duck and cover. A blaze of light light seemed to fill all of New York City, and in a flash it was gone. Everything was still again. Dean and Melinda looked at each other. Something big had just happend.
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Sorry for the long wait!!!!!!
But the Christmas break is here so I hope to get back into routine!