Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

Defining Awkward

Celina, Ohio

Dean pulled the impala into the Celina Motel parking lot. The Winchester's quickly climbed out of the car and made their way to the row of bungalows. Sam peared into the window on one fo the rooms, then motioned to Dean it was empty. Dean took out with lock-pick then began prying at the door. Soon, the door sprung open and the Winchester clan immediately made themselves at home.

Sam set his laptop down on the counter and looked around the room. "We'll be fine here." He declared. Melinda began to look about the room as well. She tossed her jacket on the couch and went for the television remotes. "Hey uh, I think I saw a hardware store on the way into town. Maybe we should go check if they have salt." Dean motioned to Sam.

"You need anything?" Sam asked before they left. Melinda went over to Sam's laptop. "No I'm good. I'm going to check out this Wall Street situation. I'm going to see if I can find anything strange in the big apple." Melinda half joked. She really was going to check on Wall Street, if anything odd has happen in the past while.

Soon, Dean and Sam were out the door. The impala was fired up and already pulling out fo the parking lot, then barreling down the street. Melinda found herself all alone. The room was dead quiet, expect for the clicking of the keyboard. A bluish light fell on Melinda's face as she searched through Wall Street newspapers. So far, nothing.

She searched again, this time, news broadcasts and such. Still, nothing. Melinda thought she'd check the weather. Thunder showers predicted for hte next week. Melinda smirked to herself. "Well, hello Lilith." she said to herself, rather accomplished she found traces of demonic activity.

Melinda put aside Sam's laptop and sat back in her chair, closing her eyes. She lifted her hands to her forehead , massaging her temples with her forefigners. Suddenly, now that she was bored and all alone, thought of Castiel came to her mind. She remembered him startling her in the backseat of the impala the other day. She also recalled the beautiful and uninteruppted eye contact they exchanged and how blissful it was.

Sometimes, Melinda wished Castiel would visit her instead of Dean or Sam. Obviously Melinda knew it wasn't visiting; it was important business. But he'd always come and talk with him, never really to her. She felt like she's barely spoken to him. Melinda wished he'd visit her right now. With her eyes still closed, Melinda pictured him sitting on the motel bed, smiling up at her, just checking in on how she was doing. The thought made Melinda smile.

"You called?" A deepend voice spoke softly.

Melinda jumped out of her chair, stumbling backward. She panted hard, for she was startled. Startled that Castiel had read her mind. "I-I-I What?" Melinda's voice squeaky. Castiel stared at her like the small and insignificant human she was. "I heard you calling me. What would you like?" Castiel spoke very calmly.

He read my mind?

"Oh, uhhh. This was just a misunderstanding," Melinda chuckled. "I didn't call at all, I just thought about yesterday when you appeared in the car with Sam, Dean and I, and I just thought about how..." Melinda caught herself rambling, then trailed off. Castiel continued to stare at her with his ocean eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you. It won't happen again." Melinda said shyly.

"I see," Castiel turned his head. "Where are your brothers?" He asked grimly. Melinda frowned. It always comes down to them. "They are out shopping for salt..." Melinda went to change the subject again, then stopped herself, realizing she'll end up making another fool of herself.

"Let them know I've stopped by." Castiel turned his back to Melinda then headed for the door.

Melinda stepped foreward. "What's Heaven like like!" She cried out before he left. Castiel slowly turn around to face her. He didn't smile, or show any emotion at all. "Why do you want to know?" Melinda felt herself back up slowly. "Just a question," she said weakly.

"You know I'm not to share that information with you." Castiel spoke ever so lifeless. Melinda looked to the ground, but still left his gaze on her. "Why don't we ever talk?"

Melinda looked up. Castiel was glaring at her. "Exuse me?" He boomed.

Melinda felt a surge of confidence in repeating her question.
"How come you and I never speak to each other? We're kind of fighting a gigantic war here, and we've only said like two words to each other."

Castiel studied every part of her face. "I see no real purpose. I see no real purpose for this conversation either." His words tore Melinda apart. Her heart dropped to her stomach, corroding in her acids. She felt sick. The realization of him wanting to terminate their conversation basically stung. He gave ehr eyes one more chilling gaze before turning his back once more.

"Do you feel body heat?" Melinda called out one more time. And once more, Castiel slowly turned his back. He scowled at her, squinting his eyes for ultimate intimidation. "Why this interrogation? Why do you care so much?" He scolded her.

Melinda felt herself back away again, but she never stood down. "I'm human, Cas. I can't help but care." She told him quietly. Castiel watched her, his face arid and robbed of emotion still. Melinda could feel herself drowning int he blue fo his eyes. Now she wished he'd turn around, for she was too scared to breathe with him watching. When he would turn, Melinda did. She faced the beds and looked to the ground.

She expected to turn aruond and have him vanished, like he always does. But this time, for the first time, when she turned, to her remarkable surprise, Castiel stood before her. There was a first time for everything.

"I've been stationed on this earth for a while now, Melinda. I've been watching your kind from day one. Humans never cease to disgust me." His tone coldly monotonous. Melinda had to tear her eyes away from him. His insults too much for her.

"However, when they don't disgust me, I find myself rather fasinated by human beings, and I too... wish to be mortal." Castiel admitted.

Melinda stared at him, amazed. Utterly amazed. Dazzeled even. He went from spitting on the human race to admitting his desire to be one. from insult to compliment, really. Melinda was left, uncertain to know what to say.

"What are you saying?" She spoke carefully.

He looked at her, then crossed her path over to one of the beds. "I do not feel body heat, nor should I," He sat down and looked up at her. "But I'd like too."
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Comments? <3
This chapter is really a part 1 of chapter 3.
I just decided to chop them in half because they'd be way to long.