Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

A Change of Plan

It took less then an hour to get packed up and out of Madison, Indiana for the Winchester clan. They were headed south-west; the direction of Las Vegas. Dean's idea of course. The lower-ranking Winchesters being towed behind him. They didn't mind all that much. When Dean wanted to have some fun, Sam usually stayed at the bar, and Melinda kept to the motel room. They barrelled down the sun baked highway, Don't Fear The Reaper blaring through the speakers. Dean drummed his hands along the steering wheel. Melinda sat in the back, bobbing her head as she looked out the window. Sam just hummed the part he knew silently from the passenger seat.

Dean constantly looked back at Melinda in the rear view mirror. As they made eye contact, they serenaded each other with the words. "Come on baby," Dean shouted. "Don't fear the reaper!" Melinda echoed.

"Baby take my hand, Don't fear the reaper." They sang together. Melinda swayed in her seat. She continued to look out her own window, staring at her own eyes in the reflection.

There was something peculiar about the refelction though. Melinda stopped swaying and studied the window. It almost looked as if someone was sitting in the seat beside her.

"Jesus Christ!" Dean hollered. The impala swurved on the road, then remained still. Melinda whipped her head around to her side and saw Castiel sitting opposite to her in the back seat. Melinda couldn't resist her hand holding her chest. After she got over the initial shock of their new company, Melinda quickly fixed her hair and straighten out her clothes as stealthly as she could.

"Son of a bitch." Dean muttered under his breath. Sam looked back at Castiel. "Hey Cas..."
Castiel nodded. "Hello Sam, Dean." He looked at the back of Dean's head.

Then he looked at Melinda. "Melinda." He greeted her. She gawked at him, then grinned. "Sup?"

Just as Melinda spoke, she felt the need to hit herself in the head. Sup? Smooth.
Castiel scowled at her lightly. "Sup?" He asked as a question, like he didn't know what 'Sup' was. "What is sup?"

Melinda just stared at him blankly, wordlessly.
"What do you want, Cas?" Dean's voice boomed. Never was Melinda so greatful. Castiel slowly turn his head to face Dean. "Lilith is back." Castiel looked at Dean, then his eyes floated over to Melinda. He stared at her, and she melted.

Dean grunted. "Awww, c'mon! We' were on our way to Vegas! Lilith can wait!" He declared.
Castiel was motionless. "She will break seal 57 if you do not help."

Dean looked at his brother, then at his sister in the back. He rolled his eyes then looked at Castiel in the rear view mirror. "Where is she?" Castiel paused a moment, then looked at Melinda again. "New York."

Melinda lifted her chin with curiosity. "Where in New York?" Cas and Melinda never dropped eye contact. "Wall Street." She said to her, answering her question, and her question only.

"Wall Street. Christ." Dean grumbled again. He slammed on the breaks and stopped the car, right in the middle of the lonely highway. He cranked the wheel into a U-turn and retraced their steps, going back through the town they just came out of. "Another reason why I want the bitch dead." Dean sulked. No more Vegas.

Melinda dropped the eye contact wtih Castiel and looked out her window, her adernaline oozing into her heart, poisioning her. As soon as she turned her head, Castiel was goen, as usual. The dispointment came back to Melinda and she slouched in her seat, leaning her head against the window.

"We'll have to stop in the next town then to get gas and re-stock on salt." Sam remarked as he looked the gage of Dean's gas tank. Dean's lips were pouted. He never did answer Sam. The sun was going down and everyone was tired anyways. Maybe Melinda could fall asleep and forget about Castiel for a moment or two.
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We're getting there. The next few chapers you'll want to read.