Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart


Before they knew it, Melinda and Dean were sprinting down flights of stairs. The evelators were out, and they had to find Sam.

"Sam? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, where is Mel?"
"She's with me. Did you feel that?"

Melinda had reached the bottom of the stairs before Dean did. She waited for him to descend. "Where are you?" Dean asked. Melinda watched as Dean talk to Sam. "Okay, well we'll meet you at the impala then." He hung up. Dean finally made it to the bottom.

"Let's go." He placed his back on Melinda and escorted her out the door into the rain. It was pouring harder than before now, but the moon was shining. It was eerie, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, but there was no time to contemplate it. Melinda and Dean scooted over tot he car and hopped inside, waiting impaitently for Sam.

They sat in the front, soaking wet and quiet. "Dean." Melinda broke silence. Dean stared at out the windshield. "Yes, Mel?" Melinda turned her head to face her brother. "Tell me were cool now. Life's too short to hold grudges, especially ours."

Dean looked at her, smirking. "I think I know better than anyone that blood runs thicker than water," he paused to widen his smile. "Of course we're cool."

Melinda found herself smiling too, but only for a moment. "Dean, when the demon spoke to me, it called me Melinda half-Winchester. I remember when you used to call me that all the time," she licked her lips nervously, "do you still feel that way?"

Dean looked at her. The car was silent, apart from the rain on the roof. "Of course I do,"
Melinda's heart skipped.

"But we still share blood, and I'm stuck with you so I can't do much about it." Dean gave her a reassuring smile. "You're my sister, youre my family." He finished.

Melidna replied with a smile. She turned her head to the winshield again. She looked at the moon and sky. It was so strange, how could it be rainging as hard as it was, and the sky he as clear as air? "Dean? How can it be raining if the sky is clear?" Melinda spoke.

Dean tilted his head up to take a look. "Well, I guess that explosion was bigger than I thought."
Something told Melinda that it wasn't an explosion.

All of a sudden, Melinda could see Sam running outside towards the car. in a matter of seconds, he hopped in the back seat, also soaking wet. Out of breath, he looked at his siblings. "So?"

Dean looked back. "So what?" Sam gave him an awkward look. "So... let's go check it out?"
And with that, Dean had rammed his keys in to the ignition and started the car, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the streets of New York attempting to find the blast sight.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, I know. But hey, at least I'm updating!
By the way, this is almost the end of the story.