Sequel: O Death

But You Don't Have A Heart

The Fight

"We should reach New York by sunset." Dean said as he slipped on his shoe at last. Sam flipped open his laptop and switched it on. "That is, if Lilith is still there. I'll check the weather in Wall Street." Melinda poked her head out of the bathroom and looked at Sam. Her tooth brush hanging out of her mouth. "No need. I already did yesterday. Lightening storms all week long."

Sam looked at her, then down at his laptop. "Well that doesn't mean she's still there, Mel. It could easily be a coinicidence." Sam argued back. Melinda appeared in the doorway again. "A week of non-stop thunder showers? Are you kidding me? A demon of her size? Of course she's there."

"Melinda, Lilith is smart, okay? She knows when angels and hunters are after her. Once she finds out we're coming, she'll disappear again. I doubt she's still hanging around Wall Street."

The Winchester children continued to bicker back and forth. Dean just watched his younger silbings argue like possums, with a small smirk on his face. He felt no need to interfere; when it wasn't him in the middle of the fight, it was just too funny to witness. Suddenly, everyone went silent.

Castiel appeared beside of the bed opposite of Dean. He didn't come empty handed either.

"Lilith is still in Wall Street." He broke up the fight. Sam and Melinda scowled at each other once more, then looked at their visitor. Everyone looked at what he was holding. A bouquet of Calla lilies.

Dean was the first to speak. "Oh how nice, he brought us flowers." His voice boomed. Castiel simply looked at Melinda. "Those look expensive," Dean raised an eyebrow. "Did you steal them?" Dean asked. Dean knew Castiel didn't fully understand of concept of purchasing items, so it was a reasonable question to ask him. Castiel looked at Dean. "They grow wild in Egypt, along the Nile River," Castiel turned his head to Melinda and walked towards her. "And I went there to get them for you." He handed them to her, smiling like a little boy.

Melinda's eyes widend, as she was overtaken by Castiel's inititave. She looked up at him, her lips smiling without control. Melinda took the flowers into her hand and sniffed them. Her eyes clsoed to savour the scent. it was heavenly. She opened her eyes again and continued to smile at Castiel. She moved closer to him, almost close enough to kiss him. "Thank you."

Completely confused, Dean's eyes boggled at the picture before him. He looked at Sam, then back at his sister. "Woah woah woah! What is this?!" He crashed the moment. Melinda tore her eyes from Castiel and looked at her brother, who lunged himself at her. He stepped in between Castiel and Melinda, pushing him away from her. "What is this?" He repeated, looking down at Melinda, then back at Castiel. "Banging behind my back? I mean come on! That's my sister!" He lunged at Castiel, pushing him even more.

Melinda quickly set the flowers on the table Sam was sitting at. She then ran over to Dean, desperately trying to pull him away from Castiel. "Dean, leave him alone. You don't underastand," She tugged at his arm visicouly. But Dean sinply threw her back. Sam quickly ran to her side. He continued to corner Castiel against the wall. "I know I can't kill you myself," Dean grabbed the collar of Castiel's trench coat. "But if you touch her, hurt her, or even come near her and I find out, so help me God I will go to the dark side, and drag your ass back to Hell with me. Do you understand that?" Dean's face almost colliding with Castiel's.

Castiel just stared at Dean, cold eyed and embaressed in a way. He said nothing. He only nodded slightly. "Good." Dean spat, letting go of his shirt with force. Dean stepped away from Castiel and turned his back to everyone, walking towards the beds. Castiel looked around the room, then began to walk to the door. Melinda broke free from Sam's arms and went to him. "Castiel!" She called out after him. But he kept walking. And out he went, slamming the door in Melinda's face.

Melinda stopped dead in her tracks, flinching as the door brought her to a halt. She paused a minute, before turning around, facing Dean, teary-eyed. She glared at Dean. "Now look what you did." She whispered harshly. "Who knows if he's ever going to come back." She gestured to the door.

"So be it. We don't need him." Dean retaliated. Melinda lunged at him. "The hell we don't! We are on the verge of war, and you just drove away our only guidance! Now how are we supposed to fight Lilith?" Melinda half-screamed.

Dean turned to her. "We don't need him," He repeated. "We've been doing fine before he came along. Hey! I'll be glad if he never comes back!" Dean hollered back. Melinda glared at him. "He pulled you from Hell, Dean. You have to remember how thankful you were to have him." Melinda brought it up.

Sam stepped into the picture. He put his arm on Melinda's shoudler, hoping to distract her. "Melinda, no." He gently ordered. No one liked to talk about Dean's journey to Hell, especially Dean.

Dean watched her with fire in his eyes. "Thankful? I was thankful I got out. I wasn't thankful for him. He's only confused and messed up my life even more. And he'll do the same to you if you let him in!" Dean told her the truth. Melinda put her hands on her hips. "You think he'll hurt me?"

Dean nodded. "I'm damn sure of it, Melinda. And when did this all start? When did you two become such good friends?" Dean loomed over her. Melinda looked away from her. "Is he as godly in bed as I thought?"
Melinda shot a death stare at him. "Why are you doing this to me? There is nothing going on between us." She turned her eyes from him. "I don't love him." She said quietly.

Dean stepped closer to her. He looked at Sam, and smirked, then back down at Melinda. "Now you look me in the eye and say that again. 'Cause I certainly don't believe you." Melinda took a moment to look at him. She paused, wordlessly. Defeated,s he turned away again, walking over past Sam.

"See? You can't do it Mel, you love him. That's weak, you know. Falling for an angel? Please, it would never work out." Dean brought her down. A tear dripped from Melinda's eye, but she quickly caught it in her hand, wiping it away. "Doesn't matter now, Dean. You drove him away. He won't be back. Even if you asked for help, he won't come back."

Dean looked at Sam. Sam looked back sympathetically. He turned to Melinda and put an arm around her shoulder. A long stretch of silence loomed about the motel room. Melinda tried hard to keep herself from crying. She silenced her urge, and the wave of uncried tears went away. Finally she turned back around. Sam looked at her, then at Dean. Poor Sammy, always trying to keep the peace.

"We should get going." He said, rubbing his hand down Melinda's back. Melinda broke away from Sam's arms and grabbed her small duffel bag. "Yeah, let's hurry to our dooms." She said sarcastically. She looked at Dean with sore eyes once more before heading for the door. Dean rolled his eyes at Sam as she passed, then grabbed his things. Sam followed his lead, and together they exited the motel room for the last time. Everyone piled into the impala, and not a word was said as they began to barrel down the highway to New York.

Just then, Melinda remembered something. She had forgotten the flowers from Castiel.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know I made Dean seem like the bad guy, but you know he's not.
He just doesn't want his darling sister getting hurt.