Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

Sirens in the Distance

Melinda shook as violent as the walls of the hotel. If she hadn't already lost Castiel, she may have lost for good now. She blocked the thought out however, their were more important things at hand. Say, the explosion for example. Something big had happened, or was about to happen.

"It was like nothing I've ever seen before." Sam carried on the conversation. "There was this beautiful white light, just, surrounding everthing, you know? And then the explosion hit. I swear, it knocked me on my ass."

Dean turned a corner, and in an instant, they were stuck in New York traffic, still in the pouring rain. "Fantastic." Dean mumbled. Melinda felt herself take sharp breaths. Needle sharp, sharp enough to poke at her heart.
Sounds of constant car horns seemed to blare through the city. "Wanna bet this isn't 12 AM rush hour?" Dean said abruptly.

The impala was stayed still along with the other cars for 5 whole minutes. Dean decided to take matters into his own hands. He undid his seat belt and reached for his gun on the dashboard. "Arm yourselves." He commanded to his siblings. Sam and Melinda checked their pockets for their guns, doing a quick ammo check.

Dean also checked his ammo, but stopped when he noticed movement from outside his window. People fled from their cars, all ehading in the same direction; foreward. They looked like fish swimming up stream, but with a grim purpose. Dean looked over at Melinda. Her eyes glued and scared. "Where are they going?" She asked nervously. Everything was beginning to make sense now, but she prayed it was all in her head.

"One way to find out." Dean said before opening his car door. Sam followed his lead, and he too stepped out into the rainy night. They waited for Melinda, and as soon as both her feet hit the road, they bolted eastward, following the crowd of people.

The rain was practically ice and it slid down Melinda's back with ease. She shivered, but it wasn't the cold. She could smell smoke in the distance. People were shouting. Sirens rang about the city. Perhaps a fire? People usually run away from fires, not towards them. Unless...

Ominous thoughts nagged at Melinda. Oh God, she hoped she was wrong. She stared straight foreward at her brothers back's as they lead they way. But suddenly, they stopped immediately. Melinda just about fall foreward onto Sam. From where Melinda was standing, she could tell people were gathered in a large circle around what appeared to be... a carter? The smell of smoke was definate now, and she could see it too.

Sirens wailed louder. It was an abulence, Melinda could tell. She still couldn't make out what all the fuss was about however, until she heard Dean.

"Sam. It's Cas."

Melinda gasped. The air lodged in her throat seemed to be stuck, preventing her from breathing. No, this wasn't happening, she thought. The temperature outside couldn't compare to how cold she felt on the inside. She took a cautious step in between her brothers, then looked down in the crater.

She fell to her knees screaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? <3
Almost finished! But I've been contemplating a sequal!