Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

Lesson One

Sam and Dean had arrived back to the motel about an hour after Castiel had left. Of course, they just had to come back arguring. Melinda was very limited with her words when her brothers came home. "Mel, chinese food." Dean said as he put two bags on the table. Melinda turned her back, facing the beds. "I'm not hungry." She spoke quietly.

Melinda then looked over at Sam. "I'm going for a walk," she walked over to the couch to retrieve her jacket, "I've been here all day. I need fresh air." Melinda finished as she went to the door. She didn't wait for a reply from her brothers. In a matter of seconds, Melinda peeled back the motel door, then shut it once she reached the outside.

Once outside, Melinda instantley felt her body heat change. Her breath slighly visible amoung the cold. It was a lovely fall afternoon. The leaves from the Ohio trees lined the sidewalk Melinda found herself walking down. She remembered where Castiel asked to meet her; the old bridge. Unfortunately, Melinda had no clue where the old bridge was, or if there even was a bridge at all. But it didn't seem like Castiel to lie.

Melinda simply continued her path down the sidewalk. She looked about the area. White houses lined up prefectly, with autumn carpets for lawns. Pumpkins decorated each and every porch Melinda passed. It smelled like candy and plastic costumes. It smelled like Halloween, and this made Melinda happy.

No one was visible, not on the sidewalks, street, front lawns, nowhere. The place seemed like an occupied ghostown, except, it wasn't occupied at all. There was no one to be found. She continued down her same path. Melinda decided to close her eyes for a brief moment.

However when she opened them again, she was no longer on a sidewalk in the middle of an Ohio town. The smells of autumm gone. The sounds of silence wahsed out by running water.

A thin layer of grey lined her surroundings; fog. "What the hell..." She said out loud. Melinda's change of secery frightened her, and quickly she went for her jacket, placing a shaking hand on her Glock 9mm. Slowly, she pulled out her gun and held it close to her. She looked down and notcied she was standing on wood. A wooden bridge. A rickety old bridge.

"Hello Melinda." Someone said from behind. Melinda whipped around, aiming her gun straight at Castiel. She droppped her arm as soon as she realized who it was. "Castiel," Melinda said on a breath as she looked around, "how did I get here?" She put her gun away. Castiel looked up at the trees that loomed over them. "I brought you here." His deep voice boomed. Melinda lifted her head to look at what he was looking at. "I see." She replied.

Moments of awkward silence had passed, and both has remained completely still. Melinda looked about again. "Why did you want to meet here?" She broke the silence. Castiel simply looked at her. He paused a moment. "I wanted this to be a private meeting." Castiel began to walk towards her, then passed her, then stopped when he was directly behind her. Melinda followed his lead then turned around. "You say you can teach me how to feel emotion, how to feel a touch," he placed his hand on her face, then dropped it as soon as he realized he felt nothing at all. "How could you possibly accomplish a task so impossible." Castiel growled in a dull whisper. He looked at his hands in frustration, clutching them together, then releasing them to his side.

Melinda looked at his hands, then into his eyes. She thought deeply about her approach to this new commitment she took on. "Okay, uhhh," Melinda stuttered out "umm's" and "uhh's" for a moment. Until something came to her. She smiled at her new thought. "Castiel. In order to learn how to feel, or even get close to people," Melinda paused to take a step closer to him. "You must learn to open up. For instance, try to talk about something that means something to you. Understand?" Melinda stared at him.

Castiel nodded his head after a moment. Suddenly, he remembered what she asked earlier today. "Heaven, is really anything you want it to be. Anything you need, anything you deserve. Heaven is Heaven, Melinda. It's my home."

And then, suddenly, a turning point in history just occured, for the first time ever, a smile rose on Castiel's face. His lips curved upward into a smile as he reflected on his home in the sky. Melinda's eyes widend. "Wait. Wait right there. You feel that?"
"Feel what?" Castiel replied, dropping his smile. Melinda tilted her head him. "You smiled. That's a sign of happiness." She stepped closer to him. "A sign of emotion."

Melinda smiled again, this time with a sense of accomplishment. Castiel studied her face. "You're smiling. Are you happy?" She asked monotonously. Melinda tore away from his eyes, nodding, still smiling. "Yeah, yeah I guess I am." She looked back up at him. His face blank.

"Did I make you happy?" He finally asked. Melinda wanted to swim in his eyes they were so blue, so clear, so inviting. Castiel appeared to be swimming in hers, dying to know her answer. Melinda took a breath to silence her throbbing heart. "Yeah you did."

Castiel appeared to be content with her answer. A small smirk lay on his lips. Melinda watched his lips, studying them, wanting to taste them. She broke the contact with his lips then moved to his eyes. "Now, tell me, do you feel this?" And just like that, Melinda moved in for the kill; softly colliding with Castiel's unkissed lips.

It was a soft kiss, very much like a prayer, and it ended with closed eyes and moistend lips. Melinda's hands gripped on the back of Castiel's neck, fumbling her fingers through the locks of his hair. They shared a moment in each other's eyes. "Well?" She breathed. Her heart was a freight train.

Castiel looked at her once more, then to the ground. He was not smiling anymore. Instead, Melinda could sense his discontentment. Melinda let go of his neck and let her hands fall to her sides. "Well then, that's fine, we are not quite there yet." Melinda backed away from him. Castiel watched her back away, his face longing for her to come back.

Melinda never took her eyes off him. Slowly, her smile came back. "But we will." She finished herself. Melinda continued to step back. Quickly, she closed her eyes tightley. "Now, I'd like to go back to my motel room please." She spoke.

Melinda paused before she opened her eyes, and when she did, she was no longer in a forest on a bridge in the presence of an angel. Instead, she stood infront of her motel door. She sighed as she went to grab the handle, forgetting for a moment she finally kissed the one she's been chasing after forever. But something was missing, so Melinda thought. Maybe it was too short. Maybe it was too soon.

Or maybe it was because he has yet to learn how to love.
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